time allowed: 3 hours maximum marks: 70

General instructions: As given in CBSE sample Question Paper.


Question number 1 to 8 carry 1 mark each.

1.What is sporoderm.

2.what is dominant allele

3.what is hetrosis

4.Restriction endonuclease enzymes act on ……………..sites.

5.Name the hormones ones involved in regulation of spermatogenesis .

6.name the technique used for determining the sex & condition of foetus.

7.Where did life appear first.

8.Name the pathogen that causes dysentery.

Section B

Question number 9 to 18 carry 2 mark each.

9.Mention any two type of cloning vectors.

10.Give the industrial uses of microbes.

11.Give the uses of cyclosporine A streptokinase.

12.Describe the devices that promote self pollination.

13.Give all possible and not possible blood group of parents of “O” blood group.

14.What is green house effect.

15.What is meant by Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).

16.What is cumulus Oophorus.

17.How does Cu-T act as an effective contraceptive for human female.

18.what type of virus causes aids? Name its genetic material.


(a)Name the respective forms in which the malarial parasite gain entry in

(i) Human body (ii) Body of female anopheles.

(b)Name the hosts where the sexual and asexual reproduction of malarial parasite occur respectively .

Section C

Question number 19 to 27 carry 3 mark each.

19.(a) What is aneuploidy. Describe its all types

(b) What is point mutations.

20.State mendel’s first and second law of heredity.

21.Give the salient features of HGP.

22.What are biofertilizers. Explain.


Describe the process of gene amplification through PCR.

23.Draw a cell labelled diagram of maize seed.

24.Define the following terms


(b)genetic drift

(c)divergent evolution

25.correct the following statements

(a)surgical methods of contraceptives prevent gamete formation

(b)all sexually transmitted diseases are completely curable.

(c)Oral pills are very popular contraceptives among the rural women

26.Explain the ecological pyramids

27.Explain the steps for the conservation of wild life.

Section D

Question number 28 to 30 carry 5 mark each.

28.(a) What is air layering

(b) Partially mature male gametophyte posses …………cells

(c) Draw a well labelled diagram of T.S. of anther.


(a)Give the list of enzymes used in the process of DNA replication.

(b)Describe the features of genetic code.

29.Draw carbon cycle in nature


Explain (a) mutualism (b) Commensalism (c) predation with examples.

30.Draw a life cycle of plasmodium vivax


Explain the causative agent, structure & mode of action of Aids virus.

time allowed: 3 hours maximum marks: 70

General instructions: As given in CBSE sample Question Paper.


Question number 1 to 8 carry 1 mark each.

1.What are post-fertilisation events?

2.Mention one positive and one negative application of amniocentesis.

3.Mention the two key concepts of Darwinism.

4.State two different roles of spleen in the human body.

5.Mention the scientific term for the type of pollination between different flowers of the same plant.

6.Two genes ‘A’ and ‘B’ are linked. In a dihybrid cross involving these two genes, the F1 heterozygote is crossed with homozygous recessive parental type (aabb). What would be the ratio of offspring in the next generation?

7.A structural gene has two DNA strands X and Y shown. Identify the template strand.

8.State the importance of biofortification.

Section B

Question number 9 to 18 carry 2 mark each.

9.Placenta acts as an endocrine tissue. Justify

10.Correct the following statement

(a)Surgical methods of contraception prevent gamete formation.

(b)All sexually transmitted diseases are completely curable.

(c)Oral pills are very popular contraceptives among the rural women.

(d)In E.T. techniques, embryos are always transferred into the uterus.

11.Why do normal cells not show cancerous growth?

12.Why are small birds like humming birds not found in polar regions? Explain.

13.Giving two reasons, explain why there is more species biodiversity in tropical latitudes than in temperate ones.

14.Haemophilia is a sex-linked inheritance condition in humans, where a simple cut causes nonn-stop bleeding. Study the pedigree chart showing the inheritance of haemophilia in a family.

Answer the questions that follow:

give reasons which explain that haemophilia is (1) sex-linked, and (ii) caused by ‘X’-linked gene.

15.A man with blood group O and his wife with blood group AB claim a child with blood group O as their son. Justify whether it is possible or not with a cross using Punnet square.


