Near R.T.O. office B.J.S. Colony, Jodhpur-34210

(Ph:- 0291-2551550,2551055 Email:- mpower. raj@gmail,com)

Ref: F ( )RD/MPOWER/2016/ 2056-59 Date: 08.07.16

Request for Proposal for Accounting Work In Tally

Implementing Agency indicated above invites your Proposals for the items described above.

The Government of Rajasthan has received a loan from the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), and intends to apply the proceeds of this Loan to eligible payments under the contract for which this Request for Proposal is issued. This procurement process & Service will be conducted in accordance with the shopping procurement method contained in the IFAD Project Procurement Guidelines (September 2010) and the procedures described herein.

Preparation of Proposals: You are requested to quote for these items by completing, signing and returning:

  • the List of Costs & Price Schedule;
  • the documents confirming your eligibility, as listed below;

The standard forms in this RFP may be retyped for completion but the Bidder is responsible for their accurate reproduction.

Validity of Proposal: The Proposal validity required is 30 days.

Sealing and marking of Proposal:Proposal should be placed in a single sealed envelope, clearly marked with the Reference above, the name of the Bidder.

Submission of Proposal: Proposal should be submitted to the address below by mail, fax or electronic mail, by the date and time of the deadline below.

Date of deadline for receiving Proposals: 20.07.2016 (day, month and year). Time of deadline:

2.00 PM (local time).

Date & Time of Opening of Technical Beads: 20.07.16 : 4.00 P.M. in the Presence of Bidders before committee.

Address: Near R.T.O. office B.J.S. Colony, Jodhpur-342006

Facsimile:(Ph:- 0291-2551550,2551055 . Email: mpower. raj@gmail,com

Eligibility Criteria: You are required to meet the following criteria to be eligible:

a).Have the legal capacity to enter into a contract;

b).Is an authorised Chartered Accountant of the services by the ICAI?

c).Not be insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up or subject to legal proceedings for any of these circumstances;

d).Not have had your business activities suspended or debarred from public procurement by the State Government of Rajasthan or Government of India

e).Have five years Experience of Accounting Work in Tally Software.

Documents Evidencing Eligibility: You are requested to submit copies of the following documents as evidence of your eligibility.

a).Valid trading license or equivalent of working in tally software;

b).Valid certificate of registration or equivalent;

c).Valid dealership documents.

d).Self declaration to the effect that the bidder is not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up or subject to legal proceedings for any of these circumstances.

e).Self-declaration that the bidders business activities are not suspended or debarred from public procurement by the State Government of Rajasthan or Government of India

f).Number of Experience tally Knowing Staff.

Origin of Goods: All Candidate and related services shall have as their country of origin an eligible country.

Technical Criteria: The Specification details the minimum Qualification of the Bidder.

Currency: Proposal shall be priced in Indian Rupees only.

Best Evaluated Bid: The best evaluated bid shall be the lowest priced quotation, which is eligible and technically competent.

Scoop of Work: Prices should be quoted according to terms & Conditions attracted with RFP & ToR.

Agreement: shall be for the 2 Year from the date of Issue of Order.

Terms of Payment:

Payment shall be made on Quarterly Basis against Invoice as per the agreement:

Eligible Countries: All countries are eligible, unless:

-as a matter of law or official regulation, the Government of India prohibits commercial relations with that country or by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the Government of India prohibits any import of Goods from or any payments to, a particular country, person or entity.

-A firm which has been engaged to provide consulting services for the preparation or implementation of a project, and any of its affiliates, shall be disqualified from subsequently providing goods, works, or services resulting from or directly related to the firm’s consulting services for such preparation or implementation.

-A firm declared ineligible by IFAD

Any resulting contract awarded shall be by placement of a Purchase Order.

Any queries should be addressed to the Project Management Team at the address given above. Please prepare and submit your quotation or inform the undersigned if you will not be submitting a quotation.

Encl. :- 1. Term of Reference & IFAD, GoR & FR Formats (TOR)

2. List of Cost & Price Schedule

3. Technical Specification.

[Jaipal Singh Mertia)

Project Director,

MPOWER, Jodhpur



A-Technical Eligibility/Proposal

S.No. / Particulars / Eligibility Criteria / Selection Criteria / Quote without Cutting or over writing
1 / No. Of years of relevant experience of accounting in tally software ERP-9 / Minimum. 5 Years of relevant Experience of data entry in tally software in social microfinance sector & Corporate (Experience Certificate Issued by Employer be attached.) /
  • Experience of 5 years – 5 marks
  • For every additional 1 Year Experience additional 1 mark will be awarded with maximum of total 10 marks
/ -
2 / Turnover / 2011-12------
Average------/ Average annual turnover in last three year should be Rs. 10 Lacs. (Attach Evidence) /
  • For Minimum turnover 5 marks
  • Additional 1 mark for every 1 lac extra turnover
  • Maximum total Marks 10
/ -
3 / (i) H.R .Capabilities for Tally Knowing Persons Team. / Senior Professional Minimum 5Year Experience (Attach Certificate of authorised tally software institution.
Junior Professional
(Attach Certificate) /
  • Senior Professional- 10 marks
  • Junior Professional- 6 Marks for each upto Two Professionals
  • Maximum Marks 22
/ -
4 / Legal Requirements / Should be Service Tax Payer (Attach Clearance Certificate of Concerned Department) / Mandatory

Note :- Attach the Demand draft of Rs. 8000/- in favour of Project Director SPMU, MPOWER, Jodhpur as Earnest Money.

