Colquitt County Schools Federal Programs
Title I CLIP (Comprehensive LEA Implementation Plan)
August 1, 2015
2:00 PM
Berlin Social Hall
Meeting Agenda
- Introductions and Welcome
- Consolidated Local Implementation Plan
- System Parent Involvement Policy
- Schoolwide Plans
- Parents Right to Know – Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications
- Complaints Procedures
- Fraudulent Activity
- Federal Programs
- Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth
- Title I, Part A
- Title I, Part C
- Title II, part A
- Title III
- Title VI
- CCRPI information
- Questions/Comments
July 24, 2015
All parents of students enrolled in the Colquitt County School System are invited to review the Colquitt County School System CLIP and other various parent involvement documents and agenda items including:
- Consolidated Local Implementation Plan
- System Parent Involvement Policy
- Schoolwide Plans
- Parents Right to Know – Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications
- Complaints Procedures
- Fraudulent Activity
- Federal Programs
- Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth
- Title I, Part A
- Title I, Part C
- Title II, part A
- Title III
- Title VI
- CCRPI information
These documents can be located on our Federal Programs website at
The meeting will be held on Saturday, August 1, 2015 at the Berlin Social Hall. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact: Federal Programs Director, James Harrell at 229-890-6230 () or Parent Involvement Director, Darlene Reynolds, 229-890-6231 ()
Colquitt County Schools Federal Programs
Title I CLIP (Comprehensive LEA Implementation Plan)
August 1, 2015
2:00 PM
Berlin Social Hall
Meeting Minutes
- Introductions and Welcome – Darlene Reynolds, Parent Involvement Director
- Consolidated Local Implementation Plan – Stakeholders were given an overview of the Colquitt County CLIP. A PowerPoint was shared with information and discussion points.
- System Parent Involvement Policy (see copy)
- Schoolwide Plans – Stakeholders were given information on how to gain access to their school’s improvement plan. Contact information for the schools were given out. Once updates are complete, these will also be on each school’s website as well as the Federal Programs webpage.
- Parents Right to Know – Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications
- Complaints Procedures – copies given to each person present and the process reviewed.
- Fraudulent Activity – copies were given to each person present and the process reviewed. Information on complaints and fraudulent activity can be found on the Federal Programs website.
- Federal Programs
- Title I, Part A
- Title I, Part C
- Title II, part A
- Title III
- Title VI
- CCRPI information – The data for the FY15 schoolyear is not currently available. However, based on FY14 data, three of our elementary schools have been identified as Focus Schools.
- Homeless/Unaccompanied Youth – Mrs. Denise Pope is our Homeless Liaison and works with making sure the needs of this group of students are met.
- Questions/Comments – There were no questions from the group.