Fluid Flashcards

1.  What are the two body fluid compartments in your body? / Intracellular & Extracellular
2.  Where is the intracellular fluid located? / Inside the cells
What fluid compartments are extracellular? / Interstitial, Plasma & Transcellular
3.  Where is interstitial fluid found? / Between cells
4.  Where is transcellular fluid found? / In joints, mucous, GI tract secretions, etc.
5.  Which is the largest body fluid compartment? / Intracellular fluid
6.  Which is the largest extracellular body fluid compartment? / Interstitial
7.  Which is the smallest body fluid compartment? / Transcellular
8.  If you manipulate one body fluid compartment, does it have an effect on another compartment? / Yes
9.  What is always similar about every body fluid compartment in the body? / Each compartment has the same number of particles dissolved in the water
10.  What can be different about each body fluid compartment? / Its size, volume and composition.
11.  If one body fluid compartment is larger than another, will they have different volumes, compositions, and particles dissolved in water? / They will have different volumes
They may or may not have different compositions (how much of each type of particle)
They will have the same number of particles dissolved in water (same osmolality)
12.  Does size or composition (of the particles dissolved in the water) affect the number of particles dissolved in the water of each body compartment? / No, size or composition does not affect the number of particles dissolved in water.
13.  How many particles per million are dissolved in each liter of water (milliosmoles) are in each compartment? / 300 million particles (or 300 milliosmoles, abbreviated 300 mOsm) per liter of water.
What is the osmolarity of body fluid compartments? / 300 mOsm
That means 300 million particles per liter (300 million osmoles) or described as having an osmolarity of 300 mOsm.
14.  If one compartment has more particles than another one next to it, and if those particles cannot reach equal numbers on their own because the cell membrane blocks their passage, how will the water react? / The water will travel in the direction necessary to dilute the compartment with the higher number of particles until they are at the same number of particles per liter.
15.  Does water always move across the compartments? Why? / Yes, because cell membranes always allow water to pass.
16.  Do body fluid compartments have the same composition (types of particles per liter)? / No, the composition varies. For example, one compartment may have 76% sodium, 12% glucose, and 12% glucose, while another compartment has 76% potassium, 12% glucose, and 12% potassium
17.  Do body fluid compartments have the same volumes? / No, the volume varies
18.  Do body fluid compartments have the same osmolalities (number of particles per liter)? / Yes, the osmolality is the same, regardless of the volume
19.  What is a law of physics that states all particles want to move from an area of high concentration to low concentration? / Diffusion
20.  Which direction does water want to move? / High concentration to low concentration
21.  If I have two identical cups of water, and I add 20tsp of lemonade to one cup and 10 tsp. of lemonade to the other cup which one is more concentrated with lemonade? / The one with 20tsp of lemonade is more concentrated because it has the most particles.
22.  Which cup is more concentrated with water? / The cup with 10tsp of lemonade is more concentrated with water because it has fewer particles of lemonade.
23.  Diffusion: If these two solutions were in body compartments next to each other, and the particles cannot move from their area of high concentration to low concentration, which way will water move? / Water will move from its area of high concentration to low concentration. (From the cup with 10tsp of lemonade to the cup with 20tsp of lemonade).
24.  What does the saying “particles suck” mean? / With two given solutions water will diffuse towards the substance containing more particles. Therefore, the compartment with the most particles will suck the water in
25.  In the case where the plasma has 260 mOsm (260 particles per liter) and the nearby cells have 300 mOsm, will the cells will draw the water into themselves, or will the plasma draw water into the blood vessel? / The compartment with more particles (the cells) will suck the water in. Therefore, water will move from the plasma to the adjacent cells.
26.  When particles cannot diffuse down their concentration gradient because the cell membrane blocks them, what will move, in order to dilute the cells? / Water! This is because cells with more particles will suck the water in to dilute their particle concentration.
27.  What will happen to the cells when they suck up too much water? / The cells will lyse (rupture.)
28.  How many liters can a kidney filter per hour? / 1L
29.  What was the problem the young mother eventually passed away from during the water drinking contest? / She drank 3L of water/hour and your kidney is only able to filter 1L per hour. The excess water in the plasma moved into her brain cells, rupturing them.
30.  When the plasma is too dilute, where will the extra water go? / Water will leave the bloodstream and enter the tissues where there is a higher concentration of solutes.
31.  If the particles in cells are at a higher mOsm compared to the particles in the nearby blood vessels, which way do the PARTICLES want to move? Will they be able to move? / The particles will WANT to move from the cells to the blood vessel, but they cannot move
32.  If the particles in cells are at a higher mOsm compared to the particles in the nearby blood vessels, which way does WATER want to move? Will it be able to move? / The water wants to move from the blood vessel into the cells, and yes, it can move
33.  In a person who is overhydrated, will the person initially have more water in their plasma or in their cells? / The person will initially have more water in their PLASMA than in their cells.
34.  In a person who is overhydrated, will the mOsm of their plasma be high or low? / Low
35.  In a person who is overhydrated, will their plasma’s osmolality now be greater than 300 mOsm (more concentrated) in particles or less than 300 mOsm (more diluted) in particles? / The plasma will have a lower osmolality than 300 mOsm (more diluted) in particles due to the increase of water ingested.
36.  If the plasma is now below 300 mOsm and the surrounding cell are still at 300 mOsm, in what direction will the water diffuse? / The cells will draw in water from the plasma.
37.  What will happen to the cells as they draw in more water? / The cells will enlarge and eventually rupture.
38.  In order to counteract the effects of overhydration, should the person be given an IV that is hypertonic (greater than 300 mOsm) or hypotonic (less than 300 mOsm)? / Hypertonic (greater than 300 mOsm)
39.  Why should an overhydrated person be given an IV that is hypertonic (greater than 300 mOsm)? / Since the plasma is diluted below 300 mOsm because of the extra water consumed, a hypertonic (greater than 300 mOsm) IV is given in order to raise the number of particles in the plasma so that it will once again balance and match the number of particles in the cells.
