We, the consultation team, would like to thank the pastor, lay leadership and congregation of Roseburg 1st United Methodist Church for the invitation to consult with this part of the Body of Christ. We read and analyzed the self-study document provided by the leaders, conducted interviews with staff members and led a focus group with members of the congregation. Everyone cooperated with us and provided all the information we requested. Our prayer is that God will use this process to enhance the ministry of the Gospel in this part of the world.
Supportive Fellowship
The congregation enjoys warm, friendly relationships with one another. There are many deep and long lasting friendships here contributing greatly to the strength and character of the congregation. The congregation is also friendly and welcoming to newcomers.
Capable and Committed Leadership
The congregation is blessed with excellent pastoral leadership. The consultation team has every confidence that Pastor Scott is ready and willing to lead the congregation into the future God intends for it. In addition, the congregation has a substantial core of outstanding lay leadership well prepared for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
A Church Ready for Change
There is openness in the congregation and leadership to make significant change in pursuit of greater fruitfulness in mission. The lay leadership and pastor have a strong desire to fulfill God’s mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The congregation’s move to single board governance is powerful evidence of its readiness for change. The consultation team was pleased to hear the expression of many individuals that they are ready and willing to support and participate in healthy and positive changes.
Connections to Mission Field
Roseburg First United Methodist Church is a church well positioned and connected to the community and mission field through your outreach programs and individual participation in the work of serving others. You are well suited to reach the fastest growing population in your mission field – active retirees. You are a congregation of people with a wide variety of personal histories, passions, and interests. This provides connections to an equally wide variety of people in the community.
Excellent Facilities
Roseburg First United Methodist Church is blessed with facilities that are well maintained. Recent work has greatly increased visibility of the church from Harvard Avenue. Use of the facilities by partner organizations, such as Head Start and TrueNorth Star Boys Ranch and Academy, provide opportunities for engaging with the mission field. Versatile facilities provide opportunities for innovative programs and ministries that may not yet even be envisioned.
Lack of a Clear Vision
There is no clear compelling vision for making disciples that takes into account the current gifts and capabilities of the congregation. The congregation is distracted by the perceived need for young families with children.
Because of this, you are failing to recognize ministry potential with the mission population to which God is clearly calling you in ministry right now.
Lack of Focus and Alignment
There are too many programs for current members and leaders of the congregation to sustain successfully. In addition, the wide range and variety of programs are not aligned with each other. Some programs compete for resources such as funding and people. Other programs could be mutually beneficial, but are not. The consultation team heard repeatedly from members and leaders that they feel overwhelmed and in need of more help with what they are doing on behalf of the church.
Lack of Intentional Discipling Process
Despite a variety of spiritual growth opportunities and Bible studies, the congregation lacks a simple and effective Intentional Discipling Process that can engage new people in growing as followers of Jesus Christ and transforming the world.
Limited (Sunday morning) Worship Experiences
Despite the effectiveness of the current worship experience, it does not address the needs of those seeking something more contemporary in its format and style, including music and message.
In addition, it fails to offer alternative times and space for many more people to join in worshippingthe Lord.
Limits to Open Conversations
Due to serious and painful conflicts in the past this congregation has an unhealthy anxiety and reluctance to engage in open conversation with one another around matters of deep concern. This inhibits its willingness to engage in life giving and discipleship-enhancing conversations. It also undermines the ability to embrace change and risk new ministry.
Mission Potential
The pastor and leadership, in consultation with the coach, will focus upon a deeper understanding of the needs and desires of your natural mission population, which is active retirees not currently connected to a faith community.
The team will create a plan for new and effective ministries that promise to reach and engage them.
Ministry teams will begin to implement this plan on or before April 30, 2013.
(Effectiveness in reaching this population will broaden the ability of the congregation to reach other populations, including young families.)
Ministry Assessment and Focus
The pastor, in consultation with the coach, will create a team of three people to take an inventory of mission, methods, and outcomes of all ministries of the church for the purpose of establishing the goals for staff, funds, and programs to maximize fruitfulness in mission.
They will identify the program needs of the mission population and create a report of findings and an action plan for programming for mission, including adequate equipping, empowering, and encouraging of staff (paid and unpaid).
This plan will be in place by July 1, 2013.
All programs are expected to set and meet goals that show how they help people in Engaging God, One Another, and Life.
Evaluation of ministries will be based upon achievement of goals.
Discipleship Development
The pastor, in consultation with the coach and staff (paid and unpaid), will create an intentional disciple-making process that equips, empowers, and encourages individuals on their spiritual journey toward becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
This plan will be in place and ready to implement on or before Sep 8, 2013.
Worship Experiences
The pastor and a worship design team, in consultation with the coach, will evaluate and assess current worship style, frequency, funding, and staffing.
The worship design team will create plans for two distinct worship experiences to be offered on Sunday mornings on a schedule based upon the needs of the mission field of active retirees.
New worship experiences to begin by September 8, 2013.
Healing Conversations
The pastor, in consultation with the coach, will create a team who will be equipped by the conference to lead the church in the “1-to-1” process for intentional conversations. This will lead to a process for reconciliation and healing culminating in a worship service on Ash Wednesday (February 13, 2013).
This team will also recommend ways in which the congregation can integrate reconciliation and renewal into its regular on-going life as the people of God.
TOWN HALL MEETINGS scheduled as follows
Town Hall 1: Sunday, Nov 4 at 11:30 AM,George Cavagnaro facilitator
Town Hall 2: Tuesday, Nov 6 at Noon, Scott Harkness facilitator
Town Hall 3: Monday, Nov 12 at 6:30 PM, Anne Moore facilitator
All- Church Conference: Sunday, Dec 2 at 11:30 AM