Our Program

March 6, 2007

Rotarian Pete Sercer will introduce our guest speaker today,Mr. Raul Fernandez-y-Carreras, Site Manager of Michelin North America, Inc., located in Lexington, SC.

Raul is in charge of both Michelin tire plants in Lexington.One of the plantsmakes regular Michelin tires and the other plant makes gigantic tires, some costing $125,000 or more each.

Raul is also working with Midlands Tech President Sonny White to promote Engineering Technology jobs. He is a member of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, a former and prospective Rotarian.

Membership Proposal:

The club Membership Committee, and the Board of Directors, have approved the following prospective member:

Sally Conner, Owner of Floor Coverings, International, Irmo. She is proposed by Glen Parsons and her classification will be Floor Coverings-Retail.Please respond via email only if you have an objection, or need additional information.

Thank you,

Dalton Sheppard Co-Chair

Membership Committee


Ttoall Team Leaders and Members.You havea few weeksremaining for Team Members to propose one new member and earn500 points (that's $500.00 folks)credit toward becoming a Paul Harris Fellow. The Team Leaders havean opportunity to win a weekend vacation trip to the SC coast, NC mountains, or Lake Murray.

Members, pleasegive all membershipproposals toeither Ron Althoff, Jim Moore, DanVismor or Dalton Sheppard. This will help expedite the process, andhelp to keep our "membership drive alive".

We want to identify, so thatappropriate recognition can be given to,all members who have one year, or more, perfect attendance. Youshould calculate the number of years that you have, thenread aloud, "The Four-Way Test, and then notify attendance chairman Larry Scottof the number ofconsecutive years. Larry can be contacted at , telephone 798-9630. Please do this as soon as possible.

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The cost of war

By Dan NixonRotary International News

A 2005-06 Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship has given Alissa Nicole Creamer and others a close-up look at how people recover from the ravages of war.

While studying documentary filmmaking in Spain at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, the 35-year-old U.S. scholar also participated in a project supported by 60 Spanish Rotary clubs to fund the rehabilitation of child victims of land mine explosions. Nearly every day for three months, Creamer visited with two Angolan children at a local hospital -- Romeo, 10, and Cassinda, 6 -- who had undergone surgery and received prosthetics. In the process, she got to know their life stories.

“I am directing a documentary film about [them], their time in Barcelona, and their fate that follows,” says Creamer, who was sponsored by the Rotary clubs of Southeast Portland and Portland Metropolitan, both in Oregon, USA. “It is about the human capacity to maintain hope and the courage to build dreams in the most extraordinary of circumstances.”

Creamer undertook the project as part of her master’s degree studies, which she will complete in February 2007. She is continuing to work on the film in Angola and Spain. When she first arrived in Angola, she found the children had inadequate access to food, water, and shelter. She worked with the Castellers de Barcelona, an organization dedicated to preserving traditional Catalan culture, to assist the children. The Castellers donated funds for Creamer to oversee the construction of a house and well for Romeo’s family and purchase land for Cassinda’s family to grow vegetables for sale. Creamer is now seeking funding to provide an education for the children.

While in Angola, Creamer attended a Rotary conference that joined Rotarians and Rotaractors from seven Portuguese-speaking nations. She will present her experiences with the children and the challenges they face in postwar Angola to Rotarians in her host and sponsor districts -- 2210 (Spain) and 5100 (parts of Oregon and Washington, USA) -- as well as schoolchildren in Spain and the United States.

“I am confident that I am demonstrating a commitment to Rotary ideals -- furthering peace and cultural tolerance -- through the work that I produce,” Creamer says.

This story will appear in the April 2007 issue of Rotary World. Alissa’s photo gallery for The Cost of War is available on the Rotary website.

(Reprinted from )

Rotary Club of St. Andrew’s – Columbia

P. O. Box 21994 Columbia, SC 29221

Rotary International Officers

President………………………..Bill BoydPresident Elect………………………..

Vice President………………….Treasurer…………………………….

