Sustainable Development Fund projects supported in 2005/2006
Ref. No / Project / Applicant / Description / GrantBA.58 / Sustainable Tourism: ‘The Brakes’, Mill Farm, Salhouse / Broadland High School / Funding of transport for a site visit by Year 7 students looking at sustainable alternative uses for an area of woodland. Local opinion, environmental impacts and public access issues will be considered and various proposals will be developed and put on public display. / £150
BA.59 / Broader Energy Choices / Norfolk Environmental Education Service / In-service ‘renewable energy’ training for teachers from 40 Broads schools and energy efficiency training for other staff. The project will involve the Anglia Sustainable Energy Centre and the National Energy Foundation and will provide free ‘renewable energy’ equipment kits for 20 Broads schools. / £12,970
BA.60 / Eco-Rafts Feasibility Study - Phase 2 / Risk & Policy Analysts / Completion of the research begun in BA.41. This will include producing specifications and detailed costings for the rafts, establishing the necessary social enterprise, preparing funding applications and running a seminar for interested parties. / £11,691
BA.61 / Development of Broads Canoe Network / Broads Canoe Hire Association / Part funding of a two year project to re-equip and promote the Broads Canoe Hire Network, establish two new hire centres, develop new tourist routes and produce new guides. The new equipment includes 34 canoes and 15 rowing dinghies. / £25,098
BA.62 / Sustainable Skills Initiative - The Living Marshman / How Hill Trust / A series of courses for up to 2,700 young people a year that will demonstrate and transfer the skills required to manage the Broads eco-system (reed & sedge cutting, thatching, reed & willow weaving etc.). / £9,451
BA.63 / Trial of Bio-diesel in Broads Hire Craft / Broads Hire Boat Federation / A two year trial to test the suitability of bio-diesel as a fuel for the Broads hire fleet. 35 boats will be run on 100% bio-diesel - a locally produced, recycled fuel - and the results compared with 35 ‘control’ boats run on ‘red’ diesel. The SDF grant will mainly be used to cover the price differential between the two fuels. / £25,728
BA.64 / Water for Life / Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association / Part funding of an interactive educational stand promoting the sustainable use of water. The stand will form part of the 2005 Norfolk Show’s ‘Schools Trail’ and will be visited by up to 6,000 young people. / £1,000
BA.65 / Environmental Citizenship Project - Phase 2 / Norfolk Wildlife Trust / Development of an Environmental Citizenship course that will be ‘trial’ delivered to 10 Broads Schools from the classroom restored in Phase 1 (BA.52). The courses are complementary to Norfolk’s LfS2 programme and are supported by ‘Broad Futures’. / £10,000
BA.66 / Club ’99 visit to How Hill / Club ’99 Summer Playscheme / Part funding of a visit to How Hill by 21 special children who are deemed to be at risk or otherwise disadvantaged. The visit will be based around a How Hill environmental education course. / £162
BA.67 / Footsteps of the Future / Suffolk Wildlife Trust / Development and free delivery to 20 Broads schools of EfS1 courses designed to increase children’s understanding of energy conservation, waste minimisation and ‘food miles’ and help them develop the knowledge and skills required to make positive lifestyle choices. / £7,000
BA.68 / New Sensory Garden / Fairhaven Garden Trust / Creation of as sensory garden with wheelchair access so that elderly visitors and those with disabilities or impaired vision can enjoy many of the features of the 180 acre main garden and feel and smell specially selected plants without having to travel far from the car park and visitor centre. / £5,000
BA.69 / Sailing Instructor Training Bursaries / The Horstead Centre / A two year project to subsidise the cost of RYA assistant instructor training for 12 young and/or unwaged people. Once trained the new instructors will teach the art of keelboat sailing to young people on Horstead multi-activity holidays. / £2,500
BA.70 / Broaden your Horizons / Move On East (formerly the Norfolk Association for the Care & Resettlement of Offenders (ACRO) / Majority funding of an initiative that will establish links between Move on East, Norfolk Probation Service, BTCV, the Wildlife Trusts and the Broads Authority (among others) and introduce young ex-offenders to the Broads and to some of the skills required to manage the Broads environment. / £8,010
BA.71 / Fuel Cell Project / Woods Dyke Boatyard / An innovative project to trial the use of small hydrogen fuel cells as an automatic battery charging facility on Broads boats - on their own or in conjunction with photovoltaic solar panels. / £2,200
BA.72 / Activ-8 Canoes / Activ-8 Adventure / Replacement of old or unsuitable canoes by new equipment that will be used to introduce people of all ages and abilities to canoeing in the Broads. Those benefiting will include young people in school or community groups and those who are disabled or otherwise disadvantaged. / £3,814
BA.73 / Effective Solar Boating / Creative Marine / Part funding of a project to test the viability of converting a production model 21’ electric launch to solar/electric propulsion and to share the results of this research with other interested parties. / £7,107
BA.74 / Greening the Park / Green Business UK / Majority funding for two elements of what will be a pilot Green Tourism Business Scheme in the Broads - specifically, two technical seminars/workshops for Broads tourism businesses and the production and distribution of 1,000 free Green Guidance handbooks. / £12,950
BA.75 / Renewable Energy Project / Sutton First School / Funding of a small wind turbine installation that will power nest box cameras in the school/community’s new wildlife garden. The turbine will also be used as a resource during LfS2 classroom work on renewable energy - itself linked to BA.17/45 Broad Futures and BA.59 Broader Energy Choices. / £2,143
BA.76 / Dual Fuel Project / Woods Dyke Boatyard / A unique and innovative project to trial the use of a combined LPG/bio-diesel fuel in Broads hire craft and thereby demonstrate that significant reductions in fuel consumption, harmful emissions and maintenance are possible together with increased engine performance and longevity. / £6,000
BA.77 / Waveney Sailability2006 / Waveney Sailability Trust / Part funding of a Rotary project, which offers sailing instruction for people with disabilities and provides affordable opportunities for them to continue to sail. The 2006 project includes new boats, RYA training for Waveney Sailability’s own instructors and promotion of the scheme via displays, leaflets and a website. / £6,750