Summer College 2010



Address ______

City______State______Zip ______

Email Address: ______Home Phone Cell Phone


I would like to enroll in the following Summer College course (select one):

Sustainability of Place: Going Local, Going Green

Grace Under Pressure: The Secrets of Survival

I, the above named student, agree to meet the following expectations during my participation in the Summer College program:

  • Attend all classroom and out-of-classroom activities unless prevented by illness or emergency. Emergencies and illness must be reported to my Summer College faculty. In the case of illness, if at all possible, this should be reported to faculty prior to the scheduled class or activity. I understand that I am responsible for the material and information covered in any missed session. Non-attendance may result in dismissal from the program. If I am dismissed from the program, I will be required to leave campus until August 19th, when New Student Days begins, and it may result in additional sanctions.
  • Adhere to all University Regulations as detailed in the Student Handbook available online at, especially the code of expected conduct on page 55, and by showing proper respect and consideration for all individuals and the community and exercising good judgment in all aspects of personal behavior. A violation of University Regulations may result in dismissal from the program. If I am dismissed from the program, I will be required to leave campus until August 19th, when New Student Days begins, and it may result in additional sanctions.
  • Adhere to the University’s policy on alcohol which is consistent with that of the state of Ohio. Ohio State Law prohibits the consumption of any alcoholic beverage by a person less than 21 years of age. The underage possession/consumption of alcohol anywhere on or off campus or the misrepresentation of age for the purposes of acquiring alcohol is strictly prohibited and will result in my dismissal from the program. If I am dismissed from the program, I will be required to leave campus until August 19th, when New Student Days begins, and it may result in additional sanctions.
  • Adhere to the University’s drug policy which prohibits the use, transfer, possession/sale of illegal drugs and the possession or use of any type of drug paraphernalia. If illegal drugs or paraphernalia are found in my possession, I will be dismissed from the program. If I am dismissed from the program, I will be required to leave campus until August 19th, when New Student Days begins, and it may result in additional sanctions.

I have read and understand the Terms of Agreement. I agree to arrive on Wittenberg’s campus on Wednesday, August 5, prior to the opening session of the Summer College program. The cost to register for the Summer College program is $1,000.


Student Signature Date

I have read and understand the Terms of Agreement.______

Parent Signature Date

(For additional information about the Summer College program, please contact the program coordinator, Dr. Miguel Martinez-Saenz at 800-677-7558, extension 6134; email or Academic Services at 800-677-7558, extension 7924; e-mail ).

Return completed form and $100 deposit by July 1, 2010 to:

Academic Services, Wittenberg University, P.O. Box 720, Springfield, OH 45501-0720

FAX: 937-327-7522