THREE YEAR OLD GROUP – Information booklet 2014
Tunstall Square Kindergarten
Cnr. Tunstall Rd. & Maggs St. East Doncaster 3109.
Telephone: 9842 9655
Our phone number is 9842 9655
Our address is… 77 Tunstall Rd. East Doncaster 3109
Please read this information book carefully and keep it for your reference throughout the year. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the teacher.
3A Sue Badrock TeacherAnn Laskaj Assistant
Times: Monday 2.15- 4.15
Thursday 8.30- 10.30 / 3B Michelle Gilmour Teacher
Sue Harris Assistant
Times: Wednesday 8.30 -10.30
Friday 2.15 - 4.15
Term 1 February 10th - 4th April
Term 2 22nd April - 27th June
Term 3 14th July – 19th September
Term 4 6th October – 19th December
Public Holidays
The kindergarten will be closed on the following designated holidays
LABOUR DAY Monday 10th March
EASTER [ inclusive in term one break] Good Friday 18th April
ANZAC DAY Thursday 25th April
No kindergarten Monday 3rd November
CUP DAY Tuesday 4th November
During the year we are entitled to have sessions when children do not attend eg First and last day of the year & staff conference day. Also there will be days when the session will be altered to fit in with an excursion, orientation day for new groups etc. You will be notified of these days and disruptions will be balanced between the 2 groups.
Your child is going to be in a group of about 21children and 2 adults. This experience may be overwhelming for some children at first. Give your child time to adjust. Be patient and understanding while they learn to cope with this new situation.
It may be necessary for you to stay a while until your child is ready to leave. When you leave remember to say goodbye and tell your child when you will be back, e.g. after outside time. Some children take longer than others to settle in to a new environment and with time the child will build up confidence and feel happy for you to leave. Ask the teacher for help if you need it.
When dropping your child at kindergarten you are required to sign him/her in. The sign in book is situated near the door; there is a yellow book for 3A [sunflower] group and a green book for 3B [caterpillar] group. Due to Children’s Services regulations you need to fill in the time your child arrives at the kindergarten and your name. This procedure is also necessary when collecting your child at the end of the session. Your child will only be allowed to be collected by a person that you as the parent has officially authorised on the enrolment form- this is due to the children's services regulations. This person needs to be over 16 years of age .
When you are on duty please sign in too and write the name/s of other children with you –this is used in any fire drills
As you can realise the Kindergarten and the car park is a very busy place especially at the end of the session when children are being dropped off and collected. The car park is a busy place especially at the end of a session until the start of the next one. Please take extra care and keep your eyes alert for children. Please do not park on the grass areas. You may get bogged or booked {or both!}.
We ask parents to open doors for their children to minimise the risk of damage to nearby cars
The safety of all children at the end of a session is your responsibility after you have picked up your child. Please be aware of your child’s and others actions. Children are not allowed to open the gate at the end of the ramp or climb on the ramp fences. Please be very aware not to let another child out the front door or gate as you are leaving.
Unfortunately, as some parents are continually late when picking up their child, the Committee of Management has had to introduce a late pick up policy. This policy is in line with Government regulations. It states that should parents be late picking up their child on two or more occasions, without ringing the Centre, then a warning shall be issued. If the parent is subsequently late again, then a fine [in line with committee policy] will be issued. This policy is necessary as the time between kindergarten sessions is limited and Government regulations state that two staff members must be on duty at all times (even if only one child remains present).
Please remember to inform the teacher of any change of address, telephone number, doctor , authorised people to pick up your child etc., as these need to be kept up to date.
**Also, please ensure that the Kindergarten has always got an up to date phone number for you and an emergency contact person. Whenever you move house or job etc. please DON’T FORGET to give us your new number.
· Every term we practice a fire drill with the children.
· We have emergency evacuation procedures and these are displayed in the kitchen and near the front door next to the heater.
· The committee of the kindergarten have formulated policies on a range of areas and these policies are available for your perusal on request.
These include Enrolments/Staff employment/ Behaviour/ delivery and collection of children/ illness and emergency/ Program/excursions etc.
· Our centre runs under the current Children’s Services Regulations and a copy of these are kept in the office. We are inspected regularly by a Children’s Services Advisor from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Here are some ways in which you can help your child join happily into the Kindergarten program.
* To encourage independence please bring your child into the Kindergarten room, give him/her a friendly goodbye letting him/her know you will be back later to pick him/her up and then leave. Indecision about leaving on the parent’s part only creates insecurity in your child. Let your child carry his/her own belongings and put them away when they enter the Kindergarten.
· Be there on time to collect your child at the end of the session
· Encourage your child to wear clothes in which they can play without fuss. Shoes should be suitable for climbing.
- NO THONGS PLEASE. Try to avoid any buckles or belts that the child cannot undo and may lead to toilet accidents.
