A. The Chinese Studies Programs in UC and Digital Resources for Chinese Studies[1]
A.1 Program Profile UC has extensive programs in China studies, some ranked the finest in the nation. All UC campuses offer either undergraduate or graduate programs in Chinese language and literature. In addition, most UC campuses offer programs in a wide range of other academic disciplines such as history, archaeology, Buddhism, linguistics, art history, political science, sociology, anthropology, law, music, and film studies. All UC campuses have to some degree established programs in Asian American studies. Berkeley stands out especially strong in Chinese-American studies nationally. Over the years, UC faculty members have expanded their interests to newer disciplines in Chinese studies such as geography, journalism, architecture, psychology, public health, and social welfare. Because of the wide scope of Chinese studies programs in UC, there needs to be more Chinese digital resources to support their instructional and research needs.
Among the eight campuses surveyed, six campuses offer Ph.D or Masters programs in Chinese studies, and two campuses offer undergraduate programs only. Four campuses have organized research units (ORUs) to coordinate activities in Chinese studies, i.e. Centers for Chinese Studies at UC Berkeley and UCLA, Council for East Asian studies at UCSD, and Center for Asian studies at UC Irvine. These centers organize a wide range of activities including international conferences, seminars and colloquia, publications, and visiting scholars’ programs
A.2 Information Needs In this survey, many campuses have identified the following digital resources as critical for Chinese studies in UC:
- Full text databases
- Indexes of Chinese journals, newspapers and dissertations
- Online references resources: dictionaries, encyclopedias, biographies, yearbooks and directories.
- Chinese film and digital video resources
- Statistical information and census data
- GIS, geographic description, and gazetteers
- Photographic resources
- Government documents
A.3 Recommended Digital Resources for EADL
Those surveyed in this study recommended the following electronic resources:
Chinese eLibrary Full Text Database. Paramus, N.J. : eBookMatrix Publishing Corp.
人民日报People’s Daily 1948-2002, & other 5 major Newspapers /10Magazines published in China. Provides full-text searching by keyword for major newspapers in China.
Price: 10 users. $30,000.00
Service method: Local host.
聯合知識庫United Daily News Database, Taipei. A full-text database of 5 major newspapers in Taiwan since 1955.
Price: $50,000 initial and US$25,000/year.
Service method: Local host.
中國人民大學書報資料中心複印報刊資料全文數據庫. The full-text database of Academic Journal Articles in Humanities and Social Sciences by the People’s University of PR China. From 1978 to present. Network version.
Price: RMB24,000.
Service Method: Local host
China Dissertation Database.
There are 50,000 selected Chinese dissertations by discipline.
Price: to be determined.
Service method: local host or vendor host.
超星數字圖書館 SuperStar Digital Library for Chinese Studies. ,
Contains some 80,000 Chinese e-books on many subjects including reference works, local gazettes, historical archives, etc.
Price: to be determined.
Service method: Local host
中国资讯庫(China InfoBank)数据
Contains databases on Chinese economic, business & finance, law & regulation, statistics including government and quasi-governmental bodies as well as academic institutions. One of the best sources for Chinese business information.
Price: $1,288/yr
Service method: Local host or vendor host.
漢達文庫CHANT (Chinese Ancient Texts) 4 databases. Hong Kong : CHANT Center, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Contains four full-text databases of traditional Chinese texts from the Pre-Han period (pre 220 AD), 甲骨文Jiaguwen, 簡帛Jianbo, 金文 學Jinwenxue, 先秦兩漢魏晉南北朝Six Dynasties (581 AD).
Annual subscription: $600.00
Service Method: Local host or vendor host
四部叢刊電子版(Internet version).北京:書同文數字化技術有公司.
Sequel to Siku Quanshu, the title was compiled and reproduced the best editions of 500 Chinese classical works in 1922-1936.
Price: 10 users. US$21,000
* Currently, five UC campuses (UCB,UCI, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD) are jointly negotiating with the publisher to purchase this database.
Service method: Local host
古今圖書集成電子版. The Complete Collection of Classics of Ancient China. Taipei: Great Man Knowledge Management Group, 2003. A full-text database of the largest and most useful encyclopedia including all important classics of ancient China in astronomy, geography, history, philosophy, literature, politic, economy, art, education, agriculture, fishing, medicine, etc.
