Thomas R. McCormick - 1


Thomas R. McCormick, D. Min.

Revised 05-15-2005

DATE OF BIRTHOctober 19, 1934

EDUCATIONB. Th.Northwest Christian College and University of

Oregon, 1956 Religion

M. Div.Divinity School, Drake University, 1960,


D. Min.Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, 1976, Ethics

Fellow in Medical Ethics Program, Institute of Religion and Human Development, Texas Medical Center, Houston, Texas, 1972-1973

Advanced Program in Counseling, Pastoral Institute of Washington, (1973-1974)

Fellow in Ethics and Human Values Program, University of Tennessee, Memphis, Tennessee (April - June, 1980)


2001-PresentSenior Lecturer Emeritus, Department of Medical History and

Ethics, School of Medicine, University of Washington

2002-PresentAdjunct Professor in Bioethics, Bioethics Program, Midwestern

University, Glendale Branch, Glendale, Arizona

1989-2001Senior Lecturer, Department of Medical History and Ethics, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

1974-1989Lecturer, Department of Medical History and Ethics, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

1985-2001Director of Counseling Services, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

1979-1985Counselor, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

1966-1985 Campus Minister, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

1966-1986 1960-1965 Minister of the High Point Community Church, Seattle, Washington


June 2000Nominated for the Outstanding Teacher’s Award

University of Washington

June 1986Nominated for the Outstanding Teacher's Award

University of Washington

June 1985Margaret S. Anderson Award for Distinguished Service to Medical Students, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

June 1984Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Service as a Campus Minister Northwest Regional Assembly, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

1972-73Academic Scholarship Award - Southern Methodist University

1958Drake University Scholarship Award

1957ESTARL Scholarship Award

1956ESTARL Scholarship Award


MemberAmerican Society for Bioethics and the Humanities


MemberSociety for Bioethics Consultation


MemberHastings Center Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life


Nominating Faculty Association, Society for Health and Human Values

Committee (1985)

Nominating Society for Health and Human Values, Board of Directors

Committee( 1987)



MemberNIH Data and Safety Monitoring Board (Levetiracetam Study)


MemberNIH Advisory Panel on “Integrity in Research”


Ethics ConsultantNIH Study (Magnesium Sulphate) Harborview Medical Center


MemberNorthwest Regional Medical Library Advisory Committee on Consumer

(2001-present)Education and Information, University of Washington

MemberMedical Advisory Board, Cancer Lifeline


MemberEthics Advisory Board, Reproductive Services, U of W.


MemberEthics Advisory Board to Puget Sound Blood Center


ConsultantNorthwest Tissue Center Ethics Committee


ConsultantEthics and Research Committee, Fred Hutchinson Research Center


ConsultantPresbyterian Ministries Retirement Center and

(1991-present) Nursing Homes

ConsultantHospital Ethics Committee, Deaconess Hospital,

(1990-present)Billings, Montana

MemberBoard of Reviewers for Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Consultant "A Project on Aging"

culminating in a day long Conference on October 4th, 1989, funded by the Washington State Commission on the Humanities, and sponsored by the Task Force on Aging of the Washington Association of Churches.

MemberProvidence-Hospice of Seattle, Board of Directors


Ethics ConsultantProvidence-Hospice of Seattle,


Chairman The Finance Campaign for the Board of Directors of

(1989-1991)Covenant House, the Campus Christian Ministry at the University of Washington

MemberBoard of Reviewers for The Journal of Theoretical


ChairmanLatchkey Project Board, University Christian Church, Seattle,


MemberTask Force of the Commission on the Ministry, Christian Church

(1984-86)(Disciples of Christ) in the Pacific Northwest Region to Develop Policies and Procedures Regarding Sexual Ethics for Professional Clergy. (Accepted at the Regional Assembly, Spokane, spring meeting, 1987.)

