WHATISBILITERACY?Theabilitytolisten, speak,readandwriteat aproficient levelin English and another world language.
§ SealCertificate
§ Transcript Notation
Thisinitiativehas been made possible by the collaboration of:
- ForeignLanguageEducatorsofNewJersey(FLENJ)
- NewJerseyTeachersof English as a SecondLanguage/New JerseyBilingualEducation (NJTESOL/NJBE)
- East Brunswick Public Schools Board of Education
- East Brunswick Public Schools World Language and ESL/Bilingual Education Department
Seal of Biliteracy available for these languages because these are the only languages for which AAPPL tests:
- Arabic
- French
- German
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Simplified Mandarin
- Traditional Mandarin
- Spanish
TheSealofBiliteracywill certify that students are bilingual in English and a second language. Students who are proficient in English and meet Intermediate-Mid proficiency in a world language will receive the NJ Seal of Biliteracy certificate and will have this noted on their high school transcript. This distinction isviewedas
anasset whenapplyingforajoborforcollege admission.
For those graduating seniors who earntheSealofBiliteracy, East Brunswick Public Schools:
- Values yourbiliteracyand
multilingualskills; - Recognizesandhonorsyourrichanddiverselanguageassets;
- Helps you to promotethedevelopmentoflanguageandculturalappreciation andcross-‐culturalunderstanding;
- Providesemployersanduniversities withacertification of your biliteracyskills.
East Brunswick students wishingtoreceive theSealon their transcriptmustapply online by May 6, 2016
Go to ebnet.org, Look in “The Latest News” or apply on this Google form:
Students must continue with French, German or Spanish into their senior year.
This Google form will be used for the following:
a)Verify which required tests students will use to prove language proficiency;
b)If necessary, register for the ACTFL AAPPL to demonstrate world language proficiency.
The ACTFL AAPPL test will be administered during the school day.
You must be able to demonstrate skills in the following areas:
Students are able to demonstrate skills in the following areas:
Studentsunderstandmainideasand supportingfactsinshortpassagesonfamiliar topics. Studentsmayneedtoread/hearcomplex passagesmorethanonce. Contextcluesorprior knowledgemayhelpstudentsunderstandwhatonereads/hears.
Studentsmaintainconversationsabout oneselfandone’slife.Studentsalsouselanguageto expressone’sownthoughtsandgetthethingsthat oneneeds.Studentscanconnectsomesentences together.Studentsaskandansweravarietyofquestions. Studentsdoallofthisinawaythatone’steacherand otherswhoareusedtolanguagelearnerseasily understandwhatone issaying.
Studentswriteaboutoneselfandone’slife. Studentswritewellenoughtoaccomplishwhatoneneedsandposesavarietyofquestions.Studentscan writesomelongersentencesandconnectsome sentencestogether. Studentsdoallofthisinaway thatone’steacherandotherswhoareusedtothe writingoflanguagelearnersreadilyunderstand one’swriting.