Price: Single user $6,500
Service method: Local host
中國國家圖書館藏博士論文書目數據庫, 1982- .Bibliography of dissertations created by the National Library of China.
Price: RMB11,000.00
Service method: Local host
A.4 Freely Available Chinese Studies Database on the Internet
中文字谱 Word Lists and Online Glossaries / Dictionaries
Mandarin Chinese Annotated links to web-accessible resources for Mandarin Chinese.
Chinese language information
Chinese-English Dictionary
Chinese characters and culture
中文报刊指南 Links to Chinese newspapers.
中文报刊导航 Links to Chinese newspapers, magazines, and radio stations.
中国教育和科研计算机网China education and research network
中国国家图书馆 National Library of China (Beijing) web page
An Internet guide for Chinese studies
Libraries and Library Resources for Chinese Studies: The World-Wide Web Virtual Library
China: Internet Guide for China Studies
中国法律资源网 China Laws
佛教數位圖書館暨博物館 Buddhist Digital Library and Museum
BuddhaNet: Buddhist Information and Education Network.
Chinese Movie Database Covers movies made in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other regions from 1905 to the present. Contains a movie index by film title. Lists current Hong Kong Film Awards nominations. Links to other resources on Chinese movies.
China Dimensions Available data: China administrative regions GIS data, China maps and bibliography database, Population (census data) and data on public health, Economics, Public policies, etc.
Chinese Biographical Database
China’s Economy: Latest China Economic Data/Statistics, Chinese Economic Analysis/Reports
Taiwan www virtual library
National Central Library (Taipei)home page 國家圖書館全球資訊網
台灣漢學研究中心資訊網 Home page of the Center for Chinese Studies in the National Central Library in Taiwan.
政府公報全文影像查詢系統(Taiwan) Full-text database of government publications in Taiwan.
GAIS Global area information servers 網路資訊搜尋系統 Taiwan.
Taiwan Academic Network 台灣學術網路
National Science & Technology Information network全國科技資訊網路
National Palace Museum 國立故宫博物院 (台北)
Hong Kong www virtual library
世界海外華人研究與文獻收藏機構聯合會World Confederation of institutes and libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies
A.5 UC’s Chinese collections Recommended for Digitization
- Chinese rubbing collection (UCB)
The East Asian Library at UCB has conducted a pilot project to digitize its Chinese rubbings for on-line publication so that researchers around the world can study them. This digitization project follows MOAII standards, and the data now resides in CDL’s server. A few sample rubbings are available for viewing at
- Chinese Rare Books prior to 1795 (UCB)
UCB EAL plans to digitize selected Chinese rare books prior to 1795. A pilot project is currently under way to digitize about twenty titles of Song-Yuan imprints from the 10th to 14th centuries.
- Chinese American archives and photographic collections, Ethnic Studies Library (UCB)
The Chinese in California, 1850-1925 (UCB project underway)
The Chinese in California, 1850-1925 is a part of the Library of Congress's American Memory Project. It illustrates nineteenth and early twentieth century Chinese immigration to California from 1850-1925 through about 8,000 images and pages of primary source materials selected from the Bancroft Library, the Ethnic Studies Library of UCB, and the California Historical Society of San Francisco.
- Two unique Chinese collections in UCLA
(1) Tom Leung Kang Youwei Bao Huang Hui collection, which has been microfilmed
(2) China Democracy Movement and Tiananmen Incident Collection
B. Japanese Studies Programs in UC and Digital Resources for Japanese Studies
B. 1 Program Profile Eight UC campuses offer degree programs related to Japan-- four campuses offer Ph.D. and Masters programs in Japanese studies; five campuses offer undergraduate programs on Japanese Studies; three campuses offer major or minor programs on Japan within the scope of East Asia area studies.
While language instruction is the core of East Asia area studies, the scope and the depth of the Japanese Studies programs of eight UC campuses vary greatly. At the undergraduate level, the courses are offered through interdisciplinary studies programs. The MA and Ph.D. degrees on the other hand are offered through various disciplinary departments. Besides the core courses on Japanese language, history and literature, a large number of courses are offered in a wide range of disciplines. Faculty affiliations are with Anthropology, Architecture, Art History, Business/Economics, Law, Literature, Linguistics, History, Music, Political Science, Religion, Sociology, and Theater among other departments programs.