Date :

Place: Authorised Signatory

With Stamp______



B- Financial Proposal for Tally Accounting Work

Lumpsum Quote in Rs. Lacs.
(Including all the Charges and Taxes) / In Figures Rs ------
In Words Rs.------

Date :

Place: Authorised Signatory

With Stamp ______




Terms of Reference for Outsourcing of Accounting WorkIn Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan (IFAD LOAN 748-IN and IFAD Grant G.I.C 1029-IN)


Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan (MPOWER) is the ongoing livelihood project of GOR funded by IFAD (International Fund for Agriculture Development) and co financed by SRTT (Sir Ratan Tata Trust). The project’s aims to reduce poverty through mitigating risks and enhance livelihood of the community. The project falls in the arid and semi-arid region of Rajasthan where the habitation is scattered and the region facing continuous drought.

Six poorest blocks of six districts of Western Rajasthan, namely (Baap & Balesar -Jodhpur, Sankara- Jaisalmer, Baitu-Barmer, Bali- Pali, Abu Road & Pindwara- Sirohi and Sanchore- Jalore of Jodhpur division were piloted with this innovative project which has originally targeting nearly one lac poor HHs to bring them out of poverty. The project lunched in 2009 and will be ended in 2017; eight year project.

Project Components

In order to realize the stated objectives the MPOWER will have three components (i) Strengthening grassroots institutions (ii) Livelihoods support and (iii) Project Management.

Component 1: Strengthening Grassroots Institutions

This component has two sub-components: (i) Mobilization and Capacity building with a view to promoting inclusion (gender, social, economic, financial and developmental) by empowering and organizing the target groups into CBOs (SHGs, MGs, VDCs) so as to enable them to articulate and effectively represent their interests, secure entitlements available to them and capitalize the opportunities that can lead to improvement of their influence and status in society; and (ii) Community infrastructure development to support the mobilization process, mitigate the effects of drought, stabilize current livelihood strategies and enhance productivity.

(i) Mobilisation and Capacity Building.The objectives of this sub-component are to: (i) organize the poor into groups and empower them to articulate, plan for, demand and obtain the entitlements (services and facilities) available to them, (ii) build up their capacities to execute and manage acquired resources efficiently and sustainably, (iii) engage the local governance and developmental structures – Gram Panchayats, Pancahyat Samitees, Zilla Parishads, line departments at the Block, District and State levels - in supporting efforts of the project by prioritizing target villages and ensuring convergence of government schemes, and (iv) secure the cooperation of the non-target groups in the project area by mobilizing them to identify community wide needs and facilitating the obtaining of resources from government agencies.

(ii) Community Infrastructure Development (CID):The specific objectives of this sub-component are to (ii) secure and enhance the present livelihood and coping strategies of villagers by mitigating the impacts of drought, attenuating risk and increasing productivity through (a) undertaking measures that harvest, capture, collect, deliver and distribute water for drinking, agriculture and livestock purposes (b) establish silvipastoral plantations as well as fodder processing and storage facilities so that livestock are provided with nutritious feed over a longer period of time; (c) providing land and water conservation and productivity promoting measures (farm bunds, farm ponds, soil amelioration, horticulture, open dug wells, drip irrigation, etc) that increase soil moisture regimes, increase production and permit diversification of cropping patterns; and (d) other infrastructure measures that would add value to current economic activities and livelihood activities.

Component 2: Livelihood Support

The purpose of the Livelihoods Support component is to support the provision of sustainable livelihood options for the target group by providing opportunities of increasing their incomes through a set of actions that are built on available resources, minimizing risks, development of marketing linkages improving productivity through transfer of technology and creating institutional environment for savings, group lending and credit for micro-enterprises etc. This component consists of two sub-components: (i) Income Generation, Marketing and Employment Creation, and (ii) Development Financial Services.

