This timeline includes a sample of key dates that could be useful for club leaders to refer to when planning the year. Some of these items may or may not apply to your specific club, so we recommend that you create your own customized timeline.


Smith book award program. Connect with your Alumnae Admission Coordinator (AAC) and start contacting schools to offer the award. If there is no AAC in your area contact the Admission Office.

Club/group Website. Keep the information current on your Website (including correct link and e-mail addresses). If you are using the AASC template and need help updating content, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Communications. Plan e-news distribution to alumnae: broadcast e-mail messages, club newsletter, post news and programs on your club Website and Facebook page.

February and March

Assess health of the board. Start planning for the following year, consult with the board and/or nominating committee to find replacements if new board/leadership members are needed.

Care packages for students. Refer to the guidelines if you plan to send care packages.


Scholarship fund mailing. If your club has an endowed or current scholarship fund, the club leader will receive a scholarship report in the spring. Questions can be directed to the Donor Services Office.


Annual reports. Clubs and groups annual and financial reports are due July 1. Start gathering information to fill out the forms.

Election of officers. Fill out and submit the Officers Contact list after election, so that we can keep our records up-to-date.


Plan a yield event. In collaboration with your AAC, plan a yield event to encourage accepted students to attend Smith.

Welcome new alumnae. A list of new graduates moving to your area is available upon request

Annual reports. Clubs and groups annual and financial reports are due July 1.Guidelines and forms are available on the Club Resources Page.

IRS filing requirements. Check the IRS Website to determine if your club is required to fill out a tax return to avoid losing your tax-exempt status.


Leadership transition. Gather information and any paperwork from the past leader.Schedule meeting with old/new board. Refer to theleadership transition check list.

Club and group archives. Hand over important club documents to the new leader or treasurer. The AASC and the College Archives may keep important historical documents for each organization. Contact the college archivist with questions.

Club/group Website. Update the list of club volunteers on your Website, including correct links and e-mail addresses.


List of current students. A list of current students from your area is available by request.

Send-off party. Plan a send-off party so new students can connect with returning students.

Faculty Speaker Program. Plan your faculty speaker event for the year. The guidelines and listing of speakers are available online. Please submit your request at least three months prior to the event.

Connect with your Regional Club Coordinator (RCC). Your RCC is an alumna volunteer available to provide assistance and give you advice and support. List of RCC’s.

Plan club programs for the year. Check out the Signature Events page or the Best Practices page for ideas about programming. Send us a calendar of events and we’ll post the details on the AASC online calendar.

Scholarships. If your club is doing a fundraiser, it can be advertised on the Fundraisers page. Send details to AASC.

Club/group Website. Keep the information current on your Website, including correct link and e-mail addresses. Post events, programs, photos, and links to newsletters. If you are using the AASC template and need help updating the content, don’t hesitate to contact us.

September and October

Communicate with alumnae. Use the AASC broadcast e-mail system to send an e-newsletter or event invitation to alumnae. Please copy the AASC on your correspondence.

Care packages for students. Refer to the guidelines if you plan to send care packages.


Plan your Holiday party. Invite prospective students to your holiday party, as well as current Smith students if they are done with their finals.


Scholarship fund mailing. If your club has an endowed or current scholarship fund, the club leader will receive an endowed fund report in December. Questions can be directed to the Donor Services Office.

Connect with students. Consider inviting current students to club events taking place during the winter break or have an afternoon tea for prospective students. Allow prospective students to meet current students and current students to network with alumnae.

Share your success stories! Whether it is an event that was well attended or a leadership strategy that works, let us know so we can share your tips with with other clubs. Submit feedback, make requests, or provide general comment to .

AASC Website:

Affinity, Club and Group Resources:

June 2011