By - Seth Williams
Adaptation for High School by-Georginia Uribe
Primary Subject - Language Arts
Secondary Subjects -
Grade Level - 2-3 Followed by adaptation for high school
Materials: Enough Hershey kisses for every student, two pieces of paper, and pencil or pen.
The purpose of this writing assignment is to teach the students to write about sensory details, and express their minds about the way they look at things. It's a good idea to use on Valentine's Day.
Directions: Pass every student in your class a Hershey's Kiss. Set the Kiss down on their desks, and tell the student's not to touch the Kiss, to leave it exactly where you placed it.
Next tell the students to imagine that they have never seen the piece of candy before and have never heard of a Hershey's Kiss before.
Then have the students "Free Write" about what the device sat on their desk looks like to them, except a piece of candy.
Next have the students to pick the object up, without opening it up, and on the same "free write" page, and " free write" about what the object feels like to them.
Then have the students open the substance up and place it in their mouth and without writing "it tastes like chocolate" "free write" about what it felt like, and tasted like in their mouth.
On the next sheet of paper, have the students put their free writing into a paragraph, or essay.
After their paragraphs are written, go around the room and let the students share what they thought the object placed on their desks looked, felt, and tasted like to them.
High School Adaptation: Instead of a paragraph, have students construct a well-developed essay. The in-class writing is their rough draft. For homework the students revise the essay and polish for publication.
Standard 1: The student uses writing processes effectively.
1. Selects and uses appropriate prewriting strategies, such as brainstorming, graphic organizers, and outlines.
2. Drafts and revises writing that: is focused, purposeful, and reflects insight into the writing situation; has an organizational pattern that provides for a logical progression of ideas; has effective use of transitional devices that contribute to a sense of completeness; has support that is substantial, commitment to and involvement with the subject; uses creative writing strategies as appropriate to the purposes of the paper; demonstrates a mature command of language with freshness of expression; has varied sentence structure; has few, if any, convention errors in mechanics, usage, punctuation, and spelling.
3. Produces final documents that have been edited for: correct spelling; correct punctuation, including commas, colons, and common use of semicolons; correct capitalization; correct sentence formation; correct instances of possessives, subject/verb agreement, instances of noun/pronoun agreement, and the intentional use of fragments for effect; and correct formatting that appeals to readers, including appropriate use of a variety of graphics, tables, charts, and illustrations in both standard and innovative forms.
Students will construct a rough draft essay using sensory detail.
Students will create a polished final essay for publication.
“Hershey Kiss Paragraph.” Lesson Plans 2007 HotChalk.INC. 13 Feb 2007. <>.