Title:Behind the Scenes – The personal journey of the Shell Rimula film crew(English version)

Duration: 3:23minutes


This short film follows a camera crew as they capture the inspiring lives of truck drivers around the world.

Shell Rimula Film Transcript:

{Background sound}

Slow, thoughtful, moving music plays throughout the film.


A vast and empty field. A single bird flies across the darkened sky.


A large truck drives along an open road against a hilly and barren grassland. It heads towards the sunrise.




The camera focuses on a steering wheel.


One of the hardest and most dangerous jobs on the road.


The camera zooms out on the man who is driving. He wears a bodywarmer and looks around at the snowy landscape.


Shot of the blue truck driving on an empty road in a snow-laden setting. The sky is grey.


Truckers drive long hours from one point to another.


The camera zooms back onto a steering wheel. A different man is driving.


Overcoming tough terrains and many unforeseen hurdles.


A red truck drives down an empty road against a mountainous landscape.


An older man with a greying beard stands in front of a brightly coloured truck staring into the camera. He wears an untidy beige shirt and trousers.


Many remain away from their homes and families for weeks and months…


Another man stands in front of a red truck. He stares into the camera with his mouth slightly ajar. He wears a worn green top.


Two different men wearing oily jeans and once-white shirts, stand in front of a truck with their arms up against its battered bonnet. They stare at the camera.


A night-time scene with a single truck driving towards the camera. Streetlights illuminate the way. Ships and containers are in the background.


…facing many challenges along the way.


The camera focuses on the driver through the window. It is raining.


A single truck drives along a dark and empty road at dawn. A beautiful red glow marks the horizon.The sun is about to rise.


A man in a blue shirt writes in a small notebook.


Business owners and fleet managers do everything they can to make sure their trucks are in the best condition for the safety of the drivers.


The man in the blue shirt walks out of a box-strewn warehouse with his notebook in hand. It is night.


The camera faces the man’s back as he looks out onto a number of parked trucks. One drives past. The sky is dark grey.


A truck drives towards the camera against a dusty pink sky. The landscape is vast and empty. There are hills in the background.


Night time. A truck drives away from the camera in a dark and wooded setting.


It’s hard work and high risk for one real purpose: Their Real Destination.


The same truck in the same wooded setting now drives towards the camera. The sky is lighter and the road is now busier with a number of cars passing.


A cameraman films a man holding some incense up to a truck that has been decorated with brightly coloured garlands. The background is obscured by smoke from burning incense.


Real Destinations is the new global campaign for Shell Rimula.


We see the brightly decorated truck front on. It is night time. A man sits inside and the interior lights shine brightly.


Two men sit talking to each other inside a truck. The seats are covered in patterned cloth and blankets.


A smiling man wearing a grey baseball cap uses a cloth to clean the windscreen of a truck.


While he cleans, the driver sits inside the cab behind the steering wheel paying little attention.


A project that started more than a year ago…


A car is pulled up on the side of the road whilst a man and a woman wearing high-vis jackets adjust a camera drone. The logo on their vehicle reads: Birds Eye Productions’. The background is vast and empty.


Three men look up at the camera drone that is now flying against the yellow sky as a large truck passes by.


…to celebrate the hard work truckers and their managers


In another setting five men stand around a film camera. They are wrapped up warm wearing hats and coats. The landscape is barren – flat, dry grassland with hills in the background.


…put in every day in pursuit of their dreams.


A number of happy Indian children run towards each other in an alleyway smiling and throwing coloured powder at each other. They are followed by a film crew.


The camera now shows this same scene from a different angle. Coloured powder now covers the floor and fills the air.


From India…


A night time scene at a port where a number of trucks wait in the background whilst a container is moved.




A snowy landscape showing three men drilling a hole in thick ice. The sky is pink.




The camera focuses on an older man wearing a baseball cap driving a truck.


…and the US.


From above we see a truck drive along an empty road sided by trees.


A homely village scene with a couple of bungalows in the background. A number of people stand talking by two silver cars.


Individuals welcomed us into their homes…


A number of men crowd a living room with film equipment.


A truck driver in a blue shirt sits in an armchair talking to the film crew.


…and their lives.


Another truck driver smiles as he shakes hands with a man in a warm coat and hat.

{Background sound}

Happy chatter and laughter


One man, a woman and a teenage boy look at the camera smiling, talking and laughing.


(Teenage boy): ‘Welcome to my house’


A smiling woman sits with a man lying against her. He isholding a baby who is grinning at them. In the background light streams through the window into the dark room.


We met their wives…


A man wearing jeans and a pale blue shirt walks away from the camera towards a number of yellow school buses that are parked against a bright blue sky.


…kids and community…


We now see this man in the company of several school-aged children. He is motioning his arms as if to demonstrate something to them.


A different scene shows two cameramen recording a man, child and woman walking through a landscape of open grassland. The sky is pale blue against a hilly backdrop and the sun is beginning to rise in the far right corner of the shot.


…bringing us along on their journey.


It is night-time and three men stand around a large fire in a snowy landscape. In the distance there are hills.


…as they shared their stories…


We now see the three men close up. Their bodies are illuminated by the large fire that flickers in the foreground. They are chatting and smiling to each other.


…of where they come from…


A number of different men stand in a house wearing warm coats. Three of them stand in the foreground chatting to each other. The one in the middle wears a hat and has a camera slung over his shoulder.


…how they became truckers…


A girl wearing glasses sits smiling as she eats a plate of food with chopsticks. Through the window behind her it is dark outside and a number of lights shine brightly.


…and most importantly, why they work so hard.


We now see this girl from behind. She is in a busy restaurant with her mother, father and brother. They are all smiling as they eat their food.


A close-up shot of a man kneeling beside a number of brightly coloured paint pots. He holds a brush in one hand and wears a plastic glove in the other.


