CE 478

“Timber and Masonry Design”

Fall 2012


Text:Design of Wood Structures. 6th edition, by Breyer,etc.

Publisher: McGraw-Hill ISBN 978-0-07-145539-8 (Required text)

2009 Design of Reinforced Masonry Structures, by Brandow, Ekwueme, Hart Publisher: Concrete Masonry Association of CaliforniaNevada

(Text will arranged for by Professor)

Handouts will include material from the National Design Specifications, Building Code Requirements and Specifications for Masonry Structures, ASCE 10-07 and IBC, product material from manufactures, and other technical material.

Location:KAP 163 Monday and Wednesday 2:00-3:20pm

Professor:Gregg E. Brandow, PhD, Se213-740-1040 tel



Introduction and Wood Design:

The class is organized to be an introduction to the design of wood and masonry structures. The course is organized into three topics: Wood design, Masonry design, and Seismic design of wood and masonry buildings. In the first third of the class, the topics will cover the unique properties of wood through the design of the structural elements of a wood building:

Day / Date / Class Subject Material and Test Schedule / Chapter (CH) Assignments
Wed / 8/27
8/29 / Introduction/ASD/LRFD
Properties of wood, vertical loads / CH 1-3
Wed / 9/3
9/5 / Labor Day
Beam design, plywood / Chapter 4.11-4.23
Wed / 910
9/12 / Framing systems
Glued Laminated Beams / Chapter 6 (Sawn)
Chapter 6 (GLB)
Wed / 9/17
9/19 / Case studies
Axial, tension and combined loading / Chapter 7
Wed / 9/24
9/26 / Bearing and bearing walls
Connections / Chapter 11-14
Mon / 10/1 / Manufactured connections, review

Masonry Design:

In the second third of the course, masonry design will be discuss with the emphasis on masonry structures constructed of concrete masonry units (CMU). The topics will cover the evolution of masonry construction, the properties of masonry and the design of masonry structural elements of a building:

Day / Date / Class Subject Material and Test Schedule / Chapter (CH) Assignments
Wed / 10/3 / Midterm (Wood) / DRMS Chapters 1,2, & 5
Wed / 10/8
10/10 / Properties of Masonry
Flexural Design (LRFD)
Wed / 10/15
10/17 /

Shear, Columns, walls

Axial and bending

Wed / 10/22
10/24 / Shear walls, review
Midterm (Connections-Masonry)

Seismic Analysis and Design:

In the final third of the course, seismic analysis and design flexible diaphragm buildings will be discuss with the emphasis on wood diaphragms, plywood and masonry shear walls. The topics will cover all the elements of the seismic lateral force resisting system including the diaphragms, chords, collectors, and the design of plywood and masonry shear walls:

Day / Date / Class Subject Material and Test Schedule / Chapter (CH) Assignments
Wed / 10/29
10/31 / Lateral forces, diaphragms
Chords, collectors, shear walls / Chapters 2.8-2.15, 3.3-3.6
Chapters 9,10,15
Wed / 11/5
11/7 / Seismic forces
Plywood shear walls
Wed / 11/12
11/14 /

Irregular diaphragms

Masonry Shear Walls

/ DRMS Chapter
Wed / 11/19
11/21 / Masonry Walls (out-of-plane-forces)
Thanksgiving / Chapters 15
Wed / 11/26
12/12 / Sub-Diaphragms
Building Design Project
Building Design Project
Final Exam



All examinations will be open book and open notes. Make-up examinations will be given under extraordinary circumstances only. Honor system is observed.


Homework / 20%
Midterm 1 / 20%
Midterm 2 / 20%
Building Design Project / 10%
Final Exam / 30%

Course Content:


  1. Fulfill structural design elective.
  2. Introduction to wood and masonry design.
  3. Understand the analysis and design process as applied to wood and masonry buildings.
  4. Learn to organize design calculations.


  1. Course material is included in reading assignments, lectures, example problems, homework, examination, and design project.
  2. Lectures are focused on key ideas, work example problems, and will leave less important detail for reading.
  3. Students will be expected to read chapters before class and turn in assignment on time.
  4. Tardiness will not be tolerated.
  5. Absences are only excused with prior notification via e-mail and/or telephone.

C.Extra Credits (no extra credit)

D.Course Content

The course is an introduction to the wood and masonry design and will not cover all the topics in the texts or required to be proficient in the practice of structural design. It is intended to provide a basis on which those pursuing a design career can build their skills and knowledges. Wood and masonry have been combined in this course in order to provide the undergraduate with this introduction recognizing that the constraints of the curriculum will not allow individual courses in wood and masonry. Students are expected to enter the course with knowledge and basis understanding of statics, shear and moment diagrams, and the development of design loads. The prerequisite for this course is CE 207.

E.Topics Include, but are not limited to

  1. Sawn lumber design
  2. Glued laminated lumber design
  3. Engineered wood products
  4. Masonry
  5. Seismic forces
  6. Diaphragm sub-diaphragm design

F.Statement for students with disabilities

Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as early in the semester as possible. Your letter must be specific as to the nature of any accommodations granted. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. The telephone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776.

G.Academic Integrity

The University, as an instrument of learning, is predicted on the existence of an environment of integrity. As members of the academic community, faculty, students, and administrative officials share the responsibility for maintaining this environment. Faculties have the primary responsibility for establishing and maintaining an atmosphere and attitude of academic integrity such that the enterprise may flourish in an open and honest way. Students share this responsibility for maintaining standards of academic performance and classroom behavior conductive to learning process.

Administrative officials are responsible for the establishment and maintenance of procedures to support and enforce those academic standards. Thus, the entire University community bears the responsibility for maintaining an environment of integrity and for taking appropriate action to sanction individuals involved in any violation. When there is a clear indication that such individuals are unwilling or unable to support these standards, they should not be allowed to remain in the university.” (Faculty Handbook, 1994:20)

Academic dishonesty includes: (Faculty Handbook, 1994:21-22)

  • Examination behavior – any use of external assistance during an examination shall be considered academically dishonest unless expressly permitted by the teacher.
  • Fabrication – any intentional falsification or invention of data or citation in an academic exercise will be considered a violation of academic integrity.
  • Plagiarism – the appropriation and subsequent passing off of another’s ideas or words as one’s own. If the words or ideas of another are used, acknowledgement of original source must be made through recognized referencing practices.
  • Other Types of Academic Dishonesty – submitting a paper written by or obtained from another, using a paper or essay in more than one class without the teacher’s express permission, obtaining a copy of an examination in advance without the knowledge and consent of the teacher, changing academic records outside of normal procedures and/or petitions, using another person to complete homework assignments or take-home exams without the knowledge or consent of the teacher.
  • The use of unauthorized material, communication with fellow students for course assignments, or during a mid-term examination, attempting to benefit from work of another student, past or present and similar behavior that defeats the intent of an assignment or mid-term examination is unacceptable to the University. It is often difficult to distinguish between a culpable act and inadvertent behavior resulting from the nervous tensions accompanying examinations. Where a clear violation has occurred, however, the instructor may disqualify the student’s work as unacceptable and assign a failing mark on the paper.

H.Statement for return of course assignments:

Returned paperwork, unclaimed by a student, will be discarded after 4 weeks and hence, will not be available should a grade appeal be pursued following receipt of his/her grade.

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