Thurrock Managed Care Clinical Commissioning Group
Clinical Engagement Meeting - Minutes
10th April 2012– Masonic Hall, Grays
Name / PracticeMrs D Masson / DM / 12 Milton Road
Dr K K Masson / KM / 12 Milton Road
Dr L Grewal (Chair) / LG / Chafford Hundred Medical Centre
Dr V Devaraja / VD / Sorrells Surgery
Shahid Khan / SK / East Tilbury Medical Centre
Dr G Varghese / GV / Peartree Surgery
Janice Forbes-Burford / J F-B / Thurrock Council
Dr Steven Jones / SJ / Rigg Milner Medical Centre
Russell Vine / RV / Hassengate MC
Dr R Arhin / RA / Aveley Medical Centre
Dr L Leighton (Part) / LL / Aveley Medical Centre
Elaine Robinson / ER / Aveley Medical Centre
Dr K Cheung / KC / Ash Tree Surgery
Dr H Okoi / HO / Belhus Medical Centre
Dr K Dey / KD / Belhus Medical Centre
Anne Osbaldeston / AO / Thurrock Health Centre
Julie Leatherbarrow / JL / Thurrock Health Centre
Dr S Sidana / SS / Primecare Medical Centre
Jean Burrows / JB / Primecare Medical Centre
Katie Webb / KW / Belhus Medical Centre
Mel Porter / MP / PCT/Chair TMC Board
Helen Forster / HF / PCT
In Attendance: Christine Celentano, Pat Cook
Apologies: Mandy Ansell, Dr S Bellworthy, Kay Painter, Julie Hull,Dr S Ajetunmobi, Ade Olarinde, Rahul Chaudhari
1. / Welcome & ApologiesLG opened the meeting and introductions were made. A special welcome was given to Dr Sidana on joining Thurrock CCG.
Apologies received as above.
2. / Constitution
LG advised that the main purpose of this meeting was to go through the Constitution to ensure all members have an opportunity to make suggestions for any items to be included or removed. It is planned to have the final version signed off by members of the CCG by the end of April 2012.
All practices within the CCG will be required to sign the Memorandum of Agreement.
MP reported that the Constitution is based on the LMC version which has been circulated to all practices but that the DOH have only just released their own version. This is being checked through to see if there are any major changes which may need to be incorporated in the final version. The DOH version to be circulated to all members. Action: CC.
MP requested any feedback regarding the content of the Constitution by the end of April if possible.
MP noted that in future any changes to the Constitution will require approval from the National Commissioning Board.
MP advised no elections for Board members were required as nominations had been received for the number of places available. There is still one Clinician post which is being held vacant to enable any new members to apply to become a Board Member. The appointed Board Members are as below, and the representation is 2/3rds Clinical and 1/3rd Non Clinical:
GP Members
Dr Grewal
Dr Cheung
Dr Devaraja
Dr Kallil
Dr Mallik
Dr Mohile
Dr Nimal Raj – Accountable Officer
Dr Arhin
Dr Tresidder
Practice Manager Representatives
Shahid Khan
Russell Vine
Nurse Representative
Julie Leatherbarrow
Mel Porter
Chief Operating Officer
Mandy Ansell
Chief Finance Officer
Ade Olarinde
Lay Member (PPI)
Len Green
Secondary Care Clinician – Awaiting guidance as this post must be held by a clinician from Secondary Care not used by the CCG.
Members will also be required for other committees, including Audit and Remuneration Committees, which will be accountable to the Board, and these will be appointed in due course.
Board members will be required to sign up to agree to attend a certain number of meetings per year (yet to be determined).
There will be a need for an Operation Team made up of board members who will have delegated powers.
The first meeting of the new Board will take place on Wednesday, 18th April to agree the Constitution, Governance and Job Descriptions. It was noted that the Job Descriptions will evolve over time.
MP reported that the CCG is working with closely with Thurrock Council and building on the good working relationships already in place. JF-B advised this also includes the Health and Wellbeing Board and HealthWatch.
MA advised that the CCG Mission Statement and Vision had been agreed and will added to the Constitution. The Chairman and Accountable Officer’s Statements will also be included.
3. / Patient Participation Groups
MP reminded those practices who had not already responded, to reply to Len Green’s request for contact details for members of their Patient Participation Group. If a practice does not have a group, please also advise Len of this. Len’s email address is:
MP also drew attention to the PPI event being held on 27th April which has been organised by Thurrock LINk. Details have been circulated to all practices.
4. / LES Directory
LG requested practices to advise Christine Celentano details of all their practice’s Local Enhanced Services in order that a list can be compiled.
5. / QOF
LG advised that the next meeting on 8th May will focus on QP Data and requested practices to look at their Emergency Admissions and Referrals for discussion at the meeting. DM requested this data. Action: CC to contact James Buschor to send data to practices. Practices should also bring notes of their internal review meetings. The meeting will also look at the new QOF guidelines for next year. New pathways will be established to match the existing QIPP plans.
8. / Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 8th May 2012, 13.00 (12.30 for lunch) at the Masonic Hall, Grays