Thomas Jefferson Cross Country
2017 Team Expectations
Believe, Trust, Commitment
Head Coach: Todd WithingtonAsst. Coach: Gabby deEncio
Asst. Coach: Brian Szabos
Look for team news and updated files or schedules under Cross Country.
To practice/participate on the team you need:
- VHSL Physical Form
- Emergency Care Card
- Concussion Education Course (completed by athlete and parent)
- Cross Country Contract signed by athlete and parent
- Student Driving Permission Form (if you might be driving to a practice or meet)
- FCPS Participation Policy
- Academics
The healthy student-athlete has their priorities in order at all times. The student-athlete must carry a 3.0 GPA at all times in order to be eligible to remain at Jefferson. The coaching staff reserves the right to suspend any Student-athlete for not performing up to their academic standards, despite how many classes they have passed or what their GPA may be. Parents may also choose to suspend their student-athletes from participation for academic reasons. Coach Withington must be notified if this happens, if you fail to provide notification,
your absence will be considered unexcused. Student-athletes must attend the full day of school in order to participate in any competition.
- Practice
You are expected to attend all scheduled practices. During the month of August most practices will meet from 5:30-7:30 unless noted on practice schedule. During the school year we will meet from 4:30-6:30 every day after school. You must attend 20 practices before you may participate in a meet. Also, you will run a 2-mile time trial and must meet your school year(grade) standard to make the team.
You MUST provide 24 hours-notice to the coach if you are unable to attend a practice. Once school begins, missing more than 10 practices total may result in you being dismissed from the team.
Athletes must be responsible to make sure they are counted during attendance. If you are absent from school, you are not allowed to participate in practice or meets.
You must be on time to every practice. A typical day at practice may include a warm-up run, stretching, drills, a distance run or hard workout, weightlifting, or core conditioning.
- Meets
Regular season meets will be mainly held on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Weekday meets are considered league meets and start in the evening approximately 5pm. Saturday meets are Invitationals that often start in the morning and last a good portion of the day.
The coaches will determine race entries during the week or two weeks prior to each meet. These decisions are based on health, conditioning, and participation of each athlete in workouts.
Athletes must indicate their availability to attend meets for the following week. If you miss a meet that you have been entered in you will not be put into the next two meets.
- Injury
You must notify the coach immediately! Communication is vital. You will be referred to the Certified Athletic Trainer if an injury is suspected. If you are injured during the season you still attend practice for alternative workouts, but may not be permitted to attend meets with the team. You may attend on your own and are encouraged to support your teammates.
- Varsity Letters
- Attend all practices and arrive on time
- Demonstrate leadership and sportsmanship throughout the season
- You must compete in a varsity A (top 7 TJ runners per gender) race in at least two Invitationals or compete in a post-season championship meet.
- Seniors who do not finish in the top 7 in two Invitationals or compete in a post-season meet, but have demonstrated leadership, and commitment and have participated on the team for at least two years may be eligible to receive a varsity letter.
- Coaches reserve the right to (and may) award varsity letters to athletes whose times are competitive, but are not in the top seven the required number of times.
- Transportation Rules
- For weekday meets (league meet) an FCPS bus is provided to and from the meet. You may ride home from the meet with a parent only if you notify one of the coaches and we talk to the parent.
- For Invitationals it is the student-athletes/parents responsibility to arrange/provide transportation to and from the meet. Before leaving an Invitational meet you must notify one of the coaches and we talk to the parent.
- If you plan on driving yourself to a practice or meet YOU MUST have a Driving Permission Form completed and turned into Coach Withington.
- Equipment/Gear
- All athletes will be required to purchase a team shirt ($25) found in the spirit pack order and a uniform ($65) purchased from the coach. We will use the same uniforms for indoor and outdoor track.
- Running shoes are required for safety. A good pair of running shoes can help prevent injuries. There will be a shoe night for the team at a local running store early in the season (8/18).
- All athletes are required to wear a sports watch to practice every day. This will help to complete distance runs with accuracy.
- All athletes are required to bring a full water bottle to practice every day.
- All athletes need to bring a 6’ – 8’ rope for stretching.
- Representing Thomas Jefferson HSST
All athletes are expected to represent Thomas Jefferson in the best possible manner at ALL times in school, at practice, and at meets. Athletes are expected to treat competitors, teammates, coaches, officials, and parents with respect by demonstrating appropriate language, behaviors, and by following directions of the coaching staff at all times.
- Parent Involvement
In lieu of any fundraising events or activities I am asking each family to donate a sum of $25 per athlete. This will help cover some of the cost for supplies and trips the team might incur.
Cross Country is a sport that requires a great deal of support from parents, teachers, and coaches in order for the student-athletes to be successful and have fun. I ask for you to get involved and show your support throughout the season. Here are some opportunities you will have:
- Represent the team as a parent for the booster club.
- Sign up to bring snacks for our weekday and Saturday Invitational meets.
- Attend weekday and weekend meets to help cheer on our athletes.
- Take pictures at meets, the athletes love to see their pictures.
- Make sure parent liaisons have your email address so you can get the cross country newsletter.
- Informational Race/Running Website:
Thank you and we look forward to a great season!
2017 Thomas Jefferson Cross Country
Student-Athlete Contract
Athletes and parents must sign this contract within 3 days or the athlete will not be allowed to participate in practice or meets.
I have read and I understand ALL of the rules and expectations of the 2017 Thomas Jefferson Cross Country Team and Coaches.
Athlete Name: ______
Athlete Signature: ______Date: ______
Please Note: In lieu of any fundraising events or activities I am asking each family to donate a sum of $25 per athlete
Parent Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Athlete Email: ______
Parent Email: ______
TURN IN THE FOLLOWING FORMS in order to be eligible to make the team roster. This must be completed within 3 days upon receipt of each item below.
- Student/Parent Expectations Contract Signed
- Student Driving Permission Form (if you might be driving to a practice or meet). The form can be found on and printed out to turn in.
**Athletes will NOT be allowed to participate in practice if all forms are not turned in to Coaches**