Governor, District 7770…………………Bernie Riedel

Officers and Committees 2006-2007

President……………………..David WrightClub Service B…………………..Cheryl Poss

President Elect……………...Didier NobelsPrograms………………………….Pete Sercer

Secretary……………………..Don ZelenkaFellowship………………………...Greg Moore

Treasurer……………………Steve ShafferClub Bulletins/Information…...Blaney Pridgen

Sergeant-at-Arms……..Henry StroheckerPublic Relations/Publicity…..Alan Shoemaker

Immediate Past Pres………….Ed CarneyHealth & Happiness………………..

Board Members: Dalton Sheppard, Ernie Yarborough,CART Fund…………………………...Doug Lail

Blaney Pridgen, Cheryl Poss, Jim BullTEN STAR Program………...Dalton Sheppard

Polio Eradicatn/Happy Dollar…..Glen Parsons

Club Service A………….Dalton SheppardCommunity Service……….Ernie Yarborough

Attendance……………………...Larry ScottClub Projects………………………

Classification……………………Ron AlthoffStudent Guests……………………

Membership……………………..Jim MooreHistorian………………………….Glen Parsons

Membership Dev………………Dan VismorInteract……………………………..Pete Sercer

Magazine…………………………Doug LailStudent Scholarships…………………Jim Bull

Sergeant-at-Arms………..Henry StoheckerInternational Service………..Blaney Pridgen

Chaplin……………………...Blaney PridgenRotary Foundation…………………Jim Derrick

Youth Exchange…………………Didier Nobels

Dam Run:David Wright, Trey Smoak, Ernie YarboroughAmbassador Scholarships:James Burkhard, Don Zelenka

Registration……………Ernie Yarborough, Jack GrimesGroup Study Exchange……………….Bill Hunt

Publicity……………………….David Ruple, Trey SmoakGift of Life………………………….Phil Steudel

Fund Raising……………………………Dalton SheppardVocational Service……………………Jim Bull

Website Committee…..Don Zelenka, Steve Shaffer, Ken CorbettFour Way Test……………….Dalton Sheppard

Awards…………………………………..Jim Bull

Past Club Presidents

1975Michael MeGhee1985-86James H. Derrick 1996-97 Ron Shive

1976-77Roger Hicks1986-87Randy Hodge 1997-98 Faith Reynolds

1977-78Ellis Hay1987-88David Jordan 1998-99 Lee Caulder

1978-79Donald Wooly1988-89Scott Brawley 1999-00 Gary Hogue

1979-80Dalton Sheppard1989-90Gerald Beckham 2000-01 John Stickney

1980-81Jeter Rhodes, Jr.1990-91Pete Sercer 2001-02 Don Zelenka

1981-82Glen Parsons1991-92David K. Ness 2002-03 George T. Head

1982-83Bill Kennedy, Jr.1992-93Larry Scott 2003-04 Marino Rodriquez

1983-84William J. Hunt1993-94Paul Coffman 2004-05 Dennis McMahon

1984-85Alan Shoemaker1994-95Jack Wilson 2005-06 Ed Carney

1995-96John Eckstrom

Columbia Area Rotary Club Meetings

1. Mon 1:00 PM Columbia Seawells near Fairgrounds 9. Thurs7:30 AM Chapin Sunrise Irmo/Capin Rec

2. Tues 7:15 AM Eau Claire N. Main St. Café (Deli) 10. Thurs7:30 AM Lexington Lexington Cntry Club

3. Tues 1:00 PM Cayce/W. Cola Carolina Wings 11. Thurs7:30 AM Blythewod University Club

4. Tues 1:00 PM St. Andrews Westminster Presbyterian Church 12. Thurs 1:00 PM Spring Valley Wildwood Manor

5. Tues 5:30 PM Vista Night Damon’s, Downtown 13. Fri 7:30 AM Metro Holiday Inn, I26 &US1

6. Wed 7:30 AM Capitol Palmetto Club, 1231 Sumter St. 14. Fri 1:00 PM Five Points Rosewoods

7. Wed 7:30 AM Lake Murray/Irmo Cotton House

8. Wed 1:00 PM Forest Acres Rockbridge Country Club