(i) Income Generation, Marketing and Employment Creation.The core activities of this sub-component include: (i) organizing some 125 marketing groups to improve farm-gate prices and developing appropriate linkages with markets. This will be targeted at all SHG members, but participation of all women in the communities will also be encouraged; (ii) improvement in agricultural production to meet food needs and enhance nutrition; (iii) intensification of livestock, especially small stock production through breed improvement, animal health care and animal husbandry and piloting a FFS approach; (iii) expansion of employment opportunities mostly on a demand-driven basis but also for selected industries experiencing growth, such as construction, tourism, handicrafts and transportation. This will be especially targeted at youth from the poorest households; (iv) development of off-farm IGAs that have local level demand; (v) development support of partnerships between village level entrepreneurs and the poor households to expand their economic opportunities. The project will support 10 such proposals on a pilot basis. Eligible entities will include private companies, NGOs and local entrepreneurs.

(ii) Development Financial Services.The financial service delivery approach to be adopted under the project will converge with the livelihoods approach of the project. The seed capital assistance will be made available to MGs on the pattern of SGSY. Given the vulnerability of the households, the provision of seed capital has merit; however, only well performing groups will have access to such assistance. The eligible SHGs can access loans and seed money support, after they have been capacitated for three years and have demonstrated capacity to absorb and manage higher volume of funds. The groups’ eligibility will be rated on the basis of performance indicators and the viability of their business plans. Each SHG will receive some Rs 10,000 as its corpus fund in the first year of their formation, more than 80%SHGs will develop into enterprises groups and will receive seed capital assistance as per SGSY guide lines in establishing enterprises and 125marketing groups are expected to go operational with the financial support from the project and institutional credit. These groups will be supported by the MCCI and linked to other private sector agencies.

Component 3: Project Management Unit

The Department of Rural Development (DoRD) under the Principal Secretary, RDPR, Government of Rajasthan will be the nodal agency responsible for the project implementation, supervision and monitoring and evaluation. The scope of the component is (a) the establishment of the State Nodal Office in Jaipur in the RDPR, GoR; (b) the establishment of a Project Management Unit at Jodhpur under the Divisional Commissioner, Jodhpur and Block Project Management Units one each in all Project blocks of Jodhpur, Barmer, Jaiselmer, Pali, Sirohi and Jalore districts; and Block project implementation units supported by facilitating NGOs (FNGOs) in the respective blocks.

Project Management Structure- (Enclosed)

Fund Flow for the Project: (Enclosed)

Accounting System:

  1. The financial year of the MPOWER Project is 1st April to 31st March.
  2. Double Entry System of Accounting is adopted by the MPOWER Project.
  3. The following books of accounts is maintained by MPOWER:- Cash Book, PD Pass Book, Interest/ Advance Register, Stock Register/ Fixed Assets Register, Bill Passing Register, Vehicle Log Book, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Cheque Issue Register , Salary Register and all other records which is comply with requirement of all applicable statuary Acts.
  • Financial Reporting Templates- (Enclosed) : Annexure 1 ( 1 to 4)
  • IFAD Reporting Formats- (Enclosed) : Annexure 2 ( 1 to 8)
  • Government of Rajasthan Reports- (Enclosed) : Annexure 3 ( 1 to 11)

II. Scope of Accounting Work

Accounting Work will be carried out in accordance with the relevant accounting policies of IFAD and ICAI. In conducting the accounting work special attention should be paid to the following:-

  1. Ensure that the proper books of accounts are maintained in Tally ERP 9 Software at all the 6 Block Levels as well as at Head Office Level.
  2. Preparation of accounts of Relevant Vouchers which are required to be prepared for maintenance of the books of accounts.
  3. Preparation of Monthly Bank Reconciliation Statement of all the bank of the Project operating at Block Level and head Office Level.
  4. Preparation of monthly Report as per IFAD guidelines within prescribed time limit.
  5. Preparation of annual accounts statements of each block and head office along with annual consolidated financial reports.
  6. Preparation of withdrawal Application (Smart SOE) as per guidelines issued by IFAD in tally E.R.P.-9 software & sent to CAAA
  7. The agency will establish a Office at the head quarter of SPMU Jodhpur with sufficient & efficient office staff .

III Extent and Coverage of Accounting Work :-

The extent and scope of Accounting work will be as follows:-

  1. Agency will engage sufficient staff with 1 Full Time Accountant specifically designated to MPOWER. The Accountant should report MPOWER Head Office on day to day basis unless he is travelling to various blocks for accounting related work.
  1. Agency to ensure that Proper Books of Accounts are maintained on Month to Month Basis at the Block Level for which the designated accountant to visit all the 6 blocks on regular basis to maintain the Books of Accounts at Block Level.
  1. MPOWER to ensure proper Computer Systems along with Tally ERP 9 software installed at Block Level as well as Head Office.
  1. Accounting to be carried out at individual block level.
  1. The data feeding work of transactions during the months of April 2016 to June 2016 will have to be completed up to 31stAug. 2016.

IV Period of Work ;-

The agency will be initially appointed for a period of 2 financial year’s starting from April 2016.


(Jaipal Singh Mertia)

Project Director

MPOWER, Jodhpur
