January22, 2018
The District Advisory Committee meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson,Betty Lopez(Johnson Elementary) at 6:34 p.m. and commenced with the salute to the flag. Following the flag salute, Ms. Lopez welcomed everyone and invited the committee members to introduce themselves.
Representatives present were:
Name / School Site / Name / School SiteMiriam Higuera / Dr. Carreon / Megan Ogren / Truman Elementary
Kelly Thatcher / Carter Elementary / Fred Cisneros / Glenn Middle
Maryanne Osgood / Eisenhower Elementary / Socorro Navarro / Jefferson Middle
Brooks Kelly / Franklin Elementary / JuleeDulin-Durant / Paige Middle
Esther Becerril / Hoover Elementary / Tracey Helmy / PD Charter Middle
Chris Thompson / Jackson Elementary / Hilda Millan / Amistad High
Betty Lopez / Johnson Elementary / Irma Chavez / Amistad High
Brenda Morales / Kennedy Elementary / Belle Holmquist / Horizon/Summit High
Daniela Tostado / Madison Elementary / Maria Ponce / Shadow Hills High
Brianna Uhlhorn / Monroe Elementary
Terry Johnson / Reagan Elementary
Angelica Juarez / Roosevelt Elementary
Raye Kramar, District Translator
State and Federal Programs
Cathy Doyle, Director of State and Federal Programs
Heidi Shepherd, Project Facilitator
Kari Schwartz, Project Facilitator
Monica Imperial, Office Specialist/Recording Secretary
Acting Chairperson, Betty Lopez(Johnson Elementary) presented the minutes of December11, 2017for review and approval. The committee read and reviewed the minutes. Kelly Brooks (Franklin Elementary) made a motion to approve the minutes. Irma Chavez (Amistad HS) seconded the motion and the minutes of December11, 2017 were approved unanimously.
Acting Chairperson, Betty Lopez asked if any public comments were turned in. There was one submission this evening. A Public Comment on behalf of Daniela Tostado (Madison Elementary) would like to know “Which committee/people decide the grade scale percentage for elementary? Cathy Doyle informed the committee that she will forward this to Mick Wilhite, Director in Educational Services.
The Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) is available at four schools within our district. This program is fully funded by the district at Jefferson Middle, Indio Middle School, Truman Elementary and Kennedy Elementary. This program is to encourage parents to engage and help to understand the educational system.
ELECTION RESULTS/WELCOME THE NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS –Acting Chairperson, Betty Lopez announced the results and presented the new committee members for 2018-2019. They are as followed:
- ChairpersonMike Reyes (Desert Ridge Academy)
- Co-Chairperson Chris Thompson (Jackson Elementary)
- Corresponding SecretaryBetty Lopez (Johnson Elementary)
Acting Chairperson Betty Lopez gave the floor to Brooks Kelly (Franklin Elementary). Mr. Kelly represents Franklin Elementary which is recognized as an International Baccalaureate World School. Mr. Kelly gave raffle tickets to all committee members and then asked questions at the end of his presentation and give prizes to those that answered the questions correctly. Elvira Gutzwiller is the principal at Franklin Elementary. Ms. Gutzwiller has three leadership goals for 2017-2018 which are as follow 1) To create strong relationships with parents and community members 2) Develop a student-centered action-oriented vision statement by engaging certificated and classified staff, parents and student leaders. Work with the school community to incorporate multiple perspectives into a shared vision of learning and achievement for all students 3) Engage staff in determining effective first instruction, formative assessments, interventions, and rigorous extension activities.
Franklin Elementary has a list of extracurricular activities such as football, cheerleading, music, art and other specialized programs, clubs and activities. Franklin Elementary has steadily raised its academic scores. The October Fall Festival was a great turnout this year. Mr. Kelly briefly gave information about the ESL classes, ELD programs, IB Programs, school rallies and Coffee with the Principal.
Topic:Introduction LCAP Input Opportunity
Speaker: Cathy Doyle, Director of State & Federal Programs
Cathy Doyle provided a PowerPoint and gave handouts to the committee members. The Local Control and Accountability Plan is a 3-year inclusive plan that is updated annually in describing how the district will use state funds to serve all students. This is to provide services for EL students, disadvantaged students identified as those who receive free and reduced lunch, and foster youth. There are 8 State priorities. Three district LCAP goals have been established to increase and improve the services to students. The 3 goals for LCAP are the following 1) All students will demonstrate growth as measured by state, federal, and district assessments 2) All students will graduate and be prepared to make a successful transition to further education and/or career opportunities 3) All students will develop and consistently demonstrate responsible, respectful, and ethical behavior in a safe, clean and orderly learning environment. The district is gathering input from the stakeholders, parents, teachers and the community. Ms. Doyle provided information on the student achievement and the Fall 2017 Dashboard data on how to understand the 2017-18 priorities, metrics and actions. Groups were formed to collaborate on questions that were given by Cathy Doyle. The committee was asked to find the achievement and measures for the rigorous and engaging coursework. This is to provide teachers with the tools and training to implement State academic standards. Also, to provide students with access to systems of support and instructional technology for learning. The committee was asked to find the achievement and measures for a safe environment/school connectedness which is to support the social, emotional and physical needs of all students and to create a positive environment and opportunities for students to connect with their school and community. To Engage families and community to support student learning. Again, the committee was instructed to move into discussion groups and post their responses on the board. Questions were asked by committee members and answered by Cathy Doyle.
The “Listening to Learn” with input gathered through an online survey tool will continue January 26 – February 14, 2018. Please take the time to share your thoughts, let your voice be heard and engage your networks!
February 26, 2018at 6:30 p.m. in the DEC North, Room 203.
JuleeDulin-Durant(Paige Middle)made a motion to adjourn the meeting. (Not audible) seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.