Tips and Notes on Completing your CRPO Registration
Regarding page 3, “Practice Profile”Please be aware that Volunteer Hours within the scope of practice do count as Direct Client Contact hours (for example, volunteer On-Call Chaplain hours, or other volunteer caregiving at a hospital prior to being hired).
“Thank you” to James Foley, Grand River Hospital, for forwarding the following ‘ruling’ from the CRPO Registrar’s Office: Sean Knight writes, “‘Employer’ is a term we have to use as a catch-all for hours of DCC. If you provided direct client contact, it would go in the practice profile page. We are not concerned about whether you were paid for your work, but had to create a form that individuals from a variety of backgrounds and practice settings could use.”
Regarding page 6, “Education and Training”
1. “Level of Education in the Profession” is “none of the above” unless you have a degree specifically in psychotherapy.
2. “Highest level of education outside the profession” for most of us is “Master” … some have their doctorates.
3. “Field of study for highest education outside the profession“ is “Other Field of Study” for all who have a Divinity or Theology or equivalent degree.
4. The “Coherent Education and Training Program” is either ‘Pastoral Care Education’ or ‘Pastoral Counselling Education”, whose provider (CASC) is not on the list so you MUST click “None of the Above” and then enter “The Canadian Association for Spiritual Care” in the box that invites you to enter the name of the School/Institution.
5. I suggest we all put the location of the “school/institution” as Oakville, Ontario (our office).
6. The answer to “Provide Name of the credential / certificate / diploma / degree / other conferred, or towards which you are currently working” is “Certificate” … i.e. we get to be certified Specialists in Pastoral Care or Pastoral Counselling.
7. Enter the summations of your hours of “Direct Client Contact”, and your hours of “education and training”, from all your SPE.
8. <Back on the ‘main page’> Enter your individual courses (either from the Master degree earlier referred to, or beyond) pertaining to the scope of practice of psychotherapy.
Regarding page 10, “Professional and Other Conduct”
To the question, “Are you currently a member of a statutory regulatory body for any profession, in any jurisdiction?”, pretty well all of us will tick the box “I am not currently a member of a statutory regulatory body”. Helga Van Iderstine, legal counsel for CASC, explains:
“CASC is not a “regulated profession” in the sense that it does not have statutory authority to regulate its members. Rather it is membership based and the authority to regulate comes from the agreement of the members to comply with the regulation as a condition of membership. As such the Ontario members can answer NO to the Ontario College of Regulated Psychotherapists of Ontario question.”
[“Thanks” to Marc Doucet for getting us this answer!]
Regarding the Statutory Declaration
The Statutory Declaration has a time limit. It must be submitted within 72 hours of submitting the application. So plan out the timing carefully: 1) finish the application; 2) pay; and then 3) get the statutory declaration signed, and upload it within 72 hours.
Be mindful of the CRPO’s “tips” in its April 23rd, 2014, “Pre-registration Update”:
Print a copy of your application
You are strongly encouraged to print and retain a copy of your submitted application for your records.Once you've submitted your application, a link "Print Grandparenting Application" will appear. Click this link to view and print your completed application.
Using the "add information" tool
This tool allows you to add one or more lines of information and appears on the following pages of the application: Personal Information (previous legal names section), Professional Liability Insurance, Supervision Received (detail section).
This Help Sheet explains how to use the tool.
Phone numbers
Some fields where you are required to enter a phone number will not accept a hyphen. If you encounter this problem, simply enter all seven digits, without a hyphen or space, e.g. 5552113.
Education & training - reporting program hours
On the Education and Training page of the application, you are asked to provide information about the "hours of relevant education and training successfully completed." When reporting these hours, include only the hours of education and training related to the scope of practice of psychotherapy; do not include program content that is unrelated to the scope of practice of psychotherapy, e.g. comparative religion, social economics. Also, do not include hours related to clinical experience, such as clinical placements, direct client contact hours, supervision hours, etc. Such information (Direct Client Contact Hours and Supervision Hours) is captured on other pages. The purpose of the Education & Training page is to record didactic/classroom and other forms of learning, excluding clinical experience, DCC hours and supervision hours. A typical master's program, for example, includes ~360 eligible education & training hours.
Direct Client Contact hours completed as part of an education & training program (or programs) can be included on the Education & Training page in the space provided specifically for this purpose. Only hours spent in Direct Client Contact should be reported there. If you have no hours to report in this field, leave it blank.
Currency - reporting professional activities
On the Currency page of the application, you are asked to record the number of hours you spent engaged in various professional activities in the three years prior to the date of your application. Include only those hours completed in the three year period immediately prior to the date of application.
Professional liability insurance - enter name of insurer
When providing details about professional liability insurance coverage, enter the name of the insurance company (the insurer or underwriter), not the broker; also include the policy number, not the certificate number. In addition, provide the address of the practice that is associated with that insurance policy. Practitioners working in more than one practice setting must provide details of professional liability coverage for all current practice settings.
Transitional Council
College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario
163 Queen Street East, Toronto ON M5A 1S1
Posted 2 May 2014Page 2