Minutes of KO Surgery PPG Meeting 7th February 2017

Present: Morag, Christine, Bill, Rita, Pauline, Dawn plus Anne Roberts as an observer

Dawn Kenyon was welcomed to join the PPG, and introduced to our present members.

Apologies: David and Chris

Recent Resignations: Lindsay Little, Charlotte Pollock and Paul Kendal

Patient Donation Fund:

Latest balance of £2406.58 (taken from the surgery web site)

No items have been bought since those minuted on 26th August 2015.

We discussed the dual names of the fund, as on the website it is referred to as the Surgery Equipment Fund. We as the PPG, request it is called the Patient Donation Fund, to reflect the source of the monies donated. It was suggested that we have separate accounts , one for equipment and another for other items.

Surgery Website Details:

The PPG members to be updated.

Morag’s telephone number to be erased.

Role of the PPG:

It was decided that the meetings, and management of the meetings are to be more formal and accountable in future. These minutes will be published on the surgery website.

We discussed having a member of the PPG at surgery management meetings. We nominated Dawn for this role. She has accepted. The PPG group will develop a Terms of Reference, to help us define our role. Dawn has offered to help us in this task. The PPG has agreed to meet six times per year.

New Patients’ leaflet:

The updated leaflet is very informative. We suggested adding on the services of the dietician.

Do we also say that Linda specialises in Asthma care?

Surgery Expansion:

The work will begin in the spring, starting with Christine’s office, with minimal disruption to patient care.The extension will enable three clinicians to consult simultaneously, thus enhancing patient through- put.


  1. A new clinical partner is joining the practice, Dr Jude Mahadanaarachchi.
  2. Sarah Cousins is also joining as a non-clinical partner, working on strategic management.
  3. Judith Bailey, a patient, wishes to join the PPG. Christine will give her Morag’s contact details.
  4. The number of non-attendances, and the management of, was discussed. We discussed that this may be an area of research that the PPG could help with.

Date of next meeting: 21st. March 2017