ESY- 2011


Time allotments provide guidelines for self-contained programs.

Time Allotments / Instructional Recommendation
10 minutes / Arrival/Announcements: Table activities using manipulatives, independent reading/writing
5 minutes / Opening: Welcome song, Every Day CountsCalendar Math
(Calendar skills, number line, counting)
10 minutes / Daily Message
Application of phonics, writing, letter identification, print awareness skills
30 minutes for each group = 60 minutes / Fundations Instruction: Skills addressed include letter naming, sound/symbol correspondence, letter formation, sight words, segmenting, blending
(Two groups: one group does phonemic awareness and IEP skill reinforcement activity, one group has Fundations instruction, then rotate)
20 minutes / Snack and Gross Motor
35 minutes / Shared Reading and Literacy/Numeracy Centers
Shared Reading: 15 minutes. Choose a weekly book from a previously taught shared reading binder (beginning of the year, fall, winter, spring, end of the year).
Center Follow UP Activity/IEP Small Group Instruction: 20 minutes
Choose one–two center activities per day, from the shared reading binder and/or address IEP skills.
  • Letters, Sounds, and WordsCenter
  • Writing/Bookmaking Center
  • Following Directions/Art Center
  • MathCenter (refer to Investigations)
  • Small Group Reading:
Other centers include:
Listening Read-the-Room
Library Write-the-Room
Science Computer
Discovery/Sensory Poetry
Fine Motor Easel
Construction/Unit Blocks Big Books
Dramatic Play/Puppets Pocket Chart Puzzles/Games


30 minutes / Mathematics Instruction
InvestigationsProgram and/or Math IEP Skills
10 minutes / Bathroom, Pack Up, Dismissal

Borrow From Your HomeSchool

 Fundations

 Kindergarten Curriculum Guides-choose most appropriate

 Investigations

CDs for movement and music

Procedures for ESY Case Management

 Send third party billing case manager letter to parents/guardians.

 Complete third party billing forms (see procedures from Charles Tyler).

 Complete IEP progress report #5 on TIENET.

 Send progress report #5 to parents/guardians.

Procedures for ESY Wrap-up

 Return materials to your home school and return classroom to pre ESY condition/room arrangement.

June 2011