MemberResearch Review Committee Planned Parenthood of Seattle-

(1980-Present)King County

MemberBoard of Directors, Center for the Prevention of Sexual and

(1977 1980)Domestic Violence

MemberExecutive Committee National Board of Directors, Division of (1976 1985) Higher Education of the Christian Church

ChairmanCouncil on Ministry in Higher Education, Christian Church

(1983-1985)(Disciples of Christ)

ChairmanNational Policy Board of United Ministries in Higher


MemberExecutive Committee, General Board of the Christian Church


ChairmanCancer Lifeline, Inc. of Seattle-King County


ChairmanEducation and Information Committee, Planned Parenthood,

(1977-1980)Seattle-King County

MemberAdvisory Committee Seattle-King County Rape Prevention


MemberPlanning Committee, Role of the Funeral in American Culture,

(1977)sponsored by a Grant from Washington State Commission on the Humanities

MemberPlanning Committee Community Agencies Project, sponsored

(May-1976)by a grant from Washington State Commission on the Humanities and a resource leader for the workshops


1999-presentEthics Advisory Committee NIH for the UW Dept. of Neurosurgery,

Magnesium Sulphate Study for Patients with Head Trauma

1999-presentChair: Ethics Advisory Committee for the oversight of Dr. Paul Yager’s dual role with the UW and Micron Corp.

Chair of Theme Committee on “Spirituality in Medicine”

1997-PresentUW Medical School Curriculum Review

UW RepresentativeTechnical Advisory Board, Greenwall Foundation Project on

1994-2000"Integrating Education about the Care of the Dying into existing Medical School Programs." Sponsored by Choice in Dying, Inc. N.Y.

1996-2000Community Advisory Council to the UW Rehabilitative Medicine Dept.

MemberReproductive Technologies Advisory Committee


MemberAdvisory Committee to the Cardiac Transplant Service


MemberResearch Committee, Fred Hutchinson Research Center


ConsultantEthics Committee, & Ethics Consultation Service

(1989-Present)Harborview Medical Center

ChairThe Dean's Taskforce on Ethics in Medical School-(1989-1990)

MemberICM Course Committee


MemberMinority Affairs Advisory Board


ChairEthics Theme Committee, and End of Life Care Theme Committee,

(1987-Present)School of Medicine, UW

MemberUniversity Activities Committee on Substance Abuse


MemberBoard of Advisors for the Sexual Medicine Clinic, Harborview

(1987-1989)Medical Center

FacilitatorBoard of Trustee's Taskforce on Hospital Ethics, Harborview

(1986)Hospital and Medical Center

Ethics ConsultantNICU and Neonatal Screening, University Hospital


MemberHuman Biology: 513, 522, 526, 535 and 555 Course Committees


MemberCommittee on Transplant Initiatives

(1988)U.W. Hospital and Medical Center

MemberHuman Subjects Review Committee


Ex-officioStudent Progress Committee, School of Medicine (79-84)

(ISMS) Independent Study in Medical Science, School of Medicine

Faculty Advisor to following students:

E-2000Michele C. Yi, A Qualitative Study of Parents’ Perspectives of the Clinical Experience Before, During and After the Death of a Child.

E-1998Mark Mariani, Physician Perspectives in Washington State regarding the discussion of religious beliefs and spiritual perspectives with patients.

E-1998Earl Stoddard, A Survey of 126 medical schools examining the content of spirituality in the medical school curriculum

E-1997Jonathon Staben, A Qualitative Study of Phycian Attitudes and Practices Regarding Physician Assisted Suicide in the State of Washington.

E-1995Joe Mahmoud, Islamic Values in End of Life Care in Syria

E-1995Laura Smith, Physician Assisted Suicide

E-1991Marvin Valrey, Clinical Preventive Services in Community and Migrant Health Centers: Effectiveness and Barriers to Incorporation in Clinical Practice.

