Thompson Cariboo Minor Hockey Association

April 17th, 2014 AGM - Minutes

In attendance: Heather Aie, Steve Aie, Michelle Antoine, Crystal Bauer, Karl Hansen, Lewis Kinvig, Shannon Brown, Diana Hoggard, Celine Adamson, Kris Woodworth and Robyn Pelley

Call to order: 6:10 PM

Correspondence: Letter from Rodeo Parade Committee looking for Float Entries … No one wanted to take it on.

Financial Report:See attached

New Business:

-Discussed ordering a 6’ Banner for TCMHA for parades and outdoor events etc. for advertising – Lewis will look into it.

-Crystal working on United Way application – will need to meet with Lewis to finish filling out. Will add to May’s agenda.

-Concession Questions were raised and Lewis said that there will be a Policy in place for the Concession by September.

-Lewis will be putting together a Financial Committee and Disciplinary Committee at May’s meeting.

-Lewis will also be providing the Executive members with their detailed job description and expectations for the new season.

Voting in New Executive for 2014-15 Season

-Diana asked Lewis if he would let his name stand as President again – He said Yes. It was asked if anyone else would like to nominate someone for the position or if anyone would like to Challenge for the position, no one did.Lewis was then voted in as President with All in Favor.

-Lewis said that Deanna had agreed to let her name stand as V.P. again this year. There were no other nominations put forth and so Deanna was voted in as VP with All in Favor

-Lewis asked if Diana Hoggard would let her name stand as a nominee for the position of Secretary and Diana agreed, there were no other nominees put forth and Diana Hoggard was voted in as Secretary with All in Favor.

-Lewis asked if Shannon Brown would let her name stand as a nominee for the position of Treasurer and Shannon agreed, there were no other nominees put forth and Shannon Brown was voted in as Treasurer with All in Favor.

-Lewis said that Ken Pelleyhad resigned his position as Head Coach and so Nominations were open for the position. Lewis nominated Karl Hansen for the position who agreed to let his name stand, no other nominations were put forth and so Karl was voted in as the new Head Coach – All were in Favor.

-Lewis said that Angie Reid had agreed to let her name stand as R.I.C. again this year. No other nominations were put forth and so Angie was voted in as RIC - with All in Favor

-Lewis said that Sherri Ouellette had agreed to let her name stand as Risk Manager again this year. No other nominations were put forth and so Sherri was voted in as Risk Manager - with All in Favor

-New Position of Concession Manager was open for nominations – Kris Woodworth and Celine Adamson were nominated. Kris declined Concession Manager but agreed to nomination as a Director. Celine agreed to let her name stand as Concession Manager and no other nominations were put forth and so Celine was voted in as the New Concession Manager with all in Favor.

-Kris Woodworth was voted in as a Director with All in Favor

-Lewis said that Ryan Ouellette had agreed to let his name stand as Equipment Manager again this year. No other nominations were put forth and so Ryan was voted in as Equipment Manager - with All in Favor

-Lewis asked if Steve Aie would let his name stand as Ice Ambassador again and he agreed, there were no other nominees put forth and Steve Aie was voted in as Ice Ambassador with All in Favor

-Lewis said that Amanda Pigeon had resigned her position as Registrar and so Nominations were open for the position. Diana nominated Robyn Pelley who let her name stand. No other nominations were put forth and so Robyn was voted in as Registrar with All in Favor.

-Lewis said that Christine Minnabarriet had resigned her position as Female Hockey Director and so Nominations were open for the position, Lewis nominated Michelle Antoine who agreed to let her name stand. No other nominations were put forth and so Michelle was voted in as the Female Hockey Director with All in Favor.

-Crystal Bauer and Heather Aie both allowed their names to stand as Directors and with no other nominations put forth they were both voted in with All in Favor.

Next meeting scheduled for May 15th at AES at 6:00 PM – Diana will schedule.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM