Minutes - 14 September 2017

1. Apologies and welcome

Present: SD, NP, JP, GC, KC, BR, MP, SM, TS (on behalf of the practice), NH (minutes and on behalf of the practice)

Apologies: RD

2. News from the Practice

a.  Infrastructure extension bid - complaint update

There has been some movement on this following the practice’s formal complaint. The practice has been asked to submit a business case (further to the existing documentation which has been submitted) and agree to a 70+ page document of requirements, including engagement of a large number of professional consultants. Other practices in the area are encountering similar resistance in obtaining premises funding. The surgery is, however, still receiving positive indications that we will likely be granted funding.

b.  Progress on new phone lines and proposed launch date

Installation is a 2 part process. The first part has already been completed, with new handsets, cabling, and installation of new SIP line. The final part of the installation, which involves connecting the new handsets to the new SIP line, is due to take place next week, and that is when the new call queuing function will commence.

c.  Part-time replacement for departed paramedic

Practice Nurse Teresa is undertaking minor illness training and working towards a prescribing qualification. The surgery has excess nursing capacity after employing Karen towards the end of last year, so this will not adversely affect availability of nurse appointments.

d.  Other news

A proud few months for the surgery: Dr Shah is this year’s recipient of RCGP East Anglia Faculty’s GP Award, and will collect his certificate and trophy next week. NH has also been featured in the ‘Management in Practice List 2017’ of “25 most inspiring practice managers” at number 14.

3. Minutes and matters arising: of meeting 22nd June 2017

a.  Patient Survey amends and final approval (V4) – Nik

No further amendments had been submitted prior to the meeting. One final amendment was suggested by SM – use of the word “forcefully” in relation to recommending uptake of the hub appointments. Subject to this amendment, the contents are agreed by the group and can be published.

b.  Patient Survey – Surgery actions to date

New slides have been added to the waiting room screen regarding:

·  Appointments with other health professionals (and why reception may ask the reason for appointment when booking)

·  Informing reception if waiting more than 20 minutes.

·  Online services available

Reception have also been asked to inform patients who book in at the desk if a GP is running late.

Some GP’s (one in particular) was noted to have not marked patients as ‘left’ as a reminder to do something later, such as a referral. However, they did not realise that this affected the number indicated as ‘waiting’ by the automated check in screen. Hopefully, this practice has now been ended.

SD and NH to meet separately to catalogue online services/new technologies so that implementation and uptake can be discussed.

c.  Flu jabs

Flu clinics have been booked for 7th and 14th October. Volunteer arrangements as follows:

7th: GC, SC, SD

14th: NP, JP, MP

NH to confirm times (UPDATE: 08.15-12.00)

d.  Friends of the practice coffee morning – 16 Sep

Reminder that this is 10-12. There will be a bake sale, book stall, raffle, and refreshments. All welcome.

4. Correspondence:

a.  Healthwatch enews

Has been circulated. Briefly discussed IVF no longer being funded except in very specific circumstances (Healthwatch submitted objections to this).

b.  NAPP newsletter

Discussed public consultation on items not to be routinely prescribed in primary care ( Individual and group responses all welcomed. NAPP have also asked for feedback to formulate a group response. SD, NP and GC all felt it was a very confusing document. NH mentioned that it was also something of a ‘mixed bag’ because it included items which were suggested for different reasons (for example, gluten free and over the counter products alongside rarely used medications with questions over clinical efficacy). For these reasons, it was decided not to survey patients for their opinions on this, but rather to point patients towards toe survey itself.

5. Reports from other meetings that members have attended

a.  Patients Forum

GC unable to attend meeting, but from minutes and documentation, key discussions were financial. The CCG is already £2m over projected annual deficit.

b.  Healthwatch Public Board

Very low attendance (staff plus four members of the public). Priorities were identified for non-executive directors – NP’s priority area is Safeguarding. He has also been appointed Director for Peterborough. PPG development toolkit was passed around – largely intended for new groups starting out, but worth review.

c.  Any other business None

d.  Date/Time of next meeting – 19.10.2017 at 18.30