Lisa Creech, Teacher

WolfeCountyHigh School

Campton, KY41301

August 8, 2011

Dear Parents:

As a new semester begins at WolfeCountyHigh School, Iwelcome you and your child to my classroom. I am privileged to work with your child this year, and I look forward to working with you this semester. Together, we can help your child reach his/her full potential as a student and young adult.

For my class, your child will need the following:

  • USB Flash Drive/ Jump Drive
  • binder or folder to collect assignments
  • a spiral notebook or loose paper
  • pens and pencils

Although it is not mandatory, this year I encourage students to bring one box of tissues, one container of disinfectant wipes, and a pack of pens or pencilsfor general classroom use. Students who bring these items in during the first week of school will receive 10 bonus points for each item, up to 30 points total. The points will be averaged into the first grading period.

A course description and a parent survey are attached. Please read these with your child andcomplete, sign, and return the survey to me. The information requested will help me teach your child more effectively. You will notice that the parent survey asks permission for me to videotape your child and publish samples of his/her work. I don’t often videotape, but each year I display student work in my classroom and hallway, and I may wish to publish the best student work in our school and county newspapers or on our district’s web pages. Upon occasion, I mayphotograph or videotape students as they present projects, deliver speeches, or participate in special school projects. Your signature on the attached form gives me permission to photograph or videotape your child and publish samples of his/her work.

Thank you for taking time to read and complete these items. I look forward to meeting with you as the school year continues. In the coming weeks, our school will host several open houses, but you don’t have to wait for these activities; I encourage you to call me at anytime to discuss your child or my classroom practices. You may call me at school (668-8202) or at home (668-7467) if you have any questions. When necessary, I am available to meet with you during my planning period or at a time convenient for you, so please call me to schedule a visit.


Lisa Creech, NBCT