Notes of the meeting of the Abbots Langley Local Area Forum held at Bedmond Village Hall, Bedmond on Monday 6 November 2006 from 7.30pm to 10:10pm.

Present: Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst (Chairman)

Ward Councillors: - Susan Bartrick, Matthew Bedford, David Major, Paul Goggins, Richard Laval, Joy Mann, Keith Peutherer, Kate Turner and Chris Whately-Smith.

Officers: - Joanne Stewart Committee Manager

Also in attendance:- Sergeant John Anderson Herts Constabulary

PCSO Stevens-Keijzer Herts Constabulary

Bob Hall Herts Highways

Graham Bevais Herts Highways

White Watch Herts Fire & Rescue Service

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Sara Bedford.


The Chairman welcomed those present and introduced the Members including County Councillors Leonard Spencer and Roy Clements and Parish Councillor Dru Dailey.


The White Watch from Herts Fire and Rescue Service gave a brief presentation on the preventative services that were on offer for the residents of Hertfordshire. These services included:

·  Free fire safety checks

·  Advice on escape plans in the event of a fire

The Forum were advised that the most vulnerable group of people to be affected by fires were young men and the over 65’s. It was also noted that most fires originated from the kitchen.

Leaflets were available to residents for further information on fire safety.


The Chairman introduced Sergeant John Anderson and PCSO Stevens-Keijzer who were attending the meeting to discuss policing issues.

Sergeant John Anderson updated the forum on crime statistics in the areas related to the Abbots Langley ward.

It was noted that Herts Constabulary were working closely with the Environmental Health department to deal with the issue of bikes in hot spot areas such as the Leavesden Country Park.

Sergeant John Anderson advised the Forum that West Herts Against Crime (WHACK) provided crime surveys for vulnerable groups and victims of burglaries.

The Forum were informed that due to extra volunteers, the Police Station in Abbots Langley would now be open Monday – Friday from 10.00am – 1.00pm as from the 21 November 2006. Sergeant John Anderson thanked all those who had helped the Police Station to become such a success. He notified the Forum of the Abbots Langley non-emergency telephone number:

0845 3300222

In response to concerns on whether scooters were legally allowed on the road, Sergeant John Anderson replied that to be legally on the road a vehicle would be bound by the same legislation as other road using vehicles (such as requiring road tax.) If drivers of scooters were stopped for anti-social behaviour then the first warning would be a penalty notice and then if they were stopped again, within one year, the scooter would be seized and the owner would also be required to pay £105. Residents were advised to contact the Police with any reports of anti-social use of scooters because calls were needed to be logged in order for any patterns to be established.

In response to concerns regarding problem areas for anti-social use of scooters, residents were advised to keep a record using diary sheets of the problem with times and dates and to submit these diary sheets to Three Rivers District Council.

More information relating to how complaints were dealt with by the Police was requested for a future meeting along with figures for convictions of anti-social use of scooters.

Sergeant John Anderson advised the Forum that the Neighbourhood watch conference would take place in two weeks.


For the period between April – October 2005 and 2006 respectively:

Langleybury 2005 1 offence 2006 4 offences

Leavesden 2005 1 offence 2006 11 offences

Abbots 2005 0 offences 2006 5 offences

Bedmond 2005 2 offences 2006 5 offence


The Forum were updated with the changes that had been made and were due to be made to the Hunton Bridge roundabout by representatives from the Herts Highways.

It was explained that the changes to the Hunton Bridge roundabout were due to the high number of accidents that had taken place. The solution to this problem was to improve lane discipline with improved lane markings, anti-skid surfaces, changing the lane surface of the left-hand turn lane to a different colour and to adjust the traffic light timings to free up the flow of traffic.

After an extensive discussion the following points were raised from residents:

·  That the changes had not alleviated the problem of traffic jams on the A41 northbound.

·  That a reduction in speed around the roundabout may deter accidents from happening.

·  That the changes to the roundabout encouraged road users to use smaller local roads that could not cope with large numbers of vehicles.

Councillor Keith Peutherer told the Forum that various residents in his ward were concerned that a number of cars were using other local roads to avoid the congestion.

In response to a question from Councillor Richard Laval relating to the progress of stage three, the representatives from Herts Highways said that feedback from the consultation would be looked at in a phased approach. It was also mentioned that markings on the slip road of the M25 might be changed alongside a re-surfacing programme that was due for March 2007.

County Councillor Roy Clements addressed the Forum and updated residents with more information on the changes to the Hunton Bridge roundabout. He explained that Highways Authority were tasked with reducing the number of accidents in and around the M25 within the district.


The Forum discussed the issue of the widening of the M25.

Councillor Matthew Bedford expressed his concern for various areas relating to the widening of the M25, for example, the impact to smaller local roads that would be used as a diversion whilst works would be carried out.

Concerns were also raised about environmental issues such as the decrease in the air quality in Chorleywood after the widening programme would be completed.


The Chairman read out a briefing note that was submitted from the Chief Transportation and Planning Officer.

Councillor Joy Mann stated how important car parking facilities were for villagers and shop owners. She said that disabled parking bays were needed and suggested that parking spaces should be made for short-term stays.

The local PostMistress spoke for the need for customer parking for the Bedmond Village shopping area.

The Chairman advised the Forum that residents needed to feedback their concerns directly to the Chief Transportation and Planning Officer.


Residents requested that more cycle routes be established in the District and that current cycle routes should be publicised to inform residents where they were.

In response to a question regarding the anti-social use of motor bikes, it was advised that once reports were received by the police hot spot areas could be collated. It was reported that 2 motorbikes had been crushed due to anti social behaviour.

A resident requested that a traffic island be installed along Railway Terrace as it was impossible to cross in between the bus stops.

Councillor Joy Mann mentioned that when she approached Herts County Council she was told that it was on the list of works to be done.

Local residents informed the Forum that they had set up a local group called CRASH to campaign for traffic calming measures on the local roads because although the speed limit through the village was 30 mph many cars exceeded this limit.


The Forum made the following suggestions in spending the Local Area Forum Grant:

·  Benches for the Leavesden Country Park

·  Mobile lighting for Bedmond Football Club

·  Public toilets for Abbots Langley

·  Post and Rail fencing

It was agreed that the Ward Councillors would agree by e-mail on how the Local Area Forum Grant would be spent.


Wednesday 21 February 2007 at 7:30pm, to be held at the Y.M.C.A., Leavesden.


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