Summer School Program Orientation- CLASSIFIED STAFF


Complete and submit a time card for one hour to insure you are paid for orientation.


Laura Sowinski, Summer School Coordinator, , 849-2063/ 849-2470

·  Work with principals, directors, and secretaries to hire the best people.

·  Provide information and support the overall program.

·  Complete the DPI report. Information on the report is important as it contributes to the district’s revenue.

Ruth Meese, Summer School Admin, , 849-2063

·  Support the overall program

·  Responsible for input and tracking of essential data.

·  Individual you contact when you need a substitute teacher

·  Call 209-5557 to report an absence and request a substitute teacher


·  More than 2200 students participate in a comprehensive and successful remediation and enrichment program.

·  Classes include students from regular and special education programs. In some situations, students may have an assistant assigned to work with them.

·  Some classes may have adult or aides assigned to assist the teacher or individual students.

·  All staff members receive handbooks with relevant information. Handbooks and frequently asked questions are posted online. You are expected to read and know your responsibilities.

·  All schools offer programs.

·  Please visit the school you will be working in.

·  Make a connection with the teacher you are assigned to support. Refer to your contract for details about the class or teacher.

·  Staff directory information is available in the main offices for teachers, assistants, aides, and coordinators.

·  Ask the teacher what s/he expects and need, then offer initiative or leadership traits with class activities or lessons. This is your chance to learn, teach, and shine.

·  The directors and principals are:

Lee DePas, Prairie Elementary Principal 849-2200

Dan Carter, Heritage Elementary Principal * 849-2030

Sheila Weihert, Arboretum Elementary Principal 849-1800

Chris Hetzel, Intermediate School Principal 849-2176

Shelley Weiss, Middle School Principal * 849-2060

Brian Kersten, High School Principal * 849-2100

Kurt Eley, Director of Special Education * 849-2015

Laura Sowinski, Summer School Coordinator * 849-2060/ 849-2063/ 849-2470

*These administrators are scheduled to work during the month of July. The individuals not starred may be available in July, but if not, the other building level principals and directors will be available.

Scenarios: Study and Discuss (Refer to handout)

General Expectations

You are a key to the success of the program. We rely on you to do what is needed, without being asked or prompted.

·  Know your handbook and know the employment information from the summer school website.

·  Be prepared and arrive on time (e.g., 7:30-11:30 a.m. vs. 7:45-11:45 a.m.).

·  Stay for the full day.

·  Fulfill the duties of your contract.

·  Take initiative.

·  Have fun and enjoy the learning opportunity.

QUESTIONS? Thank you for your participation and involvement!


Summer School Orientation Notes