B.2 Information Needs In recent years, Japanese studies programs in UC are shifting more toward modern and contemporary Japan. As the research interests of UC faculty expands, the need for flexibility in acquiring library research materials to support those interests has broadened considerably. The increased demand for original research materials means an increased need for accessing primary sources that are not available through regular distribution channels. Although hard copy is still the most essential resource for research materials, there is a rapid expansion of digital resources for Japanese studies. This trend has created a strong demand for non-print resources among UC’s library patrons.
According to this survey, the following types of resources are critical for Japanese studies programs in UC:
- Full text journal article databases.
- Full text newspapers databases.
- Primary sources: access to government documents, local gazetteers, white papers, opinion surveys, numerical data sets, serials published in pre-war periods, diaries and fliers.
- Audio visual sources: films directed by well known Japanese directors and award winning films, films on performing arts (Kabuki, No plays) and films adapted from literary works, animation and documentary films.
- Topical sources on popular culture, gender studies, politics, leisure in contemporary Japan, globalization.
B.3 Available Digital Resources According to Databases in Japan, 2001, the total number of Japanese commercial databases available to overseas users is 437 in 2000. Only 7.1 % of them are distributed on the Internet. The database category breakdown is as follows:
Science and Technology 8619.7%
Combinations of above 12 2.7%
Currently, six UC campuses are jointly subscribing to one database through CDL: MagazinePlus, an index to Japanese periodical literature. Additionally, the following Japanese digital resources are subscribed to by at least one UC campus:
Sakka Shippitsusha FairuGeneralUCB
Web WhoGeneralUCB
Sho no JitenGeneralUCB
Nikkei Telecome21CombinationsUCB, UCSD
The above titles represent a small portion of the entire Japanese digital resources that are available on the market. There are several reasons for the current lack of e-resources in UC’s East Asian collections:
Price – Digital resources are expensive. Usually, the prices for Japanese studies resources are not set for consortia use, if at all.
Access method – IP access method is not provided for most of the digital resources. The majority of Japanese databases are accessed by password. This method is not suitable for seamless information delivery in an openly accessible network environment of UC.
Contract – The contract is usually written in Japanese. The database providers are usually very reluctant to spend their financial resources preparing the contract in English since the market for their products is fairly small. In addition, some of the contract terms are unacceptable for U.S. institutions. For example, the place of a trial (should a lawsuit occur) will be held in Japan.
Operating system – The majority of CD-ROM products run properly only with Japanese Windows.
Japanese database providers have yet to commit their financial resources to develop products for public use, as Database in Japan, 2001 survey indicates that Japanese database users prefer Internet as their access choice. In the meantime, Japanese librarians in the United States have formed a task force to tackle the issue of Japanese database access. This group is communicating with librarians in Japan on some of their common concerns (such as flexible access methods). Librarians on both sides are trying to form a united front to sway the current market of Japanese databases towards a more user-friendly and less proprietary environment.
In addition to commercially available databases, there are many useful scholarly databases in Japan developed by government agencies or academic institutions. Those resources are not open for public use yet. Their use is limited to individual institutions. It is useful to identify these databases and include them in the proposed EADL digital collections. Despite of these limitations, there are encouraging new improvements in web-based information delivery from Japan in recent years, led by the National Diet Library and National Information Informatics. Many government agencies, academic institutions and research centers are now publishing valuable scholarly information on the Web. The recent increase of high-quality digital archives by central and local governments and museums is worth our special mention. It is important to harvest these digital resources, and provide efficient and effective ways to access them. It is essential for CDL and UC’s East Asian librarians to develop strategies for acquiring and harvesting such new digital information.
