Autumn 2016

Three Towns Services



Lochranza Castle, Arran

Welcome to our Autumn2016 issue of Three Towns Services newsletter.

We hope you enjoy our newsletter, please let us know what you think of it.

We are always on the lookout for good stories, so if you have a story or just want to share your views or make a suggestion, please contact

Susan Maxwell or Linda McGuire on 01294 469955 or by email: or pop into The Harbour Centre.

We hope you enjoy this edition of our newsletter.

What’s inside…?

  • Meet our new Volunteer
  • Outings and activities
  • Celebrating 25th Anniversary
  • The Garden
  • Grand Events
  • NAC clear message to rogue traders
  • Useful numbers and contacts
  • Dates for your diary and much much more…

Meet our new Volunteer

Clare Carter

I live in Ardrossan with my parents, my twin sister and my dog, Susie. I am currently in my third year at Glasgow University studying Neuroscience and Psychology. I really enjoy studying many parts of these courses but in particular I seem to be drawn to mental health.

I’ve always wanted to have a job where I could make a difference and help others, starting with aspiring to be a vet when I was younger, which changed as I got older to wanting to be a doctor. Now, I don’t have a particular job that I am aiming for but all my options are still centered around caring for others, in some shape or form.

Throughout my time at university I’ve learned a lot about different problems people have endured due to issues involving their mental health, from a psychological and a scientific perspective. However, I realised that I didn’t have any firsthand experience for people that deal with these problems every day and I believe that gaining this knowledge will help me care for and treat people in a much more personal and empathetic way, which will benefit all involved.

Already, in the brief time I’ve volunteered at The Harbour Centre I’ve learned so much and enjoyed it even more than I’d expected. Getting to know the members and staff has been so fulfilling and interesting and I look forward to learning more about their experiences and I hope in return they enjoy listening to mine.

Outings and Activities

In August we had another visit from musical duo Liz and James Shirley who came and provided an afternoon of musical entertainment. All the members enjoyed the music and singing along.

Some comments from members have been recorded;

“That was great fair lifts you & they sang all the favourites’”.

“Thank you for today, I get fed up being at home”.

“I have to say all afternoon, that was lovely”.

We took another wee trip in October to The Park church, Ardrossan who invited us along to their Harvest Celebration. A great afternoon was had by all.

“The ladies did us proud with that tea and home baking”.

“What an uplifting afternoon that was”.

“That’s what I needed, going to church always makes me feel better”.

This year, The Harbour Centre celebrated 25 years of service and to mark the occasion we are hosting a Christmas Lunch for all our carers and members on the 12th December 2016 at the Ardrossan Indoor Bowling Club. Invites have been sent out, it is sure to be a fantastic day.

Our garden club was still keeping busy in August preparing some autumn pots, pictures hopefully to follow in the next edition.

Our crop of the tomatoes (below left) our members planted and looked after all summer, they tasted really good too….

The garden in bloom (above right), although we didn’t have too many days outside enjoying the garden the days that we got outside were enjoyed by all…

Every little helps - And they sure did – during the summer, staff at Tesco Metro on the High Road, Saltcoats volunteered their time to paint the garden fence. I’m sure you will agree that they have done a fantastic job and join us in a huge thank you to all those who gave up their time and worked so hard for us.

KA Leisure continues to visit the club on a Friday. The members enjoy a variety of seated exercises.

Lawrence Lindsay continues to visit every Tuesday to entertain the members with various Football reminiscence from video footage, quizzes and football chat.

“That was a nice change and he knows his stuff”.

“That is a nice treat”.

“I enjoyed that, it’s the 1st time I met that fellow, he is very good”.

Carer Survey

As part of our internal audit requirements and those of the Care Inspectorate each year we ask our carers what they think about the service and how it has helped them, the information gathered helps us to improve what we do. We have provided some of the feedback for you to read and thank you for sharing your views.

“Gives me quality time”.

“It has given me peace of mind knowing that my husband is being cared for”.

“Don’t think you could do anything better, service is excellent”.

“Totally satisfied”.

“Excellent service”

Thank you to all those who returned their survey and provided their feedback.

The games up for rogue traders and cold callers operating in North Ayrshire

The Council Trading Standards Team is gearing up for a major crackdown on the areas fraudsters. The drive comes in response to increasing reports of people falling victim to unscrupulous tradesmen, mail and telephone scammers and dodgy dealers.

Often rogue traders who arrive will attempt to use high pressure tactics to get people to sign up for services or buy their goods.


  • Never feel pressurized to let someone into your home
  • Always ask cold callers to produce an ID card
  • Never sign any paperwork without a witness present.

Anyone with any concerns should speak to a relative or neighbour, contact the Police on 101 or our Trading Standards Team

Contact Trading Standards for enquiries or advice;


or call 01294 310100

Carer Support Meetings

The carer support lunch groupcontinues to meet at The Lauriston Hotel, Ardrossan. The group is proving very successful and now has consistently 10-12 attending each month. A limited choice menu for £8.00 a head includes a main meal and tea/coffee. We meet 12.00 to 2.00 on the last Thursday of the month.