E-1989Robert Bailey, Washington National Death Act

E-1989John Hautala, DNR Policies in Teaching Hospitals-Approach of Medical Residents

E-1987H. Russell Harvey, Truthful Disclosure in the Physician-Patient Relationship

E-1986Becky Conley, Transition from Curative to Palliative Therapies in Cancer Patients Who Have Chosen Hospice Care (HONORS)

E-1985Nancy Shasteen, Euthanasia

E-1985John Mihalik, Contributions of Natural Laws to Medical Ethics Dilemmas: Withdrawing Life Support

E-1985Ellen Weiss, Ethical Considerations in Transplant Policies

E-1984Greg Wolgamott, Organ Transplants--Issue of Scarcity

E-1983Merilee Karr, Disillusionment During Medical School

E-1983Patti States, The Hospice Movement--Transcultural View

E-1982Brenda Adams, Ethics of Medical Resource Allocation

E-1981Jeffrey Matous, Ethical Issues in the Treatment of Impaired Neonates

E-1981Robert J. Schaff, Abortion


MHE 511“Medical Ethics Seminar” (2) A two credit course introducing medical students to methods of case analysis in health care problems & issues.

MHE 512“Human Face of Medicine” (2) A two credit course introducing medical students to the role of literature in medicine, utilizing literature written by physicians, and providing an opportunity for original writing.

MHE 521“Ethical Challenges of Modern Medicine” (3) A three credit course, interdisciplinary, designed for students in the health professions, provides a methodology and approach to resolving case problems in health care ethics.

MHE 522“Ethical Issues Surrounding Death and Dying” (3) Interdisciplinary, examines ethical issues related to death, follows the human life cycle from birth to death, as well as the phenomena of sudden death and suicide.

MHE 523“Introduction to Ethics and the Life Sciences” (3) Interdisciplinary, examines current topics in biomedical ethics and the role of ethical theories and principles in attempting to resolve these.

MHE 517 conjoint with FM 546“Hospice” (3) The Department of Medical History and Ethics joins with the Department of Family Medicine & local Hospice organizations in providing this interdisciplinary course involving medical students, nursing students, social work students, in learning the art of caring for Hospice patients by training them to serve as Hospice volunteers. This unique course was supported by the Washington State Medical Association with an initial grant of $1,200.00.

MHE 518 & FM 547“Spirituality in Health Care” (2) MHE & Fam. Med. co-sponsor this innovative multidisciplinary course designed to assist students in the health professions in identifying the role of spirituality in their own life and work and considering the possible role of spirituality as a resource for patients. Students learn how to take a “spiritual history” with sensitivity, the role of the hospital chaplain, and respect for the diversity of religions and spiritual pathways. Course directors have applied for a grant from the National Institute for Healthcare Research to support this course and to assist in studying ways to appropriately integrate the themes of this course in the general curriculum. It is noteworthy that some medical students and one RW Johnson scholar at the UW have chosen this general theme for their research projects.

MHE Summer Bioethics Seminar: Co-Director with Dr. Al Jonsen and Dr. Denise Dudzinski (August 1-5, 2005) A CME Course sponsored by the Dept. of Medical History and Ethics.


Teacher/CoordinatorMedical Ethics in Human Biology 535-Introduction to Clinical Medicine-I, Seattle (4hrs.)

Former Clinical TutorICM I (Human Biology 535) Tutor Group

Teacher/CoordinatorCore curriculum in ICM II (Human Biology 550 - 10 contact hours), major themes related to caring for the dying patient

LecturerICM II (Human Biology 560 - 2 contact hours)

Theme: Human Sexuality

LecturerEthics component of the curriculum for the Robert Wood Johnson Fellows in Family Medicine,

LecturerAnnual Summer Seminar in Health Care Ethics, School of Medicine, University of Washington

Case ReviewerCase Reviewer for the Certificate Program in

Medical Ethics, University of Washington


Guest LecturerDr. McCormick is regularly invited to lecture in courses in the School of Nursing, Laboratory Medicine, Health Services, Physical Therapy, Rehab Medicine, School of Dentistry and in various other departments in the Allied Health Sciences.


GEBE 524“Religion and Bioethics” (3) Credits Spring, 2005

This interdisciplinary elective examines the contributions of religion to bioethics, how religion and spirituality play a role in the doctor-patient relationship, and ethico-religions case studied in the clinical context.

GEB 536“Literature and Medicine” (3) Credits, Spring, 2004

This elective examines the human values undergirding medical practice through the lens of literature. Stories and poems written by physicians and others on themes related to the doctor-patient relationship.

