Tippecanoe Athletic Boosters, Inc.

Meeting Minutes, May 6th, 2015

Attendees: Diahann Blair,Kari Prall, ,Becky Janosik,Will Roberts, Heather Bledsoe, Matt Shomper, Noel Winblad, Doug Mann, Eric Shirley, Lynn Hinkle, Rhonda Walker, DeAnna Daniel, Susan Reeder, Carla Frame, Carrie Rowland.

Officer Reports:

President: Diahann Blair Approval of April minutes.

1st, Deanna Daniels, 2nd, Heather Bledsoe, motion approved by all, motion passed.

Discussion on new terms for Officers. Terms expire for some in July, need to look into replacing Will Roberts as Treasurer, since he will be leaving, as well as anyone else who wishes to be replaced.

Trustees coming off ballot will be DeAnna Daniels, Marla Hughes, and Lisa Bolton. Need to replace. Interested in the trustee position are Noel Winblad,, Tina Smith, Doug Mann, Eric Shirley, and Lynn Hinkle. Voting for Officers Trustees will be held at next meeting in June.

Parents who care looking for donations for after prom . Motion made to donate $100.00 to after prom, 1st Heather Bledsoe, 2nd Becky Janosik, motion passed.

Vice President: Kari Prall Nothing at this time..

Secretary: Becky Nothing at this time.

Treasurer: Will Roberts Accounts looking great for end of year. Spring sports booster card sales doing well with more to sell. General account $2,177.53, Fan store acct, $22616.93. Looking great for next years coaches wish list.

Spirit Wear update: Coach Pitt looking for donations for Alumni Bqt. In past boosters usually have donated for this cause. Motion to donate $50.00 in merchandise was made by Becky Janosik, 1st Will Roberts, 2nd Kari Prall. Motion passed. Coach Pitt will work thru Matt Shomper to get items.

Noel Winblad brought samples of items available from Excel Printing. And price points. Some ideas were to create and on line store, and do quarterly sales. Matt Shomper has Rep from Springboro as well, with quality merchandise also. It was decided that both Noel / Heather, and Matt will bring ideas and samples to next meeting for board to vote on what to purchase for fall. Comparing fabric weights, brands, formulas for costs, etc from both parties.

Matt Shomper will restock Hocks with product and bill from Fall inventory.

Scholarship Info: Kari Prall Over 12 applicants applied which is a great number to represent all the athletes. 7 male and 5 female. The field was narrowed down by the committee to 3 male and 3 female athletes. Which will be decided after spring sports are completed. With a June 10th addendum for athletes to file.

Spring Sports. A big thank you to DeAnna Daniel for getting out all the flowers for senior nights. Flowers looked great and Parents pleased.

Athletic Director: Matt Shomper. A big thank you to all who voted to pass Levy. Spring sports are winding down. Tennis is 10-7, heading into sectionals. Baseball is 13-10. Looking forward to great tournament play. Softball is 12-11. Looking forward to tourn. Play verses KR. Track, CBC.s next week. Boys div I at Wayne, Girls, div II at Graham.

CBC All Sport race close between Tipp and Kenton Ridge. Only 2 points separate Tipp and KR.

Welcome new Coaching staff. Joel Derge Head Football Coach,

Andy Holderaman Head Basketball coach girls

Coach Visser, Head Basketball coach boys

And sadly coach Cahill will be retiring after this season of Baseball. He has over 600 career wins, and the 13th all-time winning coach in State history. Congrats Coach.

Next meeting Wednesday June 3rd. 7:30pm

Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Janosik