Competency: Use English to shop for Groceries -- Vegetables

Lesson Overview: In this lesson, students will learn the names of various vegetables.
This lesson plan includes:
  1. Vegetables Pre-Test
  2. Vegetables Vocabulary Flash Cards
  3. Vegetables Picture Flash Cards
  4. Vegetables Vocabulary
  5. Vegetables Word Search
  6. Vegetables Word Scramble
  7. Vegetables Word Search and Scramble Answer Keys
  8. Vegetables Listening Activity
  9. Vegetables Grammar: Using “More” and “Most” with Long Adjectives
  10. Vegetables Post-test
  11. Referenced books and text
Pre-Test and Post-Test Information:
The Post-Test is a parallel form of the Pre-Test. Both tests assess the students’ vocabulary recognition and oral ability. The first part is a listening activity using vocabulary words and pictures. The second part is a grammar component using the words “more” and “most.” The third part asks students to study the graph and fill in the blanks. The fourth part tests oral proficiency.
Approximate Time: 2 hours
Prerequisite Skills: This lesson should follow the “Shop for Groceries – Fruits” lesson. Students should be able to read and write simple sentences and know the eight basic colors in English.
Prerequisite Vocabulary:
strawberry (strawberries)
Vocabulary for Optional Computer Activities:
kale (s)
yam(s) / Optional Vocabulary for Book Activities:
brussels sprout
Materials Needed: Notebooks for students with lesson materials inserted, whiteboard and/or flip chart, erasable markers, eraser, flash cards, and prizes or rewards for reinforcement (optional).
Equipment Needed: Portable cassette recorder and blank cassette tapes.
  1. Give the Vegetables Pre-Test.
  1. The first section of the test is a listening section. Tell students that you are going to call out some words. They are to circle the correct spelling of each word as well as its picture. Here are the words to call out:
  1. corn
  2. lettuce
  3. peas
  4. carrot
  5. beans
  6. tomato
  7. potato
  8. onion
  9. vegetables
  10. broccoli
  11. pepper
  1. The next section of the test assesses students’ knowledge of the use of “more” and “most” with long adjectives.
  1. Section three asks student’s to fill in the blanks using the graph. If students do not know how to use a graph, you may need to explain the graph and go over the sample question #1.
  1. Call individual students into the hallway or an adjacent room for the Oral Component of the test. To pre-test oral communication, have each student, one at a time, state the name of the vegetable shownon the Vegetables Picture Flash Cards. Be sure to write down his/her exact response in the second column of the oral pre-test. (It is strongly suggested that you use a tape recorder and tape students’ responses for future playback.)
  1. Grade the students on a scale from 1 to 5 on each of the following areas: Accuracy of Information, Pronunciation and Clarity, and the Student’s Comfort Level. Score the students’ responses by using the following scale and record the rating in the appropriate columns of the oral pre-test:
1=student could not perform task
2=student had some difficulty
3=student performance was fair
4=student performance was good
5=student performance was excellent
Score and retain in student portfolios.
  1. Review the prerequisite vocabulary including the vocabulary learned in the fruits lesson.
  1. Explain the purpose of the lesson (to learn the names of various vegetables).
  1. Introduce new vocabulary. Give each student Vegetables Vocabulary. Use and display the Vegetables Vocabulary Flash Cards and Vegetables Picture Flash Cards while introducing new vocabulary for this lesson.
  1. Pronounce the vocabulary words, having students repeat after you. (Be sure to pronounce both the singular and plural forms.)
  1. Give each student Vegetables Word Search. Students should complete this activity independently. Review answers orally. AVegetables Word Search Answer Key is provided.
  1. Give each student Vegetables Word Scramble. Students are to unscramble the letters of each vocabulary word and write them in the correct order on the lines provided. Check these as a class when all students have finished. Have individual students write the answers on the board. A Vegetables Word Scramble Answer Key is provided.
  1. Play “Concentration” using the Vegetables Vocabulary Flash Cards and the Picture Flash Cards.
  1. Vegetables Listening Activity gives students comprehension and spelling practice. Instruct students to circle the word they hear as you call out the following words in order:
  1. corn
  2. lettuce
  3. peas
  4. carrot
  5. beans
  6. tomato
  7. potato
  8. onion
  9. pepper
  10. broccoli
  1. For a grammar lesson, give students Vegetables Grammar: Using “More” and “Most” with Long Adjectives.
  1. The first instructional box reviews the comparative and superlative forms of most one and two-syllable adjectives (-er and –est). This was taught in the previous lesson on fruits. Review the examples in the box.
  1. The second instructional box discusses using moreand most to form the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives with two or more syllables. Discuss the dialogue.
  1. Tell students to read the next dialogue and fill in the blanks with “more” and “most.” They will need to use information from the graph provided. (Note: Make sure students understand how to read graphs.) Review answers orally.
  1. As an extension of the above activity, create a class graph of favorite vegetables.
  1. Wrap up this lesson by giving the Vegetable Post-Test. Repeat the same process used for the Vegetables Pre-Test.
Show students their Pre-Test and Post-Test. Discuss the improvements they have made and/or areas that are still weak. If you taped their responses, let them listen to them. Note pronunciation improvements.
Assessment/Evaluation of Learning:
  1. Instructor observation of students’ participation.
  1. Evaluation of completed worksheets/handouts.
  1. Comparison of performances on the Pre-Tests and Post-Tests.
  1. Instructor generated assessments.

Optional or Follow-upActivities/Ideas:
  1. Board Game Race: Divide the class into two teams. Have one representative from each team come up to the board (or provide them with a small dry erase board or a sheet of paper). Hold up a picture flash card. The first representative to correctly spell the vocabulary word earns a point for his or her team.
  1. Talk about the Food Pyramid and where fruits and vegetables fit on it.
  1. Computer Activities (be sure to teach optional vocabulary words first):
  1. A vegetable crossword puzzle may be found at
  1. A scrambled word activity may be found at
  1. The Oxford Picture Dictionary, by Oxford University Press, “Vegetables”, page 51. Introduces vocabulary (and optional vocabulary) and teaches students to recognize different kinds of vegetables.
  1. The Oxford Picture Dictionary Beginning Workbook, by Oxford University Press, “Vegetables”, page 51. Includes exercises related to vegetables learned in The Oxford Picture Dictionary.
  1. Word by Word Picture Dictionary, by Pearson Education, “Vegetables”, page 45.
  1. Word by Word Basic Literacy Workbook, by Pearson Education, “Vegetables”, page 59.
  1. Word by Word Basic Beginning Workbook, by Pearson Education, “Vegetables”, page 47.

2003-2004 ESL Special Project

CaldwellCommunity College and Technical Institute

Basic Skills Department

Competency: Use English to shop for Groceries -- Vegetables

Module 4 Lesson 61