GEB 534“Clinical Ethics” (3) Credits, Spring, 2003

This elective examines how ethical decisions are made in the clinical context. The role of ethical principles and a paradigm for organizing and analyzing cases will be presented.

GEB 534“Clinical Ethics” (3) Credits, Spring, 2002

This elective examines how ethical decisions are made in the clinical context. The role of ethical principles and a paradigm for organizing and analyzing cases will be presented



McCormick, T.R., Campus Ministry in the Coming Age, Christian Board of Publication, St. Louis, MO. 1987.

Currently In Press:

McCormick, T.R. “Elisabeth Kubler-Ross” Salkind, Neil J., (2005) (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Human Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications


Reed, Virginia A., Jernstedt, G.C., McCormick, Thomas R., “A Longitudinal Study of Determinants of Career Satisfaction in Medical Students” Medical Education Online, 2004:9:11 Available from 9.htm#res00089

Syat, Beth L., Reed, Virginia A., Jernstedt, G.C., McCormick, T.R.

“Gender Differences in the Development of Medical Student’s Attitudes and Values Over Time”

Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education, Spring, 2004 Vol. 10 Number 1. p6-14.

Santa, L. L., Reed, V. A., Jernstedt, G. C., & McCormick, T. R.

“Development of medical students' attitudes over the course of medical education.”

Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education. Spring, 2003 Vol. 9 Number 1 p7-12.

Woodrum, D.E. and McCormick, T.R. “Misguided Good Intentions” Journal of Perinatology 2002; 22:72-74

Nelson, W., McCormick, T.R. (et. al) “Goals and Strategies for Teaching Death and Dying in Medical Schools” (A consensus statement from eleven participating medical schools)

Journal of Palliative Medicine, Volume 3, Number 1, Spring. 2000. PP 07-16.

McCormick, T.R. “Ethics in Medicine: Ethical Principles” 1999

McCormick, T.R. “Ethics in Medicine: Spirituality in Medicine” 1999, rev. 2005

McCormick, T.R., “Taking a Fresh Look at the Hospital Ethics Committee”

Northwest Physician, Spring, 1998

McCormick, T.R., “Current Controversies Concerning Advanced Directives “ Medical Quality Assurance Commission Journal, Summer, 1996.

McCormick, T.R., “Ethical Challenges in Modern Medicine: Making Family Decisions”

IMPACT, Disciples Seminary Foundation, Claremont, CA. Number 36, Spring 1996

McCormick, T.R. and Conley, B.J., “Patient’s Perspectives on Dying and on the Care of Dying Patients” abstracted in Focus & Opinion: Oncology, St. Louis, Mosby-Year Book, Inc., March/April, Volume 1, Number 6, 1996 pp. 443-444.

McCormick, T.R. “Life Expectancy has Increased, but so have the Tough Choices”

The Disciple, March, 1996, Indianapolis, pp. 6-7.

McCormick, T.R., “Ethical Issues in Caring for Patients Near the End of Life”

Northwest Physician Magazine, Winter, 1995, 28-32, Anacortes, Washington.

McCormick, T.R., Conley, Becky, "Patient Perspectives on Dying and on the Care of Dying Patients" Western Journal of Medicine, Special Issue, "Caring for patients at the end of Life” Christine Cassel and Gilbert S. Omenn, Editors, Volume 163:236-243 September, 1995

McCormick, T.R. “AIDS: Who Gets It, Why, What Can I Do About It?” The Disciple, Vol. 133, No. 8 pp. 7-9 Indianapolis, September 1995

McCormick, T.R. “The Doctor Patient Relationship: An American Perspective” pp. 1-23 Chapter One in Bioetica, Editors: Romano C., Grassaani G., Torino, Italy: UTEP Publishing, 1995

Stevens, N.G., McCormick, T.R., "What are students thinking when we present ethics cases?: an example focusing on confidentiality and substance abuse."

