University Health & Safety Council Minutes
January 25, 2017
Approved March 29, 2017
Present:James Hudson, Morgan Bliss, Ian Seiler, Marianne Bell, Michael Luvera, Shane Scott, Stacey Ferris, Drue Larson, Jeff Penick
Absent: Andres Moreno, Betty Hawkins, Forrest McNealley, Kerry Neubauer, Steve Sarchet, Victoria Zammora.
Meeting called to order by Morgan Bliss at 10:00 am.
1)Action Item
a)Approval of the minutes: A motion to approve the meeting minutes of December 14, 2016 wasmade by Stacey Ferris and seconded by Jeff Penick. The motion was approved.
2)Discussion Items
a)Summary of the 2016 Biennial Fire Inspection (Academic & Business Buildings)
- Jim Hudson reported on the 2016 Biennial Fire Inspection, per the inspector, it is CWU’s “best inspection in years.”
b)The 2017 Safety Survey from the Office of Risk Management (ORM)
- Every year the DOE sends out survey, anonymous response for all state employees. Jim Hudson made a strong request for everyone to fill out the survey and encourage others to do the same.
- Notice has been submitted to Central Today to be posted from Jan 25 through Feb 28, 2017.
- Jim plans to attend departmental safety meetings and will encourage staff and faculty to fill out the survey.
c)Summary of the University of Hawaii Laboratory Accident (Ian M Seiler)
- Injured person and other persons experienced small explosions prior to the incidents.
- Evidence indicated that there were previous explosions, unsafe behavior enculturated; rules were not followed. “Normalized behavior of deviance.”
- Major accidents are almost always preceded by mini incidents beforehand.
- CWU take away:
-We have similar physical conditions and experiments here at CWU.
-Ian’s safety committee will evaluate and compile recommendations.
- CWU has safety person in Chemistry, Biology etc. – assigned from bottom up not top down.
- Safety culture should come from top down (executive level).
- Question posed: Do we (CWU) have a “safety culture” here?
- Have online accident report and online report of potential hazardous situations.
d)Draft Safety Policy Statement – Follow-up from December meeting
- Request H&S Council review and provide comments by the next meeting in February.
- Safety Policy
-Have not had an over-arching safety policy up to this point in time.
-Draft provided to COTS faculty for feedback.
-Faculty pushback: concerned that this will negatively impact academic freedom.
-Faculty assumes that the University would indemnify in the event of an accident.
-Perception that this will cause more work for the faculty.
-Only one reply received so far. To be reviewed with new EH&S Manager once the individual is selected.
-New Supervisors get an overview of regarding safety requirement
e)Update on EHS Manager hiring process
- Over 12 applicants. Hiring committee interviewed 3 candidates. Offered position to best candidate; unfortunately, that candidate accepted a position at Washington State University.
- Offered position to second candidate. Position declined due to income level offered.
- Hiring committee to interview more candidates in February.
3)FTGOTO (For The Good Of The Order)
a)Concern from the whole community re: the ice hazard and slips, trips, falls. Ice storm dropped 17mm of ice. Communication needed from affected staff and students.
b)Policy Format – will be formatted by UPAC
c)University Policy Advisory Committee (UPAC)
4)Meetingadjourned 10:59