These comments are based on the constituted role of the TVA. They represent a consolidated submission following our response to the Early Engagement Stage of the New Plan for Kirklees, and updates, following briefings in regular TVA monthly meetings and views of villagers mentioned in the 2020 Vision Thurstonland Community Plan, which contains critical information stemming from consultation with all village residents.

Our overall aims are to protect and enhance the conservation area in Thurstonland, preserve the character of the village and surrounding area and have some influence on any development that is proposed for the village.


Whilst we are supportive of site H1774 we note that this suggests an allocation of 36 houses. We think that the density should be reduced to 20-22 dwellings since it would be more appropriate for this site within the village environment.There are some key factors that need to be taken into consideration. We suggest that any houses built should be constructed using ‘local materials e.g.: stone and slate be in keeping with the character of the village. There are a number of new houses constructed in the village in recent years on this basis. Villagers also felt that consideration should also be given to affordable housing for first time buyers (starter homes).The houses should be in different price-ranges and should also cater for different age groups, both in price and design – many villagers would like to see low energy/passive houses being developed to represent our concerns for the environment.

Access to and from the site would be difficult since the line of sight onto The Village would be very poor. The Village is a very narrow road and often congested with parked vehicles. Traffic flows of a daily average over a week have been shown to be 723 in an easterly direction and 612 in a westerly direction. The situation is exacerbated at ‘rush hour’ when vehicular movements are more concentrated. Likewise access onto Marsh Hall Lane, another busy road, would also be critical and the site lines here would need careful examination. Traffic flows here (a daily average taken over a week) have been shown to be 600 and 500 vehicles in Northerly and Southerly directions respectively...

More houses being built will lead inevitably to more vehicles. As a consequence there would need to be adequate provision for parking for each house plus provision for overspill parking as the village already suffers from on-road parking.

The village school is an endowed First School which offers education for up to 68 local children and has an out-of-school club operating before and after school. The school is in a new Federation and is currently running at full capacity in terms of space and resources. Any increase in population would have a critical impact on the school’s ability to cope.



There is one site H743 which has been rejected and we are supportive of that decision particularly as it includes a small element of green space.


There are two areas of recommended green space identified within the village- one in and around the Church UGS1288 and the other behind the school UGS926. We are fully supportive of these decisions.

January 2016