Journal of Medical Ethics, 1994: 20: 112-117

Stevens, N.G., McCormick, T.R., "Bringing the Special Perspective of the Family Physician to the Teaching of Clinical Ethics"

Journal of the American Board of Family Practice, Jan.-Feb. 1994 Vol. 7 No. 1, 38-43.

McCormick, Thomas R. "Ethical Issues in Caring for Patients with Renal Failure" American Nephrology Nurses Association Journal (AANN) Volume 20 No. 5, October, 1993. (549-555)

Patterson, D.R., Miller-Perrin, C., McCormick, T.R., Hudson, L.D. "When Life Support is Questioned Early in the Care of Patients with Cervical-Level Quadriplegia"

New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 328 No. 7 pp. 506-509, February 18, 1993

Patterson, D.R., Miller-Perrin, C., McCormick, T.R., Hudson, L.D. "When Life Support is Questioned Early in the Care of Patients with Cervical-Level Quadriplegia" Correspondence. New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 329 No. 9 pp. 663-664, August, 1993

McCormick, T.R. "Ethical Issues" pp. 53-72. Chapter Four in Nursing Management for the Elderly, Third Edition, editors: Carnevali, D., and Patrick, M., Lippincott, 1993

McCormick, T.R., "Nursing Care of Persons in the Terminal Phase of Illness". Chapter 8 in Medical -Surgical Nursing - Pathophysiological Concepts, Second Edition, editor: Maxine Patrick et. al. J.B. Lippincott Company, Revised 2nd edition, 1991

McCormick, T.R., "Ethical Issues in Rationing Health Care" Pulse. Summer, 1990, Issue 9, pp. 1-3

McCormick, T.R. "Ethical Issues in Organ Donation and Transplantation" Procure, Vol. 111, No. 7, July/August, 1989

McCormick, T.R. Decisions: Ethical and Religious Issues Involved in Decisions Related to Medical Treatment of Dying Patients, Washington Association of Churches, Seattle, WA. 1988

McCormick, T.R. "Ethical Theories and Principles: Guide for MCH Practitioners and Policy Makers" Developing Public Health Social Work Programs to Prevent Low Birthweight and Infant Mortality: High Risk Populations and Outreach, Maternal and Child Health Program, Earl William Hall, School of Public Health, University of California at Berkeley, 1988

McCormick, T.R. "Health Care: Ethical Consequences" Discharge Planning Update American Hospital Association Vol. 7, No. 5, July-Aug 1987.

McCormick, T.R. "The Bible Chair Movement: The Foundation of Disciples Campus Ministry" Discipliana (Disciples of Christ Historical Society) Summer, 1987.

McCormick, T.R. "Ministry in Higher Education: A Perspective of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)" A Chapter in Invitation to Dialogue: The Theology of College chaplaincy and Campus Ministry, Published by Education in Society: National Council of churches of Christ in the U.S.A., New York, Editor: Robert Rue Parsonage, 1986.

McCormick, T.R. "Religious and Existential Influences on Coping" Proceedings of the National Conference on Practice, Education, and Research in Oncology Social Work--1984. Published by the American Cancer Society, Inc. March, 1984.

Williamson, Penelope, Sc.D., Thomas R. McCormick, D. Min., and Thomas Taylor, M.D. "Who is the Patient: A Recurrent Dilemma in Family Practice" Journal of Family Practice, Vol. 17 No. 6: 1039-1043, December, 1983.

McCormick, T.R. "Death" Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, April, 1981. (Revised 1987)

McCormick, T.R. "Emerging Issues in Medical Ethics," The Disciple, St. Louis, MO, Summer, 1974

McCormick, T.R. "Ethical issues in Amniocentesis and Selective Abortion," Texas Medical Reports, Galveston, TX, Spring 1974.

McCormick, T.R. "Abortion, Professional Practices and Institutional Policies," Perkins Journal, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, Fall, 1973.

McCormick, T.R. "Issues in Medicine and Health Care," Synthesis, Seattle, WA, 1971.

McCormick, T.R. "Campus Ministry," The Christian, St. Louis, MO, October, 1970.

Guest Editor

McCormick, T.R. Guest Editor of the Perkins Journal, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Fall, 1973.