(e)Name the molecule ‘X’ synthesised by ‘i' gene. How does this molecule get inactivated?

(f)Which one of the structural genes codes for -galactosidase?

(g)When will the transcription of this gene stop?

17.During the secondary treatment of primary effluents, how does a significant decrease in BOD occur?

Section C

Question number 19 to 27 carry 3 mark each.

18.Draw a labelled diagram of the microscopic structure of a human sperm.

19.Explain adaptive radiation and convergent evolution by taking examples of some Australian marsupials and Australian placental mammals.

20.(a) How did Hardy-Weinberg explain that allelic frequencies in a population are stable and constant from generation to generation?

(b) Why does genetic equilibrium get disturbed in a population? Give reasons.

21.What is the programme called, that is involved in improving success rate of production of desired hybrid and herd size of cattle?


MOET is a good technology to increase the herd size of high-yielding cattle. How is it done? Explain the procedure.

22.Name and explain the kind of interaction in the following

(i)Algae and fungi in lichens.

(ii)Head louse and humans.

(iii)Hermit crab and sea anemone.

23.What are Cry proteins? Name an organism that produce it. How has man exploited this protein to his benefit?

24.How and why is the bacterium Thermus aquaticus employed in recombinant DNA technology? Explain.

25.In pea plants, let symbol ‘Y’ represent dominant yellow, symbol ‘y’ the recessive green, symbol ‘R’ the round seed shape and symbol ‘r’ the wrinkled seed shape. A typical Mendelian dihybrid cross was carried out in pea plants. Write the genotypes of:

(a) Homozygous dominant and recessive plants.

(b) Gametes produced by both the parents.

(c) F1 offspring

(d) Gametes produced by F1 offspring.

26.Explain the role of 35S and 32P in the experiments conducted by Hershey and Chase.

27.What is DNA-fingerprinting? Mention its application.

Section D

Question number 28 to 30 carry 5 mark each.

28.(a) Draw a labelled diagram of the human female reproductive system.

(b) Enumerate the events in the ovary of a human female during

(i) Follicular phase (ii) Luteal phase of menstrual cycle.

29.(a) What depletes ozone in the stratosphere? How does this affect human life?

(b) Explain biomagnification of DDT in an aquatic food chain. How does it affect the bird population?

30.(a) Draw a diagrammatic sketch of the sectional view of a typical anatropous ovule.

(b) List the components of the embryo sac and mention their fate on fertilization.

time allowed: 3 hours maximum marks: 70

General instructions: As given in CBSE sample Question Paper.


Question number 1 to 8 carry 1 mark each.

1.What do you mean by Nemec phenomenon?

2.Which ecological pyramid is always upright & never inverted?

3.Name the bacteria that is most widely used in gene transfer in plant.

4.In case of cobra bite, the patient is injected preformed antibiodies. Identify in the types of immunization here?

5.Mention the name of two Steroid hormones, secreted by gonads.

6.How many cells & nuclei are found in a polygonum type embryo sac.

7.What is centimorgan?

8.Write the Gause’s principle of competitive exclusion in short.

Section B

Question number 9 to 18 carry 2 mark each.

9.Give a brief idea on the PAN & aerosols.

10.What is carrying capacity. Mention two causes for rapid growth of human population.

11.What is ICSI? Explain it.

12.What are the modes of transmission of HIV.

13.What is protoco-operation. Explain it.

14.Explain klinefelter’s syndrome.

15.What are the Plasmids.

16.What is the most common cause of phenylketonuria? Which dietary precaution one should take who suffers from this disease.

17.What is Clonal Selection ?

18.Identify the A and B.

19.When was the HGP initiated. What are the important goals of the project.

Section C

Question number 19 to 27 carry 3 mark each.

20.What are the immunodeficiency diseases. Give the examples.

21.Write a short note on Homo erectus.

22.What is camouflage? Explain it with examples.

23. What is Test Cross and what its use in genetics.

24.In which phase of menstrual cycle, corpus luteum is formed. Write the hormonal changes taking place in this phase.

25.What is nucleosome? Describe its structure.

26.Explain the following.

