Friday October 9th 2015
Developments in Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
Implications for Ireland.
Time / Topic / Speaker / Chair of the session8.45am -9.20am / Registration
9.30am / Welcome and brief overview on CAPD Ireland / Maria Logue Kennedy
10am / CAPD. What it is/what it is not and recent international developments in this area. / Dr. Tony Siramana / Martin Cromb
10.30am / How background noise affects the perception of speech. / Stuart Rosen
11am / Coffee Break and Exhibition.
11.30am / Setting up a CAPD service, the Diagnostic Process and setting / Dr.Doris Eva Bamiou / Lucy O’Hagan
12noon / Interventions for CAPD evidence based approach / Dr. Nicole Campbell
12.30pm / Personal CAPD journeys in Ireland. / Parents of children suspected of CAPD. / Dr.Rena Lyons
1-2pm / Lunch and Exhibition
2pm. / Results of recent survey in Ireland. / Clare Carroll / Pauline Ackerman
2.15 – 4pm. / Discussion forum on developing an integrated service for CAPD in Ireland. / Libby Kinneen
4pm / Summary of afternoon session. / Libby Kinneen
4.20pm / Closing Remarks. / Martin Cromb & Lucy O’Hagan
Tony Siramana is aPaediatric Audiological Physician at GreatOrmondStreetHospitaland Institute of Child Health London and current head of the Audiology and Audiological Medicine Departments.
Stuart Rosen currently holds the Chair in Speech and Hearing Science at University College London His work concerns the perception of speech in background noise.
Doris-EvaBamiouis aConsultantinAudiologicalMedicine.Dorisrunsa Paediatric CAPDClinicatthe AcademicUnitofAudiologicalMedicine,GreatOrmondStreetHospitalInstituteofChildHealth,London. She is a past chair of the British APD group.
Nicole Campbell is Associate Professor/Principal Audiological Scientist at the University of Southampton and the team lead for their Interdisciplinary CAPD Service. She is an audiologist and Speech-Language Therapist by training and was Co-chair of the South African APD Taskforce.
Maria Logue-Kennedy worked for over twenty years as Senior Audiological Scientist in the west of Ireland and is Lecturer in Audiology in the Discipline Speech and Language Therapy at NUI Galway. In 2005 she initiated the setting up of the interprofessional interest group in CAPD in Irelandand is past chair of CAPD Ireland.
Lucy O’Hagan isa SeniorSpeech and Language Therapist in the HSE Community Services in Co. Wexford. She is currently Co –chair of CAPD Ireland and a committee member from the outset.
Martin Crombis Audiology Manager in Temple Street Children’sUniversityHospital, Dublin. Heis currently Co-chair of CAPD Ireland and has been a committee member for several years.
Rena Lyons is Head of the Discipline of Speech and Language Therapy in NUI Galway. She has been a committee member of CAPD Ireland for several years.
Libby Kinneenis Head of Organisational Design and Development in HSE West and acommitteemember of CAPD Ireland for several years.
Pauline Ackerman is Speech and Language Therapist Manager in Temple Street Children’sUniversityHospital, Dublin. She has been a committee member of CAPD Ireland for several years.
Clare Carroll is a Lecturer in the Discipline of Speech and Language Therapy at National University of Ireland, Galway. She has been a committee member of CAPD Ireland for several years.
This CPD event is being organised by CAPD Ireland and in collaboration with IASLT, IAA and AOTI.