Kilwinning Community Council Agenda
Chair: Jackie Hamilton (JH)
Vice Chair: Colin Hedley (CH)
Secretary: Nairn McDonald (NM)
Treasurer: Ted Somerville (TS)

Thursday 14th December| 7pm | Kilwinning Academy.

1 / Welcome(Introductions), Apologies and Approval of Minutes
2 / Police Report.
3 / Visitors.
4 / Matters Arising.
5 / Treasurer's Report.
6 / Correspondence.
7 / Youth Forum.
8 / Community Councillors.
9 / Elected Members inc MSYPs
10 / Any Other Business.
Kilwinning Academy Prize Giving.
KLP- Feedback.
Kilwinning Traders.
Date of Next Meeting:
Thursday 18th January 2018|7pm|Kilwinning Academy

Please Forward Apologies to:

Nairn McDonald


Tel: 07472157471

Kilwinning Community Council Minute
Chair: Jackie Hamilton (JH)
Vice Chair: Colin Hedley (CH)
Secretary: Nairn McDonald (NM)
Treasurer: Ted Somerville (TS)

Thursday 16th November| 7pm | Kilwinning Academy

Present: Nairn McDonald(NM),Colin Hedley(CH), Jim Watson(JW), Ted Somerville(TS),John Harrison(JH), Linda Cusick (LC), Blair Kerr(BK), Linzi Chisholm(LCm), Jim Miller(JM), Councillors Reid and Davidson

Visiting:Aaran McDonald MSYP (AM), Cllrs Reid and Davidson, Dierdre and Kilwinning Youth Forum, Tim Swan(Kilwinning Academy), Police Scotland, Kevin Hand(Kilwinning Traders)

