Timeline for Evaluation with SFS
Trimester 1- (August 6 – November 6, 2014)
- Conduct self-assessment and map
- Develop SMART Goal based on beginning of the year data and upload as an artifact.
- Begin uploading and mapping artifacts for Domain 1, Purposeful Planning
- Lesson plans
- Any special unit plans
- Observations by principal begins…Domain 2 Effective Instruction
- Monitor mapping and scripting
- Participate in post observation conferences…ask questions about effective instruction
- Monitor any professional development tasks assigned and complete within timeline denoted
- Continue to improve practice by referring to Rosenshine (2012) article and Instructional Techniques Aligned with RISE in Domain 2Effective Instruction
Trimester 2 -(November 10, 2014 – February 19, 2015)
- Continue uploading and mapping with any artifacts for Domain 1, Purposeful Planning. Make sure all sub- competencies have evidence. Refer to Instructional Techniques Aligned to RISE handout.
- Observations by principal continues…….Domain 2 Effective Instruction
- Monitor mapping and scripting
- Participate in post observation conferences…ask questions about effective instruction
- Monitor any professional development tasks assigned and complete within timeline denoted
- Continue to improve practice by referring to Rosenshine (2012) article and Instructional Techniques Aligned with RISE for Domain 2Effective Instruction
- Begin documentation of Domain 3 Teacher Leadership(refer to Instructional Techniques Aligned to RISE)
- Instructional Rounds
- Leadership roles
- PLC’s
- Content team leadership and presentation leader
- Learning Connection
- Club sponsors
- Graduate level coursework
- Webinars, outside PD
- Attendance at building and student events
- Students tracking progress
- Weekly Update and Positive Communications
- Newsletters
- Communications such as Remind 101, Twitter, Texting, etc.
Trimester 3 - (February 23 – May 22, 2015)
- Domain 1, Purposeful Planning should be complete…all documentation uploaded and mapped at the beginning of Tri 3.
- Upload EOY Smart Goal datain artifacts indicating completion of goal.
- Observations by principal continues and comes to a close…….Domain 2 Effective Instruction
- Monitor mapping and scripting
- Participate in post observation conferences…ask questions about effective instruction
- Monitor any professional development tasks assigned and complete within timeline denoted
- Continue to improve practice by referring to Rosenshine (2012) article and Instructional Techniques Aligned with RISE for Domain 2Effective Instruction
- Complete and upload artifacts for Domain 3 Teacher Leadership (refer to Instructional Techniques Aligned to RISE)
- Domain 4 Core Professionalism will be completed and mapped in May by Principal
- Finalization Worksheet will be completed by Principal pending School Grade determination.
August 2015 – Meet with each teacher to finalize 2014-15 evaluation process.