PRR meeting Notes

6 Feb 2001

Snacks for next meeting

Bertle Spence will bring snacks to the next meeting

Mall Show

Set up for Mall Show is Thursday, March 1 at 7pm

Eric does not have a laptop or printer available for model labels

I will put together a generic label and get copies – info will be handwitten

Sign up for Mall Show - manning the tables

There was excellent turnout – I think all slots were manned

I need to get the sign up sheet from Les

Sign up roster will be in next newsletter with instructions for handling the cash box

Raffle Prize

Jeff Nelson surprized us all by bringing a Great Planes donation to the meeting:

Hobbico Superstar 40 Select:

40LA engine

Futaba 4VF radio

Monokote covering

ARF plane covered with Monokote

Engine and radio are INSTALLED!

This plane was donated for the Super Bowl Snow Fly, but it arrived too late for the event. Jeff thought it would be more appropriate to have it used as the Mall Show raffle prize.

Best of Show

Elder 20 with Enya 30BB engine, donated by Howard Hosick, will be the first prize for best of show.

I will contact the local hobby shops to solicit donations/gift certificates for second thru ? prizes (depending on the response).

In the past, voting for best of show required purchase of a raffle ticket. Larry Bobisud noted that it might be a good idea to also have a non-purchase method of voting. We need to decide whether we want to do both or just the non-purchase method (should get better participation from the public).

Chuck Gliders

No one came forward to take on the chuck glider construction for kids

We will come up with materials and get participation of club members present Saturday and Sunday afternoons to build gliders for kids

A plan for the glider, templates, construction instructions and a sample glider need to be developed

Materials include sticks for fuselage (1/8 x 3/8) and 1/16 sheet balsa. I have some sheet that should do.

Helicopter Flight Simulator

Eric Stratte will make his helicopter flight sim controller and software available

Ben Troka will bring in a computer and Mike Underwood will bring in a monitor

Saturday and Sunday afternoons are the likely times for this activity

Snacks for mall show volunteers?

PRR Signs and Posters

Eric Horn says that the posters and signs used last year are in bad shape and may not be appropriate for use – damaged or shabby


Joe Bolden will look into getting the mall show listed in community announcements and news papers.

A news release should be put together to go to newspapers.

A flier should be put together to post on bulletin boards in the local area and to send to area clubs and hobby shops

Photos of the raffle winner with plane and best of show winners and planes should be taken for the newsletter and publicity.


T-shirts with ths PRR logo will be ordered and delivered in time for the mall show

It was moved and seconded that the club will pay the up-front costs. Buyers will pay $10 per shirt (through XL – XXL will cost more) with the club getting any benefit of a volume discount. The order will be larger than necessary to cover current orders to allow members to purchase shirts at the mall show and at other events later in the year.

PRR Web Site

The web site has been moved to http//

Eric will post the current newsletter and send e-mailnotices to those interested in getting the newsletter electronically from the web site. This will reduce the postage cost (the greatest cost related to the newsletter).

Moscow City Parks and Recreation – Flying Demonstration

Dave Walker got word that Parks and Rec would like to include the mall show and a flying demonstration on their spring calendar of events

Dave Suggested Saturday April 21 (the first weekend after tax-day) for the flying demonstration (with the next Saturday as alternate in case of bad flying weather) at Mountain View Park in Moscow.