Please take note that there will be no lunch in November and the Christmas lunch will be held on 15th December.

For more details or to book a place please contact Susan or Elaine at The Harbour Centre 01294 469955.

Creative Breaks Funding

Alzheimer Scotland is very pleased to announce that we have been granted a further year’s funding for Creative Breaks, which offers people with dementia and their family, friends and carers the opportunity to direct their own support. This is through short breaks, activities and equipment needs that are personalised to the individual, as they are created by those taking the breaks. The competition for funding was higher than ever this year and we are truly humbled to be given the opportunity to continue to be able to offer people ‘Time to Live’!

As this is our last year of funding from Shared Care Scotland we would like to thank them for their support of our aims over the years and we hope that the knowledge gained from this experience will allow us to access new opportunities for the years to come. The fund is now open for new applications

For more information contact Linda or Susan on 01294 469955 or email:

Grand Events

Ayrshire Memory Walk

The Memory Walk this year proved to be a huge success with over 200 walkers from all over Ayrshire turning up to walk in memory of loved ones who are living with dementia and those who are sadly no longer with us.As always it was an up lifting and emotional day. Despite the wind, the weather was warm and dry and the promenade was a sea of purple. We have so far raised over £11,000 which will go towards helping and supporting people living with dementia in Ayrshire.

A huge thanks goes to all those who came along on the day to walk or to take part and to all the volunteers.

Volunteering opportunities

  • Dementia Helpline

The freephone 24 hour Dementia Helpline takes over 4,500 calls a year from carers, relatives, friends, professionals, people with dementia and people worried they may have dementia. We rely on our team of trained volunteers to take our calls, backed up by staff. Helpline volunteers are accountable to the Helpline Manager.

Contact name: Helpline Manager, Elaine Harley


Phone: 0131 243 1453

  • Fundraising Events

Be part of something really special and help out at your nearest fundraising event!

Volunteering with Alzheimer Scotland is lots of fun and great way to help make sure no one faces dementia alone.

Contact name: Martin Quigley


Phone: 0131 243 1453


We have a wide range of free leaflets and booklets available from Alzheimer Scotland and other agencies. Please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff.


Alzheimer Scotland relies on charitable donations for much of its work and services. From everyone at the Harbour Centre and everyone that we support we would like to say ‘thank you’! Every donation – whether a one off or a regular donation and from the small to the large – helps our services to continue

The generous donations we receive enable us to provide:

  • a network of Dementia Advisors across Scotland
  • Dementia Nurses in most health boards in Scotland
  • Our 24-hour Freephone Dementia Helpline (0808 808 3000)
  • Alzheimer Scotland's Dementia Research Centre

With your help, Alzheimer Scotland aims to make sure nobody faces dementia alone. We provide support services and information for people with dementia, their families and friends throughout Scotland. We also campaign for the rights of people with dementia and carers.

Thank you for supporting us.

Mailing List

We are always trying to identify ways of reducing costs therefore if you have an email address and would be happy to receive this newsletter electronically please let us know. Also, if you no longer wish to be on our mailing list, then please contact the Harbour Centre.

Your continued support for our work is much appreciated.

Becoming a member is easy, you can join online or you can call us during office hours on 0131 243 1453.

Useful Numbers and Contacts

New NHS 24 phone number: 111

RNIB Scotland – Joanne Reilly
Tel: 01563-526011 or 07584 203040

Action on Hearing Loss Scotland – Donna McSwiggan
Tel: 01563-539900 or 07429 199617

Free home fire safety assessment: 0800 0731 999 or Text ‘Fire’ to 61611 or book a fire safety visit at:

Lifelong Learning Coordinator – Lisa Morton

Tel: 01294 212716

Harbour Centre: 01294 469955

North Ayrshire Dementia Advisor: Donna Paterson

Tel: 01294 608219

Mob: 07733302772


Join Dementia Research

Dementia Friends

Alzheimer Scotland Membership

call the fundraising department during office hours on 0131 2431453.

Trading Standards North Ayrshire

or call 01294 310 100

Dates for Your Diary


Football Reminiscence

Saltcoats, Argyle Community Centre -

2ndMonday of every month


Carers Lunches
Lauriston Hotel – 12.00-2.00
Last Thursday of the every month

*No lunch in November and Christmas lunch on 15th December


Musical Minds–Fullerton Parish Church - 1.30-3.00

Last Monday of every month

Football Reminiscence – Harbour Arts Centre - 11.00-12.30

3rd Wednesday of every month

Talk of the Town – Vennel Hub


3rd Monday of every month


Musical Minds - Clark Memorial Church –

PM 2.00-3.30

1st and 3rd Monday of every month

Golfing Memories – Largs Golf Club


4th Wednesday of every month


Musical Memories -Parish Church


3rd Tuesday of every month.


Music Matters – Lamlash Parish Church – 2.00-3.00 (drop in)

Last Thursday of every month

Your thoughts…!

Please feel free to comment on our newsletter, the staff, the club outings and activities or if you haveany ideas on how we could improve the way we,

communicate with you; ask your views or feedback information to you regarding the person you care for or the service.

We strive to improve the service that we deliver and your feedback will help us do that.