We now see this man from behind as he paints blue writing on the front of his truck. He is wearing a green and white striped top.


(Director) All the truckers were so humble…


A man stands holding a camera up to take a photo. There are two trucks in the background.


(Director)…and inspiring.


We now see that the cameraman is taking a photo of a local man standing in front of two trucks. He is wearing a long beige shirt, black trousers and sandals. A boy watches on.


(Director)They are just incredible.


The director stands talking directly to the camera. He is wearing a khaki-coloured coat and a hat. It is night time and several lights shine in the background.


Patrick Fileti, Director


(Director)From interviewing them and getting to know them better, them inviting us to their homes…


We see a man looking through a small screen at the scene he has filmed. On the screen a woman is smiling.


(Director)…You can’t meet more wonderful people.

{Background sound} A banging noise of people setting up equipment and film sets


We see that the small screen is propped up in a room and that the cameraman is not alone but is watching the scene together with a woman and man. They are smiling and talking as they watch the scene back. There is a large world map on one wall.


(Director)They really touched my heart, even though we don’t speak the same language.


A truck is parked up in front of a local restaurant. It is night-time and the building is brightly lit up by red neon signage.


(Director)It’s really humbling to work…


A man slides a camera along metal rails as another watches. They are in the restraurant. The room is dark and there is a TV screen on the back wall.


(Director)…in the film industry with the real people.


A lone man sits at a table in the restaurant. He faces towards the camera.


We see the camera crew filming the man sitting in the restaurant.


(Director)You can’t get this experience…


A camera focuses on a pile of paper print-outs.


We see the three men holding the papers and discussing them. They are outside wearing warm clothes. The sky is grey behind them.


(Director)…this kind of film-making with actors.


A man and woman walk through a parking lot. The man holds a baby in his arms, wrapped in a brightly coloured pink coat.


(Director)Their reaction.


The woman smiles as she holds the baby up while waving at a large truck.


(Director)Their stories.


A man sits in the driving seat waving back to the woman and baby in the pink coat.


(Director) Talking about family.


From behind we see the camera crew who are filming this scene between the mother, father and child.


(Director)And their home.


We see the Director at a different scene. It is night-time and he is at a dockyard filming a stationary truck. There are a number of shipping containers in the background.


(Director)And the road.


The camera zooms in on the Director at the busy dockyard. A truck drives past and containers are being moved.


(Director)It’s been overwhelming.


Again we see theDirector talking directly to the camera. He is wearing a khaki-coloured coat and a hat. It is night-time and several lights shine in the background.


(Director)It’s been a real eye-opener.


The camera pans across a parking lot where a number of yellow school buses are parked against a bright blue sky.


A man stands with his camera hung over his shoulder.


We see the camera crew filming a man in a blue shirt as he walks out towards the yellow school buses.


From 40 degrees Celsius…


An empty road in a snowy scene. The horizon is pink.


…to minus 20…


A large white truck drives across this snowy landscape.


…we ventured into far-flung places…


A different scene where the camera crew stand in an expansive grassland filming large sparklers that shine brightly against the dark landscape.


…of extreme conditions.


A camera crew filming in a snowy setting. A number of them are wearing high-vis jackets. They walk towards a large fire. In the background there are hills in the distance.


Braving the cold…


A vast snowy scene. There are trees in the foreground and hills in the distance. The sky is a dramatic mix of deep pinks and purples.


…on barren, frozen lakes…


The camera crew watch a number of men haul heavy sacks onto the back of a truck.


…discovering the tough…


The camera crew run along an alleyway capturing children as they throw brightly coloured powder at each other.


…yet colourful lives in every country.


A large red truck drives around a narrow corner.


Capturing courage and skills…


An empty winding mountain road.


…as we faced treacherous winding roads.


Behind the foreground of two silhouettes a laptop screen plays back one of the scenes with a truck driver.


Working together with different native teams…


We now see that it is the Director who is sitting behind the computer screen. He is smiling and pointing. He is joined by two women who sit on either side of him. They are outside and wearing warm clothes.


…across various languages


From another angle we see that there are a number of other people crowded around the screen to watch the film.


…and cultures…


A man is lying down holdinga baby up to his face and kissing her forehead. Light streams into the room through the window behind them.


…to achieve a global appreciation…


A different man wearing a leather jacket walks through a pair of doors into a rainy night. He closes the doors behind him.


…Of what they go through every day.


A man drives his truck. The bright sun shines through his the side window. The sky beyond is grey.


It is only when we put ourselves behind the wheel…


The camera crew follow a man as he walks towards a pair of doors.


….and in their shoes…


From behind we see the man open the doors.


…we can better understand…


Two girls stand wearing traditional Indian saris as they help to dress a woman in a beautiful red outfit.


The girl smiles as she is being dressed.


…their needs and personal desires.


A camera crew stand together by a man who sits huddled with a child. The landscape is vast and empty.


This is what inspires us…


Two men embrace. They are wearing warm coats.One wears a hat.


Every day.


A number of happy people gather in a snowy setting. They are all dressed warm.Some laugh,looking directly at the camera.


…to work as hard as them.


A truck driver wearing a leather jacket closes the door of his red truck. It is night-time and there are several lights shining on the horizon.


To innovate and create the best products


He shines the torch under the truck.


To keep their trucks safe…


A shipping container is lifted downwards.


…and functioning right.


A mountainous scene. A red truck can be spotted in the distance driving along the road. The sky is grey.


Because ultimately…


An expansive and empty landscape. The land wrappedheavily in snow and a single white truck drives along the road that stretches out towards the pink horizon and the hills beyond.


…it is not just about getting goods…


From behind we see two boys looking out onto a cityscape. A truck approaches.