· Velcro shoes are great as the child can easily manage them
* Send along a Kindergarten bag with your child -EVERYDAY - a large square or rectangular bag which is easy to open and large enough to fit your child’s artwork in is the best alternative.
Please put in a change of clothes each day just in case!
* Parents are invited to become members of either the Management Committee or the Social Committee. Parents are also invited to spend time at the Kindergarten sharing with the children any special skills or talents i.e. cooking, carpentry, music, etc.
As the children love having their Mother or Father to help them and their friends at Kindergarten, we have a roster system so that parents can come along to the Kindergarten to help out once, each term . On this day we ask the parent to help in activities with the children, and generally assist during the session. It is important that we have a helper every day. You can choose your day that suits you but it is important that EVERYONE helps out where possible. Please write your name on the roster near the kitchen. If you suddenly find that you are unable to attend, could you please arrange with another parent to swap.
Washing consists of kindergarten painting smocks, and tea towels, and is sent home to a family each week. Each family will have their turn, which is usually once a year.
In the foyer there is a “pigeon hole” bearing your family’s name. Please check this daily as notices and receipts will be placed there. It is your responsibility to read these notices so you are up to date with what is happening at the centre. Please try to read the notice boards near the entrance to the Kindergarten as well.
Please do not let your child collect the notices .
Please encourage your child to leave his/her toys at home. This will mean that favourite or expensive toys are not lost, broken or borrowed by other children.
TODDLERS are welcome at the Kindergarten but it must be stressed that they are the parents’ responsibility at all times during the session, both indoors and out.
Please let the teacher know if your child is absent from the Kindergarten for more than one or two days. Also please let the teacher know if children in your family have contagious diseases such as measles, chicken pox. A child with a heavy cough or cold should be kept at home. Children who have a raised temperature or vomiting or diarrhoea should remain home for 24 hours after the last episode.
You will need to provide a hat for your child. Broad rimmed or Legionnaire provide the best protection These will stay at kindergarten for the year and will have the child's name written on the hat. These hats will be worn in 1st and 4th term and of course the child will keep the hat at the end of the year. Don’t forget also to apply sun screen to your child before kindergarten in the summer months. Due to regulations, staff are unable to apply sunscreen to your child
The Management Committee is responsible for the running of the Kindergarten and is made up or parents elected at the Annual General Meeting whose children are attending the Kindergarten. It is a very interesting and rewarding experience to participate in the decision making which will effect your child’s pre-school years, and we suggest that you give consideration to participating in the running of the Kindergarten.
The current Management Committee is listed on the notice board and the Kindergarten.
The Social Committee arranges social activities and functions throughout the year .This may be a morning coffee, family B.B.Q or night time function -we hope you will enjoy getting to know the other families.
Fees only cover part of the finances needed to run a kindergarten and fundraising is a necessary way to keep our centre well maintained. We encourage you to support their efforts
Our Kindergarten requires a certain amount of regular maintenance. Parents will be asked to participate in at least two of the 4 scheduled Working Bees during the year,you will be notified of the dates.
A friendship list of children and parents names and phone numbers will be typed and given to all families in the group- you will be asked if you wish to be included.
A photographer will visit the kindergarten during the year to photograph the children while they are engaged in normal kindergarten activities. All photographs will be on sale, however there is no obligation to buy.
An incursion levy is built into your term fees. On rare occasions we may have an opportunity to go on an local excursion eg the fruit shop. Should this be planned, you will be asked in advance to sign a consent form if the children go out of the centre. A number of parents will be required to accompany us on these occasions to ensure adequate supervision.
Snack time
Each child needs to bring some fruit /vegetables each day in his/her own small container. The container needs to be clearly named and easy for your child to recognise and open without help. Please cut up the fruit so your child can easily manage it. Other ideas for snack time include vegetables such as capsicum, carrots, mushrooms, celery, dried fruit etc.
No cakes, biscuits, bars fruit snack packs, fruit bars or sandwiches please.
We have children in our centre with many allergies, some with very severe allergic reactions to nuts and other foods. It is very important to not bring in food that may have been cut with a knife that has been in contact with nut products as this may cause cross contamination to other children.
Also your child will need to bring along a clearly named drink bottle with water in it. We ask that you only bring water as this is the best drink to re-hydrate your child. This water will be available to your child though out the session. When your child arrives at kindergarten they will put their drink on the top of the trolley and their fruit container on the bottom shelf.
We are a ‘Kids - Go for your life' Centre.
Our service is accredited as a - Kids - 'Go for your life' Centre, to create a healthier Victoria, in which every child can enjoy the benefits of healthy eating and active play. As a Member, our service will be supported to create a healthier early childhood service. Similar to Sunsmart, we can be recognised for our achievements by supporting healthy eating and active play. Staff, parents and children are all encouraged to support the program. More information will be provided about the programs six key healthy lifestyle messages.