Curriculum Overview Reception- Term 2

This term, our topic is ‘What happens when I fall asleep?’

Personal Social and Emotional
Early Learning Goals:
Self-confidence and self-awareness.
Managing feelings and behaviour.
Making relationships
Learning activities:
Making choices-Working at night time.
Why do people have to work at night?
Which job they would choose and why?
Read “Owl Babies” by Martin Wadell- Encourage the children to talk about how they would feel if they had to leave someone they love.
Create a narrative based on nocturnal animalseg the fox wants to cross the road. How can we help him?
Communication and Language
Early Learning Goals
Listening and attention.
Learning activities:
Retelling story “How to catch a star”- by Oliver Jeffers.
Using a variety of props from the story, the children can answer questions based on the story.
Listening and learning lullabies and rhymes
Who works atnight-time? Which jobs would the children lie to do and why?
Explore how bedtime routines are similar/different from each other
Draw or write something that would make them happy, or a friend happy, before they go to sleep.
Physical Development
Early Learning Goals
Moving and Handling
Health and self-care
Play “Captain’s Deck” eg Captain says “clean your teeth” etc
Can you catch the moon? – thinking of different ways to pass the silver fitness ball around the space and to each other.
Bed time challenge- Can they put their slippers on the right feet? Can they clean their face or brush their teeth? Can they get ready for bed by themselves?
Early Learning Goals
Read “Emily Brown and the Thing”
Talk about the things that the children need to help them get to sleep eg a teddy.
What do they dream about? Write and draw their caption for a dream.
Read about nocturnal animals eg night owl.
List the special features they have. Respond by drawing, asking a question or writing about a nocturnal animal.
What do they want to take to the moon? Write a list.
Invent and describe an alien / make up a new planet. Draw and write about it.
Early Learning Goals
Shape, space and measures
Read “Emily Brown and the Thing”
Counting and sorting teddies.
Matching teddies to a number.
Making patterns using stars.
Read “Papa, please get the moon for me.” Use comparative language –big, bigger, long, smaller.
Making different sized moons – place them in order eg smallest to biggest.
Adding groups pf teddies.
Making sphere, crescent mon shapes, star shapes from play dough.
Understanding the World
Early Learning Goals
People and communities
The World
Discuss the importance of 11 hours of sleep per night. Record hours of sleep in a sleep diary.
Find out about the animals that appear in your school at night. How do they find food at night?
Explore why it is dark at night?.
How can they .make a dark den? How can the children block out the light? Let light in?
Expressive Arts and Design
Early Learning Goals
Exploring and using media and materials
Being imaginative
Making a rocket- junk modelling.
Create their own solar system.
Mime walking on the moon- Planet Suite by Holst.
Create their own alien/ planet
Invent something that will help them go to sleep.
Important notices: Learning at home
Important dates:
Please revise Phase 2 sounds. s, a, t, p,i,n, m, d g, o, c, k ,ck, e, u, r ,h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss.
Term 2/3 sounds
Phase 3 Phonics:j, v, w, x.y, z, zz,, sh, th, ng.
Voweldigraphs:ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur,
ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er.
Continue to read and sign your child’s reading record on a daily basis. Thank you.
Early years reading targets - I can hear and say the initial sounds in words.I can read CVC words.
Upcoming Events:
 Friday 17 November – Children in Need- “Pyjama Day”
 Thursday 30 November – Astrodome for Reception
 Thursday 7 December –Infant mass
 13 December – Christmas school meal
 Thursday 14 December-PTA Nursery/ Reception Christmas Party
 Friday 15 December- Christmas jumper, or dress up in Christmas colours
 Monday 18 December- Reception Christmas Carol concert -10 am ( Class R1 and class R 2)
 Tuesday 19 December- Reception Christmas Carol concert-10am ( Class R3 and class R4 )
Important websites:
ICT Games (Literacy)