The Regular Meeting of the East Quincy Services District Board of Directors was called to order by Chairman Margason at 6:30pm.


Greg Margason, Chairman

Ernie Eaton, Vice Chairman

Bill Peay, Director

Howard Hughes, Director

Mike Green, Director




Bob Zernich, Attorney

Dan Bastian, Bastian Engineering

David Edwards, General Manager

Shawneen Howe, District Secretary

Vicki Poh, Administrative Assistant


Laura Beaton, Feather River Bulletin

Kathy Felker, Constituent

Les Ellis, Sierra Park Developers

Bill Cook, Constituent

Jacqui Harris, Constituent

David Keller, Plumas County Community Development Commission

Lori Simpson, Supervisor District 4


Ms. Kathy Felker read a prepared statement that is included with the board packet. Ms. Felker was asking for the board’s justification for the expenses listed and if the General Manager had authorization to travel to visit other treatment plants in Davis and Hayfork. Ms. Felker stated that she has been monitoring the credit card expenditures and takes exception to several purchases and requested the board look into these charges. Two other attendees agreed with Ms. Felker and expressed their support for her requests. There was also some discussion regarding the bylaws.

The board assured the public that they would put the items requested on the next agenda and asked General Manager Edwards research these issues.


No items were added or removed from the agenda.

Minutes of Oct 9, 2012


The minutes of the Appropriation Limitation Hearing of Sept 12, 2012 and the Regular Board Meeting of Sept 12, 2012 were presented for the board’s review and approval. There were two corrections on the Regular Board Meeting of Sept 12, 2012. On page 3 under Manager Report item (b), second line should read place and not please and under Directors and Managers Comments, Chairman Margason asked that line #2, “The committee has submitted the new bylaws to County Counsel for a legal opinion.” be removed from the minutes. A MOTION was made by Director Hughes to approve the minutes of the Appropriation Limitation Hearing of Sept 12, 2012 and the Regular Meeting of Sept 12, 2012 meeting be approved with the corrections to be made. The motion was seconded by Director Peay and the results of the vote are as follows:

AYES: Director Green, Hughes, Eaton, Peay and Chairman Margason

NOES: None



There was no billing correspondence.


(a) Committee Report-Staff presented the board with the Committee report that was written by Denny Churchill for the board’s review. The committee had concerns regarding the current resolutions for the American Valley Community Services Authority that are in effect and what would happen to them when the bylaws are rewritten. These concerns were forwarded to the Plumas County Counsel and no response has been made by counsel as of this date. Supervisor Simpson said that she would contact County Counsel and see where our response is. Several of the general public expressed that the two districts should continue as the American Valley Community Services Authority so they would be able to work together on projects that affect the entire American Valley.

(b) Plumas County Community Development Commission- Mr. Keller reported to the board that the grant was approved for the income study in the amount of $10,000. He and the Plumas County Board of Supervisor were concerned with ability of the two districts working together. Mr. Keller was asking the East Quincy Services District board of they would guarantee that East Quincy Services District would work with Quincy Community Services Districts in the sprit of cooperation to solve the issues that are facing the American Valley as a whole. Mr. Keller also informed the board that he was going to the Quincy Community Services District meeting the next day and asking for the same assurances from their board. After the board has a small discussion, A MOTION was made by Director Green to guarantee that the East Quincy Services District will work with Quincy Community Services District to solve the issues facing the American Valley as a whole. The motion was seconded by Director Peay and the results of the vote are as follows:

AYES: Director Green, Eaton, Peay, Hughes and Chairman Margason

NOES: None


General Manager Edwards also made his feelings of support for the AVCSA to continue to work together towards common goals.

Minutes of Oct 9, 2012


(a)Water report-Staff informed the board that we pumped 22,989,120 gallons of water and we billed out 22,041,390 gallons of water during the month of September. This left a difference of 947,730 gallons.

(b)Waste Water Flow-Staff reported that we pumped 4,472,104 gallons of sewage to Quincy Community Services District during the month of September. General Manager Edwards will be checking on the accuracy of the flow meter. He will be working with Quincy Community Services District engineering people to find a solution for any issues he may discover.

(c) Quincy Community Services District agendas-The agenda for the next regular meeting for Quincy Community Services District was presented for the board’s information.

(d) Website Update- Administrative Assistant Poh presented the board with the latest statistical information regarding the website.

(e) On line payment upgrade-Administrative Assistant Poh presented more detailed information that was gathered in the previous month regarding the online payment upgrade. General Manager Edwards and the board were in favor of proceeding with the set up of the program. Director Hughes would like to know where the “start up” money was going to come from in the budget and he recommends that we have this new service available by January 2013. General Manager Edwards will report further at the next regular meeting.

(f) Request for Services or Documents Form-Manager Edwards presented the board with a revised form and informed the board that we have been using this form and it works well.