(a) Dicliny

(b) Dichogamy

27.Write the seven pairs of contrasting Traits in Pea used by Mendel for his Experiments.

Section D

Question number 28 to 30 carry 5 mark each.

28.(a) Identify the structure 1 & 2 in chara.

(b What are the termination codon. Why are they called non-sense codon.


Study the following figure & answer the questions.

  1. What is promoter. Explain the role performed by it during transcription.
  2. What is the polarity of Template strand.
  3. Where is the terminator located on transcription unit.
  4. Where is the transcription start site is located.
  5. What is the name of segment of DNA located between promoter & terminator on template strand.

29.(a) Identify A

(b) Identify B

(c) Identify C

(d) Who performed this famous experiment to prove origin of life.


(a) What are the basic processes that affect the Hardy-Weinberg equillibirium and

cause variation at the genetic level.

(b) What is genetic drift? Explain the founder effect.

30.(a) What are the common approaches to treat cancer.

(b) What is somaclonal variation. Explain it.


(a) What is sericultural. Describe it.

(b) Write causative agent for following sexually transmitted diseases.

(i)Genital warts



time allowed: 3 hours maximum marks: 70

General instructions: As given in CBSE sample Question Paper.


Question number 1 to 8 carry 1 mark each.

1.Why does an anther with malfunctioning tapetum often fails to produce viable male gametophytes.

2.Why is human placenta referred to as haemochorial type?

3.Give the genotype of an individual who is carrier of sickle cell anaemia gene but is apparently unaffected. Also give the genotype of individual affected with disease.

4.Coelocanth was caught in 1938 in South Africa. Why is it very significant in evolutionary history of vertebrates?

5.Name the diseases which are confirmed by ELISA test and WIDAL test.

6.Define Biopiracy.

7.Why is Agrobacterium tumifaciens referred to as a natural genetic engineer of plants.

8.Define the term e-wastes.

Section B

Question number 9 to 18 carry 2 mark each.

9.Differentiate between menarch and menopause.

10.Where does the triple fusion takes place in flowering plants? Give its significance.

11.How do copper and hormone releasing IUD’s act as contraceptives?

12.What are frame-shift mutations?

13.Differentiate between vaccination and immunization.

14.Explain cross – breeding with help of suitable example .

15.What is leavening? Name the microbe responsible for leavening.

16.Compare Grazing food chain with detritus food chain.


What is eutrophication and how does it affect aquatic life.

17.What do you mean by Red Data Book?

18.Alien species are a threat to native species. Justify by giving examples.

Section C

Question number 19 to 27 carry 3 mark each.

19.Draw a well labelled diagram showing cross-sectional view of ovary of human females.

20.Trace various stages in the development of a mature embryo sac in a flowering plant.

21.Explain the key concepts of Darwin’s theory of evolution with suitable examples.

22.Discuss the process of criss-cross inheritance.


Who developed the technique of DNA-finger printing? Write the techniques used in it.

23.Explain the structure of antibody with the help of well labelled diagram.

24.Explain the process of artificial hybridization to get improved crop variety.

25.What is a cancer? Name different types of cancer. Also mention test for detection and diagnosis of disease.

26.What are genetically modified organisms? Give the advantages and disadvantages of GM crops.

27.Distinguish between

(a)Hibernation and aestivation

(b)Ectotherms and Endotherms

Section D

Question number 28 to 30 carry 5 mark each.

28.(a) Explain theory of biogenesis.

(b)How did Miller demonstrated experimentally the chemical evolution that happened 3 billion years ago?


Describe Harshey and Chase experiment and also give the conclusion of the experiment.

29.What is succession? Give the process of succession on a dry bare rock.


Draw and explain logistic curve for a population of density (N) at time (t) whose intrinsic rate of natural increase is (r) and carrying capacity is (k).

30.(a) What is photochemical smog ? Expalin .

(b)What is acid rain ? What are its effects on plants ?

(c)What is meant by Chemical oxygen demand (COD) ?

(d)Name the gases which contribute to Green House Effect and gas which causes ozone depletion.


(a)What are bioreactors? How are they more useful over the traditional cultural method?

(b)Give the importance of Insulin in Genetic engineering.