Enjoy a country walk (or run) – have some fun, and raise money for St Peter’s Hospiceat the same time!
Three different routes available!
In 2013 more than 200 people took part in the second annual NAILSEA CHARITY WALKS. They had a great time but more importantly they raised around £15,000 for good causes. This year St Peter’s Hospice is joining in so don’t miss out in 2014! The 2014 walks take place on SUNDAY 22ndJUNE 2014 and you can get involved walking (or running), getting sponsored, raising money for us and having fun all at the same time! It is never too early to register so get involved and commit to the event now–either on your own or with friends and family, register today!
There is a route for all tastes and abilities: three routes, all starting from, and finishing at, the Scotch Horn Centre in Nailsea and the aim is to get as many people as possible from Nailsea, North Somerset, Bristol and the surrounding area taking part, having an enjoyable walk(or run) in our local countryside with friends, in small groups on or their own -and raising money! There is a Registration Fee of £5 per person (18 and over – registration for those up to 17 years old is free) to cover costs and help local Rotary Charities.
Participants will be provided with maps and instructions for the route,a help desk telephone number and a separate emergency telephone number to call in case of difficulties. Signs will also be in place.
Here is a brief introduction to the alternatives:
Nailsea 5K “The Stroll”At 5 kilometers (approx 3 miles) this may appeal to families and is intended to be a relatively easy fun walk – pushchair and wheelchair friendly. The stroll uses some of Nailsea's many internal footpaths and is mostly on hard surfaces - the probable route would take in countryside and a village pond, complete with ducks!
The Nailsea 10KAt 10 kilometers (approx 6 miles) this is intended for people who would prefer a route that is longer, and slightly more challenging. It is likely to be the most popular distance, is not too difficult, but will require good walking / running shoes and a commitment to raising funds.
The 20K Nailsea Challenge
At 20 kilometers (approx 12 miles) this is for the more experienced who are fit and who like more of a challenge. It includes a few climbs to some outstanding viewpoints.It is for people who take their walking / running and fundraising seriously.
Each route will have been tested by a number of volunteers in advance of the day!
Walkers start from 9:15 – latest start times vary. You can also RUN one of the walks if you wish, start time 8:15 to 9 am! (Runners start earlier than walkers for safety reasons). RUNNERS PLEASE NOTE that routes are CROSS COUNTRY, OFF ROAD. They follow footpaths which are often grass or dirt, including a few reasonably steep inclines / declines. There are gates and styles along the way. Whilst the routes are signed, participants may need to refer to maps from time to time with a degree of self navigation.
You know how important the money that you raise is to us - so here is your chance to help us boost our funds and have some fun at the same time! One of these ROUTES must appeal to you! We at St Peter’s Hospice do very much hope that you will join in, enjoy yourselvesand raise money for us. Registration Forms and Sponsorship Forms can be obtained from the school office. They can also bedownloaded from the Rotary Club of Nailsea & Backwell website: (where more details of the event can be found) or obtained from Graham Hunt (07970 771845) at 14A Church Lane, Backwell, Bristol BS48 3PQ (). In due course you should be able to register (and pay) electronically from