ThisWeek at All Saints

Sunday, June 11th

8:45-9:45am Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)

10-10:45am Adult Bible Study Class (Library)

Sunday School 5yr -8th grade

11:00am Contemporary Worship (Sanctuary)


1:30pm Hispanic Mission Service

4-6:00pm Jr. High Youth 4th-8th grade

6-8:00pm Sr. High Youth

Monday, June 12th

Garage Sale Set Up

Tuesday, June 13th

Garage Sale Set Up

9:30am Relief Quilters Meet

Wednesday, June 14th

Garage Sale Set Up

7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir Rm)

Thursday, June 15th

Garage Sale Set Up

8:45am Ladies Breakfast

7:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

7:00pm Council Meeting (Library)

6-7:30pm Girl Scouts Meeting

Friday, June 16th

Garage Sale “Pre-Sale Day”

Saturday, June 17th

Garage Sale! 8am-1pm

3-5:00pm Penny Paws Pet Vaccine Clinic

Sunday, June 18th

8:45-9:45am Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)

10-10:45am Adult Bible Study Class (Library)

Sunday School 5yr -8th grade

11:00am Contemporary Worship (Sanctuary)


1:30pm Hispanic Mission Service

4-6:00pm Jr. High Youth 4th-8th grade

6-8:00pm Sr. High Youth

All Saints Lutheran Church

Those Who Serve Us Today

8:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Greeters/Visitor Table: Adrienne Plew

Ushers: Len Livingston

Leonard Gunpat

Kevin Hanson Mearl Avis

Deb Hanson TBA

Assisting Minister: Greg Gearing

Lay Reader: John Viard

Altar Guild: Tina McManusJan Kimble

Communion Assistants:

Becky Bogle– Wine Stacey Welch–Wine

John Viard-Wine Linda Peterson–Wine

TBA-BreadDave Gustafson –Bread

Pastor John– BreadPastor John–Bread

Prayer Ministry:John & Jennie ViardDave & Lynn Gustafson

Sound Techs- Steve Bessler, John Barnes

Video – Bill Stephenson

Media –Mary Rosas, Shelby Barnett, Beverly Byers, Alex Byers

Counters: Dave & Lynn Gustafson, Mearl & Sue Avis

Coffee Servers:Deb Hanson, Sherry & Len Livingston and Shelby Barnett

Nursery Care: Kristen Barnett, Kasey Viard, Garla Simms, Kate Gustafson

Scrip Table: TBAJulia Bessler


Pastor: Rev. John Scheusner

Director of Youth and Family Ministries: Kyle Jones

CLC Director: Peggy Elder

Office Manager: Liz Beaty

Contemporary Music/Worship Coordinator: Hedreich Nichols

Choir Director/Accompanist: Joe Alan

Prayer Chain Coordinator:

Vicki Almos

Congregation Council Members

President:Beverly Byers PresidentElect:Sandi Vatthauer Treasurer:Greg Gearing

Treasurer Elect:Open Secretary:Kristen Barnett Secretary Elect:Peggy Thomas

Trustee Board Chair:Alex Widner Ministry Board Chair:Jenny Viard

Congregation Committee Chairpersons

Fellowship:Open Finance:Greg Gearing Communications: Greg Gearing

Community/Member Care: Carol Foster Kitchen Coordinator: Mary Rosas

Outreach/Evangelism: Rod Parks Personnel: Open Property: Open

Worship Logistics Coordinator: Ann Terhune Youth and Family Ministry: Kyle Jones