CDS Board Minutes
Date: December 14, 2010
Time: 2 pm CST; Norm called the meeting to order at 2:05
Location: teleconference
Participants: Connie, Esther, Norm, Paul, Mary, Christina, Linda, Anne, Mark
Business office: Lori
Arrived late: Stephen Gasteyer, Brent Hales
Left early: Stephen, Esther, Connie, Norm
Staff attending: Lori
Guests: 0
Consent Agenda Norm
a. Minutes, October Boise Meeting
b. Committee Reports or Updates Submitted
c. Acceptance of Revised POG (subject to additional future changes)
Status of 2011 Conference Brent
a. Call for Participation
b. Conference Arrangements
2011 Budget Linda
a. Revised Dues Structure
b. Update on AOM Contract Negotiations
c. Approval of 2011 Budget
Reports Distributed:
2011 Budget request
Communications report
M&M report
International committee report
CDS business office report
CDS international invitation letter
CDS webinar committee report
CDS endowment report
CDS endowment
CDS Budget Requests (4) (2)
Approval/Correction of Minutes: approved in the consent agenda
Actions Taken:
Mary moved to accept the consent agenda. Mark seconded. Motion passed.
Connie made a motion to raise the dues as indicated in the budget presentation. Paul seconded. Discussion on the need to carefully craft the notice that dues will go up, so that people know about it before they get the bill.
Stephen called for the vote. Motion passed.
Christina moved that we accepted the budget as modified and as a working document. Stephen seconded. Motion passed. Linda will send out a revised budget.
Linda moved we adjourn; Brent second; motion passed. Meeting adjourned 3:25 CST.
Discussion noted for the record:
Linda presented the budget and noted that it shows a budget surplus. There are number of unknowns including membership. She recommended zeroing out the conference surplus. Discussion on dues increases, the AoM contract, and the journal expenses and revenues.
Linda suggested that we work with AoM, so the income from special issues is calculated in the appropriate year.
Update on the 2011 conference and the need to change t he dates to July 28-31 to reflect the actual hotel contract. Abstracts due January 15; international presenters are encouraged to submit by January 1. RSS has covered the deposits and will collect the registration fees. We expect to have all the income and expenses figured out in August, so CDS will know it is has revenue.
The business office is working with the web designer on on-line registration for the webinars and then they will do a page for dues renewal.
We are still waiting for a date for the leadership meeting in Moline. We hope a number will attend and we find some way to do telecommunication with those who cannot.
Things to do:
Norm will start talking about memberships benefits in January and in February start talking about the dues increase.
Norm will take the lead on drafting materials to send to members to update them on the increase
Mary will follow up with Tim on a date for the Moline meeting.
Submitted by: Mary Emery