Application for credit transfer of exchange studies

First name: / Surname: / Civic registration number:
Postcode: / City:
E-mail address:
Telephone number:

Courses at the University of Gothenburg that you want to be given credits for:

Course code: / Course title: / Number of credits:

The credit transfer should be based on the following courses:
(i.e. the courses which you have studied abroad):

Name of the university abroad:
Course code: / Course title: / Number of credits:

r With this application I attach my Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records from the university abroad.

Date: Applicant’s signature:

The application should be sent to: Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap, Internationell koordinator, Box720, 405 30 Göteborg

To be completed by the department:

Application is: approvedr rejectedr

Reason for rejection:

Making an appeal

If you want to appeal against the decision, this should be done to the Higher Education Appeals Board, in writing. This letter must state which decision the individual is appealing against and how, in his or her view, the decision should be changed. The reason why the decision should be changed must be clearly stated. The letter should include the registration number, your address, telephone number, and email address, and must be signed. An appeal may only be made by an individual who has been affected negatively by a decision.

Send the appeal to: Registrator, Göteborgs universitet Box 100, 405 30 Göteborg

Any appeal must reach the public authority who made the decision within three weeks of the date that the individual received notification of the decision. If you don’t appeal within the time limit, the appeal can be dismissed.

The appeal process

When an appeal reaches the public authority responsible for making a decision, a check is made to ensure that the appeal has been made within the stated time limit. In certain cases, the public authority may revise its original decision. Otherwise the appeal including a statement from the university is forwarded to the Higher Education Appeals Board. It is the Higher Education Appeals Board who decides whether the appeal should be upheld or dismissed.

For more information, see