TITLE AND NUMBER: Consent to Search AL-65

TYPE OF DOCUMENT: Microsoft Word

PURPOSE AND USE: To request consent to search from person(s) of property, vehicle, and/or electronic mobile device



DISPOSITION: Maintain with case file if required


AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Agent’s case file if required

NOTES: Agents will request consent to search form be signed only from person(s) authorized/allowed to grant consent to search of property or vehicle

Completion Instructions:

  1. Printed name: First, middle and last name(s) of persons authorized / allowed to grant consent to search property or vehicles
  1. Law enforcement officer(s): First and last name(s) of the law enforcement officer(s) requesting the consent to search
  1. Property: Describe the property to be searched
  1. Vehicle: Record all information concerning vehicle to be searched
  1. Make: Manufacturer of the vehicle, (ex. Ford, Chevrolet or Honda, etc)
  1. Model: Model of the vehicle, (ex.. Mustang, Blazer or Accord, etc)
  1. Vehicle type: Type of vehicle (ex. car, truck, etc)
  1. Color: Color of vehicle
  1. License number: Vehicle’s registration number
  1. Year: Model year of the vehicle
  1. State: State which issued the vehicle registration number
  1. VIN: Vehicle Identification Number of the vehicle
  1. Manufacturer: Manufacturer of the electronic mobile device (ex. Apple, Samsung, Motorola, etc)
  1. Model: Manufacturer’s model of the device (ex. iPhone 6s, Droid Mini, Galaxy s7, etc)
  1. Telephone Number: Mobile number associated with the device by the cellular provider (if applicable)
  1. Date: Month, day and year
  1. Time: Time consent to search form is signed
  1. Signature: Signature of person giving consent to search
  1. Witness: Signature of person witnessing the consent to search (if present)