40.  Patient recovering from bacterial infection has been suffering with diarrhea. He has not been able to eat or drink anything. Low BP=70/40, High Pulse-110bpm.
Do you give an iv solution that is hyper, hypo, or isotonic? Why? / •  Give Isotonic solution (ringers solution).
•  The person has a high pulse rate and low blood pressure.
•  Since the person is severely dehydrated, but the water loss and particle loss are equal (diarrhea or vomiting) you do not want to overhydrate the cells with a hypotonic solution and you don't want to make the dehydration worse by giving him a hypertonic solution, thus you give him an isotonic solution.
41.  Patient, age 24, has been suffering from food poisoning with vomiting and diarrhea. He has been drinking a lot of plain water, not Gaitoraid or Pedialite. Skin and mucous membranes are dry, and he's complaining of a headache. Heart rate is normal, but he has high BP=200/120 (he is hypertensive).
Do you give an iv solution that is hyper, hypo, or isotonic? Why? / •  The person has hypotonic dehydration, so give a hypertonic solution.
•  He has excess solute loss from GI distress, while replacing it with plain water. His plasma fluid has more water than particles, water moves from the plasma to the interstitial space, and then into the cells. This can lead to shock.
•  The headache is from the brain cells swelling from the excess water they have absorbed.
•  He should have replaced the electrolytes by drinking something like Gaitoraid or Pedialite.
42.  If a patient is hypertensive (high blood pressure) and dehydrated, what type of IV solution does he need? / •  Hypotonic. If you give him hypertonic or isotonic, his blood pressure would go up more.
43.  A 35 year old patient recovering from food poisoning has been vomiting and eating only Saltine crackers. She has a moderately rapid pulse and moderately low blood pressure
Do you give an iv solution that is hyper, hypo, or isotonic? Why? / •  She has a hypertonic fluid deficit, so she needs a hypotonic solution.
The salty crackers replaced the sodium lost from GI distress, but the salt replacement exceeded the water replacement, so her plasma is hypertonic
44.  How much of your body weight is from water? / Answer: 60%. Water is the most abundant substance in the body.
45.  Calculate the weight of a person weighing 150lbs into kg. / Divide in pounds by 2.2
150/ 2.2 = 68kg
46.  Once you know someone’s weight in kg, how to you calculate how much of their weight is water? / Formula: #kg x 0.6
Example: 150 lbs divided by 2.2 = 68kg
68kg x 0.6 = 40.8 liters of water
47.  What has the highest extracellular fluid to intracellular fluid concentration ratio for most mammalian cells? / Sodium
48.  Outside of cells (in the plasma), there is a high concentration of which particles? What particles are low in concentration? / High in sodium and calcium
Low in potassium and proteins
49.  Inside of each cells, there is a high concentration of which particles, and a low concentration of which particles? / High in potassium and proteins, low in sodium and calcium
50.  Why don’t we want a net gain or loss of fluid across the cell membrane? / The cell will shrink or swell and burst
51.  What keeps the sodium ions from moving down their concentration gradients towards equilibrium? / The cell membrane, it is designed to be semi- permeable and it prevents sodium and other particles from entering the cell.
52.  If you have a cell immersed in pure water, will it shrink or burst? / Particles suck, so pure water will get sucked into the cell until the cell bursts.
53.  Is particle concentration higher in a cell or pure water? / Cell
54.  What particles can cross the cell membrane through simple diffusion, with no channel? / ·  Gases (O2, CO2)
Lipids and lipid-loving (hydrophobic or lipophilic) substances such as alcohol
55.  What are examples of gases that can cross the cell membrane through simple diffusion? / Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide
56.  What is an example of a lipid-loving substance that can cross the cell membrane through simple diffusion? / Alcohol
57.  A “lipid-loving” substance can also be described as what? / Hydrophobic or Lipophilic
58.  What does "Selectively permeable" mean? / Allows some substances to pass but not others
59.  What type of molecules can pass through the membrane without help? / Only molecules that are small, uncharged, or fat soluble
60.  How do they get through? / One of (2) ways:
1.  Passive transport; means that energy (ATP) is not needed
2.  Active transport; means that energy (ATP) is needed
61.  What causes positive feedback to be so dangerous? / It is a vicious cycle that can lead to progressive instability and death. It promotes instability and disease. It is rare in the body, and it has to eventually be stopped with a negative feedback mechanism
62.  Which type of situation is typically associated with positive feedback and how common are they? / Positive feedback is very rare and typically associated with illnesses.
63.  How are positive feedback mechanisms stopped? / Positive feedback mechanisms must eventually be stopped with a negative feedback mechanism.
64.  Which direction does positive feedback follow? / It follows the direction of the deviated variable , and eventually both become too high.
65.  What are three examples of normal positive feedback in the body? / Clotting of blood, pregnancy, and ovulation
66.  What is facilitated diffusion? / ·  Facilitated diffusion is when an ion wants to travel down its concentration gradient, but they have to use a channel in the cell membrane that opens and closes
67.  Does facilitated diffusion require any energy to occur? / No, it is passive transport and does NOT require energy (ATP).
68.  What mechanisms of transport require ATP? / Ion pumps and co-transport
69.  What are the three types of passive transport (do not require ATP)? / Simple Diffusion
Facilitated Diffusion
70.  What is Active Transport? / When a substance needs to move against its concentration gradient (it is moved from an area of LOW concentration on one side of the cell membrane to an area of HIGH concentration on the other side of the cell membrane)