Minutes of Mickfield Parish CouncilMeeting

held at

Mickfield Village Centre on11 July 2016

Present: Cllr Bridges, Cllr Heyhoe (Vice Chairman), Cllr Lynk (Chairman)Cllr Rooke, Cllr Turner and Cllr Vince

Also present: Mrs A Thompson (Clerk) and Mr A Stringer

Meeting Opened 19.30

1.Apologies for absence: None

Declarations of Pecuniary: None

Non-Pecuniary interests:Cllr Turner declared an interest in Planning Application 2484.16

2.Meeting Opened to the Public 19.31

There were no declarations of interest in specific Agenda items expressed.

Meeting Closed to the Public 19.32

3.Approval of the minutes of themeeting of Mickfield Parish Council held on 16 May2016.

The minutes were agreed as a true & accurate record of the meeting & duly signed by theChairman.

4.Action Points/matters arising from those minutes

Summary of Action Points from the Last Meeting
12.10.15 – 02 / Contact County Cllr Stringer re Footpath 13 / AT c/fwd
07.03.16 – 02 / Investigate Access Groups and Access Audits / MH
07.03.16 – 03 / Consult with Silver Leaf re Over 60’s Christmas Lunch / NR c/fwd
11.04.16 – 01 / Write to MSDC Housing Department re state and condition of front gardens / AT c/fwd
16.05.16 / Write To Alpha Rural Services re their invoices and payment thereof / AT
16.05.16 / Apply for a grant from the Transparency Fund / AT

07.03.16 – 02Cllr Heyhoe is toprepare a statement andcirculate the same to Councillors for comment.

07.03.16 – 03Cllr Rooke advised that there has not been a meeting of Silver Leaf since the last meeting.

11.04.16 – 01The Clerk confirmed that she has not received a response from MSDC to the letter written following the last meeting. This matter will now be carried forward to the next meeting.

16.05.16- 01Alpha Rural Services have sent an email advising that whilst they can cut the wild flower meadow they are not able to remove the cuttings under the previous arrangement and asking whether or not the same can be left. Councillors agreed that this was not acceptable and the cuttings should be removed. The Clerk will advise Alpha Rural Services Limited accordingly and ask for a timeframe for this cut. Action Point 11.07.16 - 01

16.05.16- 02The Clerk confirmed that she has received the application form for a grant from the Transparency Fund but cannot print the same. In order to complete the application, costings are required. The Clerk will forward the email to Cllr Lynk for consideration.

Meeting Opened to the Public19.56

5. Reports

5.1County Councillor’s Report

Cllr Stringer wasnot present at the meeting and did not provide a report.

5.2District Councillor’s Report

District Councillor G Horn was notpresent at the meeting and did not provide a report. Councillors noted their disappointment at his absence, failure to provide a report for the meeting and overall scant attendance at Parish Council meetings.

5.3Police Report

The Clerk advised that she has received an email advising how Police reports can be downloaded ahead of Parish Council meetings. She tried to access the report for this evening’s meeting and the Police site states that the website is still under construction

Meeting Closed to the Public 20.00


6.1Planning Applications: 2484.16: Application for change of use of agricultural land to residential garden land for 5 existing adjacent householders being land to the south of the Poplars Wetheringsett Road Mickfield. Councillors voted to support this application.

6.2Listed Building Consent: None

6.3Planning Decisions: None

6.4Other Planning Issues: None

7.Clerk’s Report

7.1Financial Update

Bank Balances:

Treasurer’s Cheque Account: £1,521.80

Business Instant Access Account: £6,038.29

7.2Payments to be made:

Date Rcvd / Payee / Purchase/Service / Amount
(£) / VAT/IPT / Total
(£) / Agreed/
Declined / Chq No.
(& ref)
26.05.16 / Alpha Rural Services Limited / Grass cutting – Month 3 / 250.00 / 250.00 / Agreed / 000559
(16/17 – 10)
11.07.06 / MSDC / Litter & Dog Bin emptying / 135.00 / 27.00 / 162.00 / Agreed / 000560
(16/17 - 11)
11.07.16 / HMRC / PAYE / 21.57 / 21.57 / Agreed / 000561
(16/17 - 12)
11.07.16 / Mrs A J Thompson / Clerk’s salary / 97.71 / 97.71 / Agreed / 000562
(16/17 - 13)
11.07.16 / Alpha Rural Services Limited / Grass cutting – Months 4 & 5 / 500.00 / 500.00 / Agreed / 000563
(16/17 – 14)
£1,004.28 / £1,031.28

7.3When sending Alpha Rural Services Limited their cheque for grass cutting, the Clerk was asked to note that only one more invoice is due and asking for clarification as to when the last cut in October will be scheduled.


8.1 The Clerk confirmed that she has had an email from John Simpson at Highways who has confirmed that the SID applications for both Mickfield and Wetheringsett have been passed to the Intelligent Transport Systems Team who should be in contact shortly.

8.2 Following on from the correspondence with Mark Wright it was noted that the damaged fence between the Church and Play Area has now been repaired, albeit without reference to the Parish Council.

8.3 The Clerk has received two letters from the newly appointed Halesworth Locality Inspector advising:

  • in order to retain communication links with the community Suffolk Constabulary intend to hold regular meetings to communicate the work completed by the Police, highlight their priorities and offer an opportunity to discuss issues requiring their attention. To this end a representative of the Parish Council is invited to a meeting to be held at Eye Town Hall on 20 July next at 2pm.
  • Asking for the date of the next AGM once confirmed as the Police want to attend as many of these meetings across the County as is reasonably possible. However, another meeting date can be nominated if this would be more beneficial.

9.AOB & Meeting opened to the public 20.21

9.1The Clerk is to chase Cty Cllr Stringer for an update on the broadband upgrade which remains outstanding. Action point 11.07.16 - 02

Meeting closed to public 20.23

10. Next meeting dateisMonday12 September 2016at 7.30 pm.


Summary of Action Points for the Next Meeting
12.10.15 – 02 / Contact County Cllr Stringer re Footpath 13 / AT c/fwd
07.03.16 – 02 / Investigate Access Groups and Access Audits / NV & AT c/fwd
07.03.16 – 03 / Consult with Silver Leaf re Over 60’s Christmas Lunch / NR c/fwd
11.04.16 – 01 / Write to MSDC Housing Department re state and condition of front gardens / AT c/fwd
16.05.16 / Write To Alpha Rural Services re their invoices and payment thereof / Complete
16.05.16 / Apply for a grant from the Transparency Fund / AT
11.07.16 - 01 / Write to Alpha Rural Services Limited re wild flower meadow cut & removal of cuttings / AT
11.07.16 - 02 / Contact County Cllr Stringer re broadband update / AT

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