Important Classroom News!

We are excited to announce some changes to the fifth grade. These include a new behavior accountability system, contracts, and organizational system. It is our hope that this will encourage effort, quality work, hard work, and positive attitudes for all students. The new changes guide students to be responsible for their behavior and to accept the consequences of their choices.

Being Accountable for Behavior

Daily and Weekly Accountability

The first thing you will notice is the new look of the behavior chart on the back of the weekly agenda. All students will be held accountable for:

  • Being to class on time (8:00 a.m.).
  • Having materials readily available.
  • Completing homework and class work on time and in good quality.
  • Participating (listening, following directions).
  • Adhering to the behavior expectations of G.P.A.
  • Obtaining a parent signature every day.

Each student will rate themselves for each of these categories on a daily basis. They will receive 1, 2, or 3 points.

These points will translate into a daily rating- Excellent, Ok, or Poor. Daily ratings are as follows:

  • Excellent (18-21 points) - earn 3 classroom tickets.
  • Ok- (14-17 points) - earn 1 classroom ticket.
  • Poor (0-13 points) - earn 0 classroom tickets.

Classroom tickets can be spent on Fridays at the class store.

In addition, each student’s week will be given a final rating. This rating will determine privileges for the following week. Weekly ratings are as follows:

  • Excellent Privileges
  • Receives Star Student Award and note home.
  • Participates in specials.
  • Chooses one:
  • Use library for DEAR time.
  • Play computer games for 30 minutes.
  • 3 additional tickets.
  • Ok Privileges
  • Participates in specials.
  • Poor Privileges
  • Does not participate in specials.
  • Receives a Wednesday detention (before or after school).

Wednesday Detention

A student receives a detention for a Poor weekly rating. The detention must be served on Wednesday following the Poor week. If the student normally stays after school to participate in tutoring in any capacity, the detention will be served from 7:15 a.m.-8:00 a.m. The student must be walked to the classroom by a parent. Otherwise, the detention is served from 3:30 p.m.-4:15 p.m. A parent must pick the student up from the classroom.

Student Action Plans

If a student’s behavior card is on blue or red on any day, he/she must complete a Student Action Plan. These have been utilized previously this year, but they will be used more consistently from now on. These plans help the student with taking responsibility for actions, coming to terms with consequences, making plans for future choices, and healing who they hurt. These will be sent home to be signed by the parent.


During this first week of the third quarter, Ms. Malcolm will be meeting individually with each student. We will discuss successes and struggles of the year and a plan to move forward. The student and teacher will come up with 2-3 goals to work toward. The student will choose a bonus for meeting his/her goal and a penalty for not meeting the goal. It may be beneficial for the bonus/penalty to come from home. If you want to be a part of the contract please let Ms. Malcolm know!


Organization has been a struggle for the fifth grade as a whole. It is imperative for students to know how to use folders, notebooks, and agendas appropriately. These skills will be taught and modeled to students. All students have new supplies and they will be held accountable for using them. Instead of keeping folders and notebooks under chairs, each student has a hanging folder inside a crate to keep materials. There is a crate and hanging folder for each subject. Hopefully, this will alleviate some of the struggle.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about the above information please do not hesitate to contact one of us. Thank you for your cooperation and support.


Ms. MalcolmMrs. Cohen

Fifth Grade TeacherInstructional Aide