ABN: 81 823 158 455

2016 Annual General Meeting

To be held onMonday the 17th October, 7:30pm

At the Ballarat Sebastopol Cycling Club Rooms, Marty Busch Reserve, Sebastopol.


  1. Welcome and Apologies

President, Sam Palanca opened the meeting, and welcomed all to the AGM.

Steve Gough chaired the meeting


Sam Palanca / Dom Geoghegan / Jaydn Cartledge
Alex Walsh / Don Stewart / Nathan Spencer
Jenni White / Liam White / Ash Gamble
Steve Gough / Nicholas Whte / Bree Higgins
Tim Canny / Ian Nunn / Jeremy Humber
Hugo Tolliday / Greg Nunn / Iesha Humber
Chris Liston / Brian Cronin / Daniel Taylor
Pete Walker

22 members in attendance



A total of31proxies were received.

  1. Previous Minutes

Minutes of the 2015 AGM were circulated

Motion: Minutes moved as a correct record of the meeting

Moved: Phil Orr

Seconded: Don Stewart


  1. Presidents Report

The president’s report was circulated and read by Sam Palanca.

Moved: Sam Palanca

Seconded: Chris Liston

  1. Financial Report

Report circulated by the Treasurer, Alex Walsh.

There being no further questions, Alex moved that the financial statements for the 2016/2016 year be accepted.

Moved: Alex Walsh

Seconded: Liam White

  1. Vote on Constitution for BSCC – 2017

Motion: That the Constitution for BSCC be accepted and replace all previous constitutions and rules.

Chris Liston asked that he be able to put forward a motion.

Motion: That the following amendments be made to the BSCC Club Rules

Point 44 on page 19 - change point (c) to become point (d) and then add in a new point (c) which specified that the committee must have 2 members from each division on the committee.

Point 46 page on page 20 – change the composition of the committee to have 11 total people with 7 general members as well as the named positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer

Point 48 on page 21 – to specify that the president could only hold term for a maximum of 3 consecutive years, unless there was no suitable candidate in which case the presiding president could extend the length of time in that role until the next vote.

Chris talked about the appointment of committee members, in particular that the club should be required to incorporate someone from every division onto the Committee and in doing so requested the number of Committee members be increased

Sec 48 President to be in chair for 3 years – allow the person in the role to challenge themselves and reduce the disruption

Moved: Chris

Seconded: None

As there were no members present willing to second the Motion, the first motion was restated and put to the members for a vote.

Moved: Steve Gough

Seconded: Dom Geoghegan

Carrried: 50 Yes 3 No

  1. Election Of Committee

The Chair declared all positions vacant

Election of President (2 years) – Sam Palanca and Chris Liston nominated.

A ballot was conducted under s.54 with the returning officer declaring

Sam Palanca elected President

Election of Vice President(1 year)– Steve Gough and Chris Liston nominated.

A ballot was conducted under s.54 with the returning officer declaring

Steve Gough elected Vice-President

Election of Treasurer (2 years) – Alex Walsh

As there were no further nominations Alex was elected Treasurer

Election of Secretary(1 year)– Hugo Tolliday

As there were no further nominations Hugo was electedSecretary

Election of General Committee –

A ballot was conducted under s.54 with the returning officer declaring

Tim Canny, Nicholas White, Dan Taylor and Bree Higgins were elected as general

committee members

  1. Meeting Closure

There being no further business for the evening, members were thanked for their attendance with meeting formally closed at 8.50pm.