B.4 Recommended Digital Resources for EADL
Contains 39 bibliographic databases in humanities, social sciences and natural sciences by National Information Informatics with IP address recognition
Price: to be determined
Service Method: IP controlled access
A full test database of 450 academic journals by National Information Informatics, with IP address access
Price: to be determined
Service Method: IP controlled access
Nikkei Telecom21
A database of business information, statistics and news by Nikkei America Inc with IP address access
Price: $80/month basic fee + usage fee (cost varies per file)
Service Method: IP controlled access
Japan Knowledge
Acollection of 20 reference resources –encyclopedia, language dictionaries etc by Nichigai Associates, with IP address access
Price: $1,500/year with 1 ID + $1,250 initiation fee
Service Method: IP controlled access
Asahi Shinbun
Full text Asahi newspaper database ( 1926-1945) by Asahi Shinbunsha, in CD Rom format, but can be networked
Price: $14,167
Service Method: Possible local host
Yomiuri Shinbun
Full text Yomiuri Shinbun (1874-1945) by Yomiuri Shinbunsha in CD Rom, but can be networked
Price: $22,917
Service Method: Possible local host
Oya Soichi Bunko
A periodical index to over 370 general and popular magazine titles since 1988 by Oya Soichi Bunko, with IP address access
Price: $3,100 /year with 3 ID
Service Method: IP controlled access
Contains table of contents information of Japanese books published after 1927 by Nichigai Associates, with IP address access.
Price: $2,250/year with 3 ID
Service Method: IP controlled access
Who’s who in Japan after 1968 by Nichigai Associates, with IP address access
Price: $22,450/year with 3 ID and 8 sites
Service Method: IP controlled access
A bibliographical database for government documents generated by the central ministries since 1992
Price: $1,000/year membership fee
Service Method: Vendor host
Kanpo Kensaku
ADatabase of official government gazetteers since 1947 by Tokyo-to Kanpo Hanbaijo
Price: $17.50/search (no flat rate service offered)
Service Method: Vendor host
Legal Base
A database for judicial precedent, trial, law and ordinances since 1947 byNihon Horitsu Joho Senta, with IP address access
Price: $5,000 / year with 1 ID
Service Method: IP controlled access
Sakka Shuppitsusha Fairu 作家執筆者ファイル
Biographical information of writers or journalists in Japan by Nichigai Associates, with IP address access.
Price: $2,250/year with 3 ID
Service Method: IP controlled access
Sho no Jiten 賞の事典
Contains information on Japanese prizes in various fields by Nichigai Associates, with IP address access
Price: $1,500/year with 3 ID
Service Method: IP controlled access
Digital News Archives
A database of Asahi Newspaper and biography since 1984 by Asashi Shinbunsha, with IP address access
Price: $2,380 / year with 1 ID
Service Method: IP controlled access
A database for Yomiuri Newspaper since 1986 and biography by Yomiuri Shinbunsha, with IP address access
Price: $2,000 / year with 1 ID
Service Method: IP controlled access
Mainichi News Pakku
A database for Mainichi Shinbun and its photo archives etc by Mainichi Shinbunsha, with IP address access
Price: $1,800 / year with 1 ID
Service Method: IP controlled access
Netto de Hyakka ネットで百科
Heibonsha’s world encyclopedia online by Nichigai Associates, with IP address access
Price: $11,840/year with 3 ID and 8 sites
Service Method: IP controlled access
B.5 UC’s Japanese Collections Recommended for Digitization Some of UC Japanese collections are appropriate for digitalization because of their scholarly and artistic value. For example, UCB’s Collection of Edo Edition Books are believed to be the largest outside Japan. UCB recently digitized about 200 woodblock printed maps and books from the collection.
5,500 Edo Period (1600-1867) woodblock printed books
2,300 Edo Period manuscripts
500 sheets of hand written poems (waka) sang in the Edo Period
500 front pieces of the first edition of the literary works published in Meiji and Taisho Periods (1868-1925)
1,000 miniature books published in Meiji Period (1868- 1912)
4 manuscripts with hand colored illustrations from the 17th century (Utsubo Monogatari)
50 Japanese woodblock prints (Ukiyoe)
200 old maps
C. Korean Studies Programs in UC and Digital Resources for Korean Studies
C.1 Program Profile Among the ten campuses in the UC system, seven campuses offer Korean Studies research and/or teaching programs, and two of them (UCR and UCSC) offer Korean language instruction classes or general Korean history classes for lower level undergraduate students. The other five campuses offer research programs as well as various types of teaching programs for upper level undergraduate students and/or graduate students including Masters and Ph.D. degree programs. Two campuses (UCB and UCLA) offer Ph.D. programs.
Korean language and/or general history teaching programs are commonly offered in all the seven campuses. Research interests in Korean Studies/Korean-American Studies among UC faculty members range from history, literature, linguistics, religion, political science, economics, sociology, urban planning, anthropology, archaeology, art history, folklore to Korean American studies, women’s studies, film studies, and popular culture studies, among other fields.