
Answer all bellringers by underlining how you got your answerNOTjust circling the correct letter.

Get the correct answer for all bellringers (absent, office, club when you miss).

Keep up with bellringer sheets – if you lose yours check the extra handouts.


Always keep the table of contents, tips for your success, syllabus, class procedures, and safety contract!!!

Keep up with and FILL in table of contents.

Number all pages to match the table of contents and date.

Pick up returned papers from the out box folder with your class period and put in binder.

Remember you will take a binder quiz every 4 ½ weeks.

Class Time

During notes – take organized notes – write all examples – participate – ask questions

When the assignment is given – begin work immediately – it is NOT for you to save for homework

While working on assignments, remain quiet – be respectful of your classmates that are trying to work


Show all work when completing homework –work is graded not necessarily answers

If homework is collected at the beginning of class, turn in before it is picked up from tray or it is late


Use a pencil/or blue/black ink on all assessments to avoid losing points

During assessments keep eyes on own paper AND no talking at all – for any reason

Complete missing assessments by date listed on board

Leaving class

Wait until notes have been completed (unless it is an emergency)

Sign out on sheet and get pass.

While You Were Out

Look in the tray on the back table to find missing assignments, note pages, or assessment reminders

Homework should be completed and turned in the next school day to be graded

Turn in homework if it was collected while you were out into the in box the day you return.


Want to learn each day you enter the classroom

Work hard each day by taking notes and completing all assignments

Ask for help when you don’t understand

Come for extra help if needed – mornings or advisory

My promise to you

I promise

To have high expectations for each student

To teach, assist, and encourage

To hold you accountable for your actions

To hold you accountable for your assignments

To hold you accountable for your grades

To encourage you to be a thinker

I will work hard to give you the science tools you need to be successful in my classroom as well as in high school. But I am striving for much more for than that – I wantYOU to be successful in LIFE. I want you to have the necessary skills to succeed in whatever job you choose. Those skills will include organization, responsibility, pride in your work, discipline, and learning to be a thinker. I am available for questions and extra help at any time. BUT you have to come to get the help, you have to ask the questions, and you have to put forth your BEST effort at all times. If you work hard every day and keep your FOCUS on the prize – I personally promise that you will have a great year and will be successful in every way.


‘Earned….Never Given’ Marine Slogan

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take” Wayne Gretzky

“If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you’re right.”

I Promise