2015 Rotary Zone 21b/27 Institute

Training Committee Teleconference

Governor Training Team

February 16, 2015

Time: 6:00 p.m. PST/7:00p.m.MST/8:00 p.m. CST

Zoom Teleconference Weblink:

Teleconference Dial-in Number: 1-415-762-9988

Participant Access Code: 3165211127

Attendees: __√__ Sherri Muniz _√__Dian Edwards ____ David Flack

__√__ Charlie Tegarden ____ Kelly Atkinson ____ Kevin Tubbesing

___ Mary McCambridge __√__ Rhonda Kennedy __√__ Michelle Schaefer

Meeting Notes

Sherri welcomed all to the Training Committee and expressed her appreciation for their efforts toward the development of a successful 2015 Zones 21b/27 Institute. She stated that training and facilitated learning is vital to the success of the Institute. She welcomes and values the committee’s comments and shared ideas toward our goal of providing the very best training possible.

The Institute Theme is “Rotary on the River” and will be held at the Westin Riverwalk in San Antonio, TX. This location will provide excellent opportunities for participants to enjoy historic sites, shopping, and dining along the San Antonio River. Great speakers and outstanding entertainment is planned. Specific promotional and program information is being developed and will be available soon.

Sherri advised that the use of an “Ap,” similar to that used at the International Convention in Sydney last year, is being researched for use at the 2015 Institute. A variety of information can be accessed via the “Ap.” Examples are the Institute Program, hotel map, daily bulletin (will not be printed this year), speaker handouts, etc. However, the limits of its use will be dependent on cost as well as available band width at the hotel site. Training materials may need to be delivered via “pdf” downloads. More information should be available regarding access to information by the middle of March.

Prior to the teleconference, Dian furnished each training partnership with a copy of the 2014 evaluation summary for their group.

Dian advised the group that Charlie Tegarden has agreed to serve as the lead representative for the District Training Team to report on the three-team groups’ progress and plans during Team Chair Meetings.

In accord with our goal to establish program continuity among the three training groups, Charlie offered to expand on a matrix he prepared last year in spreadsheet format that can be used to develop continuity among programs and facilitate the scheduling of speakers that will address each group during the training. He plans to have the document ready for distribution by the end of the next weekend.

It was suggested that a change be made regarding the scheduling of lunches for the three governor training groups. It was noted that if each group can remain within their own training cadre, the training process can continue throughout the luncheon. Combining luncheons among all groups removes this opportunity for additional training time.

Dian advised that she would send the links to the 2014 Binder materials for DGE and DGN groups to review. The DG group binder materials will be furnished in a “pdf.”

An updated listing of contact information for Training Committee will also be sent.

The group will reconvene via teleconference on March 2, 2015, to continue planning for continuity of programs and goal setting.

Notes prepared: 2-22-15

Dian Edwards