Emergency Care Baltimore Working Group Meeting

Monday Q4 9/2016

Monday, September 19, 2016

3:46 PM

Meeting Date: 9/19/2016 3:30 PM

Location: Guest Room 320


McClay, James C (Meeting Organizer)

Sorin Voicu - from T-System

Dominik Brammen

Laura Heerman Langford,


·  Discussion about doing a ED based scenario for Clinicians on FHIR

At Connectathon they had a Precision Medicine track

·  Demonstration of the DAM

·  Ran checklist for co-chairs

ECWG gets a gold star at the DESD

3 year plan Review and Update

Vote: 4 for

non against

DMP Review and Update

Motion to approve: Laura, second Dominik

Vote: 4 Yea, 0 nay

Mission and Charter Review and Update

Move to approve Laura, Second Dominik

Vote: 4 Yea, 0 nay

SWOT Review and Update

Vote: 4 yea, 0 nay

·  Reviewed "International Patient Summary (IPS) template" from Structured Documents and voted to participate in the project

Wednesday EC Q2 - Meeting

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

3:34 PM

Meeting Date: 9/21/2016 11:00 AM

Location: Pisces


McClay, James C (Meeting Organizer)

Dominik Brammen


Topic: DEEDS Germany

Introduced plan to utilize the ART-DÉCOR.ORG modeling tool for DEEDS update and revision


Request new project HL7 EC-WG

Set up DEEDS

Explore importation routines for existing data

Existing DEEDS spreadsheet for mapping reviewed and discussed

Identified gaps

Wednesday EC Q4 - Meeting

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

3:39 PM

Meeting Date: 9/21/2016 3:30 PM

Location: Picses


McClay, James C (Meeting Organizer)

Dominik Brammen

Laura Heerman Langford


DEEDS update and Revision harmonization with German

Where possible the DEEDS information model should parallel the CDA V2 Level 3 model.


Thursday EC Q1 - Joint with PA, PHER

Thursday, September 22, 2016

9:04 AM

Meeting Date: 9/22/2016 9:00 AM

Location: President



HL7 and OASIS Joint Publication of Implementation Guide to Advance Emergency and Disaster Response.


PHER and OASIS aren't really getting along very well. Discussion of standard harmonization between OASIS and HL7.

Thursday Q1: EC will join PA and PHER for the HAVE-BED FHIR Implementation Guide

This will be an extension to the FHIR health care service resource

Action item

Thursday EC Q2 - Meeting

Thursday, September 22, 2016

11:11 AM

Meeting Date: 9/22/2016 11:00 AM

Location: Guest Room 403


McClay, James C (Meeting Organizer)

Dominik Brammen

Laura Heerman Langford


Congratulations to Dominik - elected co-chair

Discussion and modification of International Patient Summary Project Scope Statement


PSS reviewed - vote

·  Laura Moved ECWG will be a co-sponsor

·  Dominik Seconded.

Vote: Approved.

To Do:

Upload approved documents

Upload minutes

Review of projects on Project Insight (http://healthlevelseven.projectinsight.net/)

Joint with CIC Thursday Q4

Thursday, September 22, 2016

3:35 PM

Meeting Date: 9/22/2016 3:30 PM


This was a registry discussion

There are a number of presentations about registries and interoperability.

Seth Blumenthal, MBA from PEW is running PCPI


Used to be part of the AMA but now independent

(I signed up as an individual profile under the American College of Emergency Physicians)

Need an implementation guide to constrain standards for individual registries.


Link to CCRF DAM Work Product developed by Malik for the CIC

Includes .EA

HL7 process, contact tooling co-chair to get a HL7 based license to enterprise architect

Russ Leftwich proposes an alternative universe:

Start with registry specification of data it needs. Then a query mechanism for all data sources.

Friday: Clinicians on FHIR

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

4:35 PM




Friday Meeting

Working on Care Planning

Get test scenario from ONC



Data Access Framework (DAF)


MU materials


HSPC Sandbox


Viet recommends I have students try this out.