(a) Sewer Treatment Plant Construction-Manager Edwards reported that he traveled to Hayfork, California to look at their Sewer Treatment facility. He explained how their system works and it works well. The community in Hayfork is comparable to our district in size and weather patterns. Manager Edwards also said that he would like to go and visit four waste water treatment plants in Vancouver, British Columbia. These particular plant has been using the technology for several years that is being recommended by FOP as a possible solution to the issues in American Valley. Manager Edwards would like to look into these types of plants further. He would also like to explore the reclaimed water (purple pipe) issue as well. It is Manager Edwards’ recommendation to put out a Request for Proposal to see what kind of information is available regarding these systems. After a short discussion of the public and the board, it was determined that this type of information should be taken to the American Valley Community Service Authority board to get their input as well. Several members of the public are of the opinion that it is much too soon to ask for proposals and the board should wait until the waste water treatment plant study is completed by Bastian Engineering.

(b) District Status Report-Manager Edwards reported that a lift station had gone down but it has been repaired and put back into service. He also reported that he has been working on bubbler level controls for the wells.

(c) Budget Amendments-Manager Edwards informed the board that after a careful review of the budget, he and staff feel that the training/travel budget should be reinstated. It is written into the General Manager Contract that the district allows and pays for training to keep all licenses current. Manager Edwards expressed how important it is to keep our employees trained and up to date on all technological advancements to perform their jobs in the matter is which the constituents deserve. Manager Edwards also reported that he needs to increase the waste water testing budget.

Minutes of Oct 9, 2012


(c) Budget Amendments (cont’d)

A MOTION was made by Director Eaton to pay all the travel expenses to date out of the contingences fund and any other travel or training request have to have board approval. The motion was seconded by Director Green and the results of the vote are as follows:

AYES: Director Green, Eaton, Peay, Hughes and Chairman Margason

NOES: None


A MOTION was may by Director Hughes to pay the Waste Water testing bills to date and any further testing will require board approval. The motion was seconded by Director Peay and the results of the vote are as follows:

AYES: Director Green, Eaton, Peay, Hughes and Chairman Margason

NOES: None


Director Hughes made it clear that the district staff needs to be aware of the budget and not exceed the budget that has been set unless it is an emergency.

(d) New Vehicle-Manager Edwards requested that the board consider authorizing the purchase of another small work truck that gets better gas mileage. After the board had a conversation with the manager, A MOTION was made by Director Peay to authorize the purchase of a small truck at the manager’s discretion for no more than $4,000.00. The motion was seconded by Director Eaton and the results of the vote are as follows:

AYES: Director Green, Eaton, Peay, Hughes and Chairman Margason

NOES: None


(e) CSDA Appointment-Manager Edwards has been nominated to be on the Board of Directors for the California Special Districts Association. He needs approval in the form of a motion from the East Quincy Services District to accept this position. A MOTION was made by Director Eaton to approve of Manager Edwards appointment to the CSDA Board of Directors. The motion was seconded by Director Peay and the results of the vote are as follows:

AYES: Director Green, Eaton, Peay, Hughes and Chairman Margason

NOES: None


Minutes of Oct 9, 2012

(f) Amend Bylaws-Manager Edwards presented a revised set of bylaws for the board to approve. The changes that were reflected in this copy were how the meeting was to be set and what they are to be called. The board discussed the changes that were presented and were concerned how the public can comment and when they were allowed to participate in any discussion. Manager Edwards stated that he would work on that particular section of the bylaws and he would present the changes at the next meeting. A MOTION was made by Director Eaton to approve the bylaws as presented. The motion was seconded by Director Peay and the results of the vote are as follows:

AYES: Director Green, Eaton, Peay, Hughes and Chairman Margason

NOES: None


(g) Fairgrounds Rd –Hwy 70 Capital Improvement Project-Manager Edwards has been trying to meet with the Manager at the fairgrounds and requested the board table this item to a latter date.


Staff delivered the fund balances and transfers for the board’s review. A MOTION was made by Director Eaton to approve the transfers as presented. The motion was seconded by Director Peay and the results of the vote are as follows:

AYES: Director Green, Eaton, Peay and Chairman Margason

NOES: None



The check register was presented for the board to approve the payments for the month of September 2012. Manager Edwards informed the board that he has called McNeill Sound & Security to cancel the service. Installing a surveillance camera system is much more cost effective. After a review of the bills, and the board considered the request for the camera system , A MOTION was made by Director Peay to approve the payments for the month of September 2012 as presented. The motion was seconded by Director Hughes and the results of the vote are as follows:

AYES: Director Green, Hughes, Eaton, Peay and Chairman Margason

NOES: None


Minutes of Oct 9, 2012


Chairman Margason had no comment at this time.

Director Green asked about the project updates.

Director Eaton had no comment at this time

Director Peay had no comment at this time.

Director Hughes stated that we need to keep a close watch on the budget and keep our spending within its boundaries.


A MOTION was made by Director Eaton to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm. The motion was seconded by Director Hughes and the results of the vote are as follows:

AYES: Director Green, Hughes, Eaton, Peay and Chairman Margason

NOES: one


Respectfully Submitted


Shawneen Howe

District Secretary