Timeline for Implementing School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services
/ RESPONSIBILITY / DATE COMPLETEDMarch / Notify the SEA of any potential applicants for SES providers located in your area. / LEA
Ongoing / Release of the SES application for potential SES providers. / SEA
May 15 (On or before) / SES applications are due to SEA Title I office. / SEA
May– July / Review of SES applications / SEA
May– June / Collection of SES evaluation data for outside researcher / LEA
SES Providers
July / Revise WV list of approved SES providers. / SEA
July / SES provider list updated for LEAs. / SEA
July/August / Notify the LEA of the maximum expenditure per student for SES. (Determined after final LEA allocations are received from USDE). / SEA
July / Prepare letters to notify parents of the opportunity for school choice and/or SES. / LEA
July/August / Determine the school improvement status of WV Title I schools. / SEA
August (Prior to the First Day of Instruction) / Post required school choice and SES information on LEA website beginning with 2007-2008 school year and each subsequent year (notify SEA if the LEA does not have a website) / LEA
(14 Days Prior to the first day of Instruction) / Send notification to parents regarding the option to transfer to another school NOT identified for school improvement.
Notify the parents of ALL students in the school.
The LEA and/or school may hold a parent meeting to discuss this option. / LEA
September / Rank order students who request school choice by the lowest achieving children from low-income families. These students are given priority to transfer. / LEA
September (asap after the first day of school) / Select a date, time, and location for SES informational meeting. Contact appropriate SES providers in your area to verify their readiness to provide services in the county and their willingness to attend a parent informational meeting. / LEA
Sept. 15
(On or before) / Completion of all school choice transfers required by this date / LEA
Mid-September / Identify students from low-income families in order to create a student eligibility list for SES. / LEA
Sept. 30
(On or before) / Submit the District Report for Title I Schools Identified for Improvement, Corrective Action, and Restructuring to the SEA Title I office. (Use the form on the on-line Title I SI Tool Kit listed under “LEA Resources”)
Submit the District Report for School Choice to the SEA Title I office. (Use the form on the on-line Title I SI Tool Kit listed under “LEA Resources”) / LEA
Mid-September / Send notification to the parents of all eligible students regarding the opportunity for SES. Inform them of an informational meeting to discuss this opportunity.Post required SES provider list on LEA website (notify SEA if the LEA does not have a website) / LEA
Mid-September / Conduct an informational meeting or SES Provider Fair whereby the services of the SES provider are explained to parents. Parents complete a SES Provider Selection form.
Obtain permission from parents for classroom teachers to provide student information to SES providers, if requested. / LEA
SES Providers
Mid-September / Develop a Title I SES Provider/District contract that is approved by the district’s legal counsel.
Seek Board of Education approval if required by LEA.
Enter into an agreement with selected providers using a Title I SES Provider/District contract.
Notify parents of starting date, time, location, and any other needed information for SES. / LEA
SES Providers
County BOE
September 30 or before / Begin Supplemental Educational Services (First Round) / LEA
SES Providers
Nov. 1 / Submit SES report & Parent Notification Letter to State for First Round (Use the form on the on-line Title I SI Tool Kit listed under “LEA Resources”) / LEA
December / Submit school choice and SES reports to USDE. / SEA
Nov. – end of school year / Monitor SES per contract requirements. / LEA
First Week of January / Distribute SES parent notifications to parents of eligible students for round two / LEA
Jan. 31 / Submit SES report & Parent Notification Letter to State for Second Round (Use the form on the on-line Title I SI Tool Kit listed under “LEA Resources”) / LEA
May-August / Collection of SES evaluation data for outside researcher / SEA
SES Providers
WVDE Title I
July 2010