1 / Welcome: Welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies:.AR,JH,MG,BT,YMcL,JG,Louise Riddix,Amanda McFarlane,Cllr Joe Cullinane, Cllr John Glover
Absent: AMcG
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Approved.
2 / Police Report:
PC Sally Young is the Campus Liaison Officer.
Incident on Dalry Road of male driving with no Insurance,Lisence and MOT. Incident of a male being careless in driving.
Violence and ASB: Male reported for breach of the peace, Two 11yrs formally warned for assault and a 13yr old referred. Male reported for Vandalism.
Dishonesty Crime: Forced entry attempted at the Kandy Bar, male reported for shop lifting, male reported for shop lifting and drinking in public. Bowling Club impacted by a theft.
Fireworks Display: No Issues at the event but reports of 3 bonfires in Pennyburn.
30 fixed penalty issued round main street and Train Station.
Increasing number of bins thefts.
Assaults: Down 5
Serious Assaults: 0
House Breakings: No Change
Vehicle Crime: Down 2
Thefts: Up to 30 (Wheelie Bin Thefts involved)
Public Nuisance Calls: Up 1
Disturbance: Down 4
Noise Complaints : Down 3
Damage: Down 3
Fires: Up 2
MDA: Down 3
Total: 340 compared to 320 last year.
Ongoing actions on:
Litter in the Main Street: Work on going with Enforcement team and there is a part to be played by Traders and College as well as Schools. It was noted it is a very small minority o the school populous who are taking part.
Indiscriminate Parking
Speeding in Old Glasgow Road
3 / Tim Swan( Kilwinning Academy):
New All-Weather Pitch is built and opened.
The gate between the College and School is not opened yet due to the mud which has made the path slippery.
Stage 2 is being approved to budget commitments and has been to cabinet and there is an expectation of work beginning at Christmas time.
HM Inspectors are visiting the School in December and work is well underway to prepare for the visit.
4 / Matters Arising:
JW is continuing to work on it with estimates of the work being around £3/4 Thousands.
Kilwinning Cemetery:
Update by Councillor Reid on the ongoing work and the plans for the future. No further questions were raised.
Notice Board:
Work on going with updates to come.
Ongoing with work being done and an update to be given to a future meeting.
5 / Treasurers Report:
£ - 624.02 Project
£ 412.52- Admin
Things to come out: Sign Re-Design and Ink as well as Jim W
6 / Correspondence:
Most sent via email and others read out by the chair.
LDP2 Meeting- Nairn McDonald to Attend with Linda
Patricia Gibson Funding Fayre: Jackie, Nairn
Donald Reid: Wierston Road Update and Cemetery Update previously sent via email.
7 / Youth Forum:
Members attended the Annual Youth Conference and also helped out with the fireworks.
Working to get up to date with Kilwinning Locality Partnership Action Plan.
8 / Community Councillors:
Working with On Yer Bike and seeking to help them get back on their feet.It was decided to invite them along to a future meeting.
Worked with NAC around our Insurance Policy and ours was cheaper than the proposed NAC one but he is yet to hear back.
Jim Kennedy had a deep and long connection to local history and from that JW proposed that when a street is proposed in Kilwinning that said street is named after Jim to recognise his contribution.
Next year is the hundredth anniversary of the Armistice with a suggestion that the parade could visit the original WWI memorial in the Abbey Grounds. NM will contact the RBL though Cllr Reid has suggested that the RBL has this in hand.
Almswell Road Parking was raised as this has pushed a lot of cars into Kyleswell Street and this has become dangerous. Police will take a lead on this.
Dog Fouling has went down and the main offender in the area where he lives has been fined.
Jim raised the Website hosting and has looked at the some options and one called UK2 has an offer which would be adequate and it is suggested we take this first step of moving it across to an new independent site.
Jim also updated the council on the work of the AYRSHIRELEADER Group.
9 / Elected Members:
Councillor Reid:
Mobile Youth Football agenda will be in the Main Street for the next 3 weeks.
Online engagement on the budget proposals will go online soon to allow as many people to contribute.
Streetscene is working away on the outcomes of the EVA.
Councillor Davidson:
Opening of Robert Service Court was a huge success with what is an outstanding facility and a huge asset to the members.
Foliage of trees at tunnel will be cut and lighting is being looked at and this is being progressed.
Councillor Cullinane:
Sent a report which was read out by NM to update the council on the Litter issue, The RBS Closure and the Tunnel.
Aaran McDonald MSYP:
Recently attended his Sitting in which is motion on Local Authority Funding passed with 62% support.
He has represented the Young People of Kilwinning at Remembrance Sunday and Kilwinning Fireworks and will be attending the Kilwinning Christmas Lights.
He also noted that Kilwinning Academy gave the most responses to the Members Motion Consultation he sent out.
He is attending a National Conference this weekend hosted by the Children and Young Person’s Commissioner on Human Rights and will feedback next month.
He also noted before our next meeting is the Rights Week 2017 about raising awareness about Young People Rights which will feed into SYPS new national campaign.
SYPs next national sitting is in North Ayrshire.
10 / AOB:
Traffic Parking on Stevenston Road at St Lukes:
Transport Scotland have power over this.
Council have no power and it is not a criminal offence to be parked on the pavement.
RBS Bank Closure:
Councillor Cullinane has written to the bank and has requested a meeting about it and will update us at a future time.
It was agreed that KCC will wait to see the outcome of the meeting before taking action itself.
Kilwinning Traders:
Work to prepare for the Xmas Lights is ongoing.
Looking forward to getting more prepared for the future.
Kilwinning Locality Partnership:
Pre-Agenda meeting held today and the sub-groups have been moving forward and will be updated at the next meeting.
There is work and a detailed action plan to take things forward.
Cllr Davidson raised the fact there is a draft plan which can be edited to be updated for peoples concerns or ideas.
The intention of KLP is to be as inclusive as possible.
Dierdre raised the fact that the language is very stiff and filled of jargon. updated for peoples concerns or ideas.
g the Kilwi
Date of Next Meeting:
Thursday21st December | 7